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Witnessing Amy and Austin's love made me really sleepless. Thank goodness tomorrow was my day off. I stayed up thinking about my love life. Everytime I had someone they disappointed me.

I know I wasn't ready to settle down but it didn't mean I wasn't lonely sometimes. Maybe I just needed to have more friends and go out a lot more. I thought to myself.

I looked at the time and it was one in the morning. I took my laptop and decided to watch a movie.


Hailey's POV

"Mommy!" Camilla shouted jumping on top of the bed.

"Camilla." I groaned covering myself with the white sheets.

"Mommy wake up. You have to see this." I finally woke up and looked at her.

"What?" She giggled moving the sheets away from me.

"There is a man downstairs." She said getting off the bed. Man? I followed her to the lower level of the villa but she was runnig so I couldn't keep up. Are all kids super energetic even so early in the morning or is it just my kids?

I arrived downstairs and a man like Cammy said was standing holding a box wrapped up like a gift and a card on it.

"Good morning Mrs Anders. I have a delivery for you." Right. He's a delivery guy.

"Okay thank you." I signed and took the huge box. "Charlotte!" I looked at Cammy. "Baby where is your brother?"

"Charlotte is giving him his bath." I sighed. I should have came with Marian as well.

"Okay." I said sitting down. "Let's see what this is." Camilla squeled excitedly.

"Open. Open. Open." I giggled but eventually opened the box.

There was a bouquet of flowers on top. I took out the flowers and underneath was a bottle of red wine and a smaller box of chocolate. Camilla gasped when seeing the chocolates. 

"Mommy please can I have some chocolate? Pleeeeaaaasse." Her eyes turned to puppy doll eyes. I giggled.

"Fine but only one. I don't want you having stomach problems because of too much sweet stuff." I said opening the chocolate.

"Thank you mommy. You're the best mommy ever." She jumped.

Charlotte walked in with Grayson beside her. He looked clean and handsome just like his father.

"Chocolate!" He screamed and ran towards me. His eyes told me he wanted one as well.

"You can have only one." I told him and he lightened up like a Christmas tree.

After giving them their sweets I went ahead and read the card. I was wondering who could have bought me flowers and wine. I was mostly grateful for the wine because everyone knows I love a good wine.

'I know this is the first time you're going out with the kids alone and if you're not already exhausted then you deserve the wine. Kiki.


I laughed shaking my head. My best friend was definitely heavenly sent. I took the wine to the kitchen to open it.

"Good morning Hailey."

"Hey Charlotte. Please don't bother with breakfast we're going out." After a glass I was sure I was going to be ready to have fun with my kids before we went back home in the evening.

I missed my office already. I missed my home. I missed my best friend. I think I also missed Paige as well. She had been keeping me updated on everything happening at work. For the past month she had been doing very well I was even considering giving her a raise. Karen said it was still early but I think she deserved it.

"I'll get the kids' bags ready then. Excuse me." Charlotte said walking out.


"Welcome home Mrs Anders." Marian said taking my bags upstairs.

"Thank you. Is Brooke home?" I asked following behind with Gray sleeping in my arms. Charlotte was carrying Cammy.

"No she went out with her boyfriend. She said she'll be back tomorrow." Right.

"Okay." I climbed up to my son's room. I put him in bed and kissed his forehead before walking out to my princess' room. Charlotte was tucking her in but she stirred up. "I'll put her to bed. You go and rest." I said.

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I went to Cammy's bed and sat. "You want me to read you a bedtime story so you go back to dreamland?" She shook her head.

"Mommy I want you to sleep next to me." I smiled and nodded. 

"Okay princess." I got in and laid her in my arms. "Better?"

"Yes." She closed her eyes. "Thank you for the vacation mommy. I love you." I almost cried when I heard that.

"I love you too baby." I kissed her forehead. My mind went to their father. He would have been the best father to them. He would have loved them more than anything in the world. I heard light snores coming from Camilla. "Daddy loves you too. I know he does." And I still love him too.

Paige's POV

"Stephen I have work tomorrow. I can't go out." I said.

"Paige come on. Stop being a grandma. Just a few drinks and then I'll bring you back." He insisted.

"Just a few?" He nodded immediately.

"Just a few."

If I was being honest with myself, I needed to go out and loosen up a bit. The house was driving me crazy. All I did was go to work, come back and sleep everyday except on Sundays. My life was boring. I needed to change a little.

"Okay fine. I'll go and change. Give me ten minutes." I said.



Do you think is Paige is making the right decision?

For the first time she chose to do something for herself and not someone else. I'm proud of her. But we all know it's never the greatest idea going out on a Sunday night when you have work tomorrow.

Vote please!!!

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