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We were all in Amy's car on our way home. It was a good three hour drive and we had been traveling for almost two hours now. We were getting closer. All the way I had been reminiscing about earlier with Hailey. That woman was really something else.

"You have been smiling at nothing since we left the apartment. Who is she?" Amy asked making me giggle.

"What makes you think I'm thinking about a woman?" She scoffed.

"It's obvious. Jase what do you say?" I looked at him from the mirror. He smiled before chuckling.

"She'll tell us in due time if there's anoyone in her life Amy. Relax." I giggled again.

"Paige please tell me. You know how curious I get." She faked cried and we laughed at her.

"Well I won't tell you her name but yes there is a woman in my life right now and yes she's the reason I'm smiling." Amy squeled like a little girl.

"Finally! I am so happy for you sis." She used her right hand to grab mine.

"Thank you." I said.

"I'm also happy for you Paige." Jason said.

"Thank you little brother." I said.


"Dad!" I ran to hug my father when I saw him by the door.

"Welcome home honey." He said over my shoulder. We had arrived earlier than we expected because of two reasons. One, Amy was speeding a little. Two, after the sex with Hailey she invited me to spend a night at her home but I told her I had to go home so she allowed me to leave early.

"I missed you so much. Where is mom?" I asked letting go and looking around the house. "Mom!"

"She's upstairs. She went to grab her phone." Dad said.

"Hey dad." Jason said and they hugged.

"Hey son. You've grown taller." We all laughed. "Amy." He smiled at her.

"Daddy." Amy threw herself at him. I smiled seeing the two in each other's arms.

"They are here already?" Mom came down the stairs rushing. She still looked very beautiful like the last time I saw her. "Oh my babies." She gave us a group hug.

"You look beautiful mom." I said and she smiled giving me a second hug.

"Thank you honey." We let go.

"It smells so good and I'm hungry. Can we eat already?" Amy said making us all to laugh.

Mom led us to the dining area where the table was already set. Our home was a four bedroom double story English home. The lower level had the kitchen, living room, dining area and the study. Upstairs were the bedrooms and bathrooms. It was comfortable and we were happy with what we had.

We were almost done with dinner when Amy cleared her throat and asked for our attention.

"I just want to announce something to you guys. Well especially you dad since you are the only one that doesn't know the good news." Dad looked at each of us.

"Good news? What good news?" He asked and mom smiled touching his hand.

"Well dad you are going to be a grandfather. I'm pregnant." He let out a happy laugh.

"You're pregnant?" Amy nodded. Dad turned to mom. "Honey we're going to be grandparents. Our baby is having a baby." We all laughed when he said that.

My father loved kids so much. Even a blind man could see the joy kids brought to him. I'd notice when our cousins from our extended family members came to visit during holidays.

"I wanted to tell you sooner Patrick but she promised to tell you in person." Mom explained. Knowing dad he wasn't going to be mad. Right now he was just too happy to be upset about that.

"I am too happy to hold that against you my love." He kissed her hand before turning to Amy. "How did Austin take it?" He asked.

"He was thrilled daddy. He's so excited he's going to be a father." Amy answered.

"That's good news honey. Your mom told me you have already found your wedding venue in New York." The conversation quickly changed to wedding preparations.

"Yes. It's so beautiful I know you guys will love it." She said.

"Honey as long as it makes you happy. It's your wedding after all." Mom said.

"All that is left is for her to pick a wedding gown. Mom you need to be there when she does." I suggested.

"Please." Amy pressed her hands together.

"Of course I'll be there honey. You just have to let me know when." Mom said.

"And I'll buy you a plane ticket don't worry." I said.

"Aw thank you honey. I'd really appreciate that." She said.

Jason wasn't much of a talker whenever we were at the table. He'd answer questions or say something here and there but not fully engage in our conversations but his presence was enough for me. Tonight I was definitely happy. My phone rang interrupting me from my thoughts. Hailey was calling.

"Excuse me." I went to the kitchen to answer her call. "Hey."

"Hey. How did the dinner with your family go?" I smiled.

"We were still catching up on the table but so far everyone is happy. We missed each other." I said.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you. I thought you were done already." She sounded apologetic.

"It's okay Hailey. It's not a problem." I said. There was an awkward silence between us. I guess she was worried what interesting topic she would bring like I was.

"I........I don't know how to say this Paige but um.....okay can I see you when you get back tomorrow? Maybe I'll be able to say it in person." She sounded so nervous I didn't know why though.

"Um sure. I'll tell you when I am in New York." I said.

"Okay. I'll tell Bobby to come and pick you up from your apartment." She said.

"Okay. Thank you." She giggled making my hairs rise.

"You are so funny Paige you know you don't have to thank me. You should get back to your family. Goodnight." She said.

"Goodnight Hailey." I hung up and turned back to the table. My family was laughing with each other. I smiled seeing them like this. It had definitely been a while since the house was filled with laughters.


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