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Seven years later

Paige's POV

"Mom!" I finally woke up after she roughly shook me. After a night of Andrew constantly crying and finding it hard to sleep he finally slept around 3am. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at Camilla. She had a cloth in her hand.

"Cammy, what's wrong?" I rose from the bed slowly and she showed me the cloth and I realised it was her pyjama short.

"Am I dying?" I looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking at the shorts carefully. I saw spots of blood.

"I woke up this morning with that." I realised what it meant and I giggled.

"Oh honey come here." I made her sit on my lap. "Baby you are not dying. Remember when I told you that one day you would grow up and turn into a woman?" She nodded. "Well today you grew up. This is absolutely normal. Menstrual periods come every month."

"Oh I now remember." She let go of a deep breath. "Jeez, I thought I was dying." I chuckled when she said that.

"You're not honey." I kissed her temple. "You know what to do right?" She chuckled and nodded. I wanted to be sure she hadn't forgotten about what we taught her with Hailey.

"But doesn't it feel weird having something in your panties?" I chuckled.

"You'll get used to it baby. Just know if you have sex you have a very high chance of getting pregnant now." Her eyes widened and she got up.

"Mom! I'm thirteen." I chuckled and nodded.

"Some kids start early so I have to let you know so you're careful." She rolled her eyes. "So, is this the right time to ask you if Will is your boyfriend?" Her eyes widened again.

"Mommy Paige!!" I chuckled.

"Okay fine, I'll let it go. Let me take a shower okay? I'll see you downstairs." She nodded and then went out. "They grow up so fast." I said to myself and then walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that I put on some clothes and then headed to the kitchen. As I assumed my beautiful wife was there making breakfast. I hugged her from the back and she giggled.

"Good morning beautiful." She turned and gave me a kiss. I could see bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

"Good morning wifey." She whispered and that's when I realised Andrew our fourth child was sleeping in his stroller. I smiled and then went to kiss his chubby cheeks. "He looks like me today." I giggled and nodded. As much as I was the one who carried the last two kids we have, Aliyah and Andrew, they had some of Hailey's looks since the donor was similar to Hailey.

"He sure does." I said. "What are you making?" I looked at the countertop. I immediately formed a picture of the breakfast she was making.

"Your favourite." I smiled.

"And what did I do to deserve it?" She giggled.

"You always deserve the best for being the best wife ever." I blushed and then kissed her again.

"Thank you baby." I whispered. "Oh, and by the way. Our princess experienced her first period today." Hailey gasped.

"Cammy?" I nodded and she smiled. "Oh my God I am so happy. Our baby is really growing up." She said with tears in her eyes. Even after so many years, she still was easy with the tears.

"I'm happy as well." I said. "She thought she was dying." Hailey giggled and a tear fell to her cheeks.

"She's so dramatic." I nodded.

"Mommy!!" Aliyah screamed in excitement and ran to me. I giggled and picked her up.

"Good morning baby." Aliyah was mostly like me. Especially her face. She opened her mouth to talk but Andrew started crying.

"Oops." Aliyah said.

"Okay, your turn." Hailey said and I giggled putting down Aliyah and picking Andrew up from the stroller. I then walked us to the garden with him in my arms. It always helped to calm Aliyah down. Mommy duties.


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