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As we ate in the living room I couldn't help but notice how much Jason enjoyed the food.

"Stephen why didn't you tell me you were back?" I asked. I knew he hadn't  been around for almost a week, he had travelled to DC. Stephen is a lawyer.

The first night he came here he told me after graduation he stayed in Boston for about a few weeks but then he came back home to work in his father's law firm. It's a very well known firm because not only are they good but his father is very well known plus rich and from what I heard you have to be the best to be hired in his firm so you could say it was a dream for some to work there.

"I didn't want to ruin the surprise." He winked making me giggle.

"You are full of surprises aren't you?" He chuckled. He still looked exhausted. He must have left the airport and came straight here.

"You just reminded me something." He fished out something from his pocket. He took out a small black box tied with a white bow on top. "I saw it in a shop in DC and I thought it'd look good on you."

"Stephen." I gasped. "What is it?" I asked curiously.

"You don't know how surprises work do you?" He asked and Jason laughed. I smiled and took the box.

"You're not funny." He laughed. I undid the bow and opened the box. It was a gold necklace. Not much detail but it captured my heart because it was my kind of jewellery. He knew me so well. "I love it." I said still staring at the shiny gold necklace staring back at me.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you." I closed the box.

"Don't mention it."

"So what did you get me?" Jason asked. Stephen's eyes widened before he turned to him.

"Um..." he looked at me and I shrugged giggling. "Okay don't kill me but I didn't get you anything Jase but what did you want? I'll get it for you."

"Yes! I get to choose." He whispered more like to himself but Stephen and I heard him clearly. "So there's this new iPhone that is super cool." I asked quickly before he could talk any further.

"A phone?" I asked shocked he'd want that. Why couldn't he ask for sneakers or something else?

"Yes." He grinned and turned to Stephen. "Can you get it?"

"Of course." He said. I looked at him and he looked like he was okay with what my brother asked of him. "I'll get it as soon as possible." He told him.

"Thank you Stephen." Jason looked so happy at this moment. He stood up with his almost empty plate. "Okay I'm off to my room. I have a due assignment tomorrow at nine and a quiz in the afternoon."

"Goodluck." I smiled. He disappeared after a few minutes. "I am really sorry about Jason and his ridiculous requests." I said clearing the table.

"Come on Paige you know it's nothing." He said helping me out.

"You still didn't have to. I can buy him the phone he wants." I said heading to the kitchen.

"Are you saying I can't afford it?" He asked trailing behind.

"No. Of course not." I put the plates in the sink. "I know you can. I just don't want to burden you." He chuckled.

"You're funny." He put the leftovers in the fridge. "Don't worry I'm not burdened. I like Jason, he's a cool kid and I'd really love to make him happy." He said.

"You are a good friend Stephen. Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." He winked. "Besides, I don't have a lot of friends to spend money on and you guys are just perfect." I giggled.

"Thank God you're spending your money now and not your father's." He laughed.

"I still spend his money. I'm an only child remember?" He said with a smile.

"A spoiled one at that." I said heading back to the couch.

"Carson are you by any means calling me spoiled?" I giggled and sat down.

"Stephen you're spoiled. If I'm being honest with you I didn't think you would ever work." He chortled. "You have the brains and all yes but you spend your father's money so much I thought you'd rely on it and not make your own." I said chuckling.

"A lot of people think that as well so I'm not surprised." He said and to confirm his words he didn't look offended at all. "My father would never have me stay at home and do nothing all the time whilst he works to provide for us." We laughed. "No parent would have it if we're being honest."

"That's true. That's the whole point of sending us to schools." I said. "How is the old man by the way?"

"Strict as always." I giggled. "Besides that he's okay. Did I tell you he got a girlfriend?" My eyes widened.

"No way." He chuckled.

"Her name is Gwen." He said. "So I came back from Boston after a few weeks after our graduation and decided to surprise him by not saying I'm coming home. I reach the mansion and our butler tells me he's in the study. I went there and like I did today I didn't knock although you don't have an actual door but that's not the point." I giggled. "I still wish I didn't see that."

"You saw them having sex?" I asked curiously.

"She was riding him on his chair." He whispered and I burst out laughing.

"You're joking right?" He shook his head.

"I wish I was." I chuckled.

"That must have been horrible for you." I said.

"Five seconds was enough to haunt my brain." I giggled wiping tears from the corners of my eyes.

"It felt weird and awkward afterwards right?" He nodded.

"How did you know?"

"I once walked in on Amy and her boyfriend having sex but it was a long time ago. It was around the time of those breaks we used to take so I decided to spend the week here. I guess they were used to being alone they forgot I was here." I said and he laughed.

"Was it in their bedroom?" He asked.

"No, the kitchen." I said.

"Oh God. No!" He said making me laugh.

"I know right." He laughed with me.


It's a new year and I hope we all made it safely.❤❤
Let 2022 be our year for self care and putting ourselves first. I may not know y'all on a personal level but I wish y'all prosperity in whatever you wish this year, a lot of joy and hapiness.


NB: If you have been reading since I first published then you know I usually update more than one chapter per day and I'm sorry I haven't been living to that but as we all know it was the festive season and we all had our families with us and if you're an African child like me that means more chores since the house is usually packed😄😄😄 so I barely had time to write a lot of chapters. But since that's done we're back to more chapters a day.

Hope you're still enjoying❤❤

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