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The next few days seemed to pass by very quickly. I was even convinced Kiara was bluffing about finding out about me since she had been quiet about her stupid threats. Well I was happy about that part but I wasn't happy about the fact that I only got to see my girlfriend only at work. She was scared Kiara might have one of her maids spying on her.

"What's the point of playing with you if you are not going to concentrate?" Stephen asked me and that's when I remembered we were playing.

"Agh! I'm sorry." I rubbed my face roughly. "My mind can't stop thinking about her."

"Dude what did she do to you that made you lose your mind so bad?" I giggled hitting his arm.

"No it's not that. It's just.....okay my girlfriend is Hailey. Hailey Anders my boss." Since Kiara was a threat in my life now, she wanted to reveal my identity then I had to tell my friends and family before I find myself on the headlines.

"What?" I nodded. "Wow" he dragged the wow. "I didn't see that one coming."

"I know right? So now the problem is her sister-in-law Kiara found out she has moved on and is bent on making her pay for 'cheating' on her brother." I rolled my eyes. Stephen laughed.

"What do you mean cheating? If I remember correctly the guy died five years ago."

"Exactly but the bitch is not having that."

"That's messed up Paige. So how exactly does she want to make her pay?" I shrugged.

"I don't know really but I know she wants to find me and reveal my identity. She actually thinks she's with a man." He burst out laughing again.

"Are you serious?" I nodded giggling.

"I am."

"From what I am getting from you I think you should be prepared for legal fights with the Anders. The whole family is against her now?" I shook my head.

"No the parents support Hailey not their delusional daughter." He laughed briefly.

"That's better but you still need to prepare yourself since you might be dragged into their fight. As a lawyer I think she'll want to take everything the late Mr Anders gave to Hailey. So be prepared emotionally and mentally for that." He explained.

"Oh God what have I gotten myself into?" I sighed laying back on the couch. "I wish this whole nightmare could just end. Agh!" Stephen giggled.

"Relax Paige you'll be fine. I didn't say she was going to win." I turned to him. "You'll be fine trust me." I nodded slowly. It was easier to hear it rather than to believe it.

Hailey's POV

"So I have bad news." Brooke sat next to me with her phone in her hand.

"God it's a beautiful Sunday evening, why am I about to receive bad news?" I whispered and she giggled. "What is it?" She handed me her phone.

"She has taken it too far." I saw a photo of me with a stranger holding hands and kissing. My eyes widened immediately I saw the picture.

"What?! Kiara photoshopped me?" Brooke nodded. I looked at the photo again and it looked almost real. In fact it did look freaking real but I knew it was not a real picture because I didn't even know the man in the photo. "I can't believe this."

"I think you should skip work tomorrow since it's all over the internet already. Journalists will want to ask too many questions." I scoffed.

"I won't do that. This won't be the first time I have to deal with the paparazzi remember? Last time was even worse when apparently I had killed Xavier to acquire his wealth." It's crazy how random strangers can come up with such nonsense.

"I just don't want you getting hurt. These people are so mean." She sounded so worried.

"I know but they won't do anything to me besides mean words and trust me I can deal with that." I assured her.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Okay."


The next morning came and I went to work as I planned. One of the reasons I was insisting on going to work was because of Paige. I missed her. When Bobby opened the door for me after we arrived the paparazzi came rushing to take pictures and asks so many questions at a time.

"Hailey how long have you been in a relationship with Mike Owen?"
"How do the Anders feel about you seeing someone else?"
"Do your kids know him?"
"When will you release a statement about the news?"

I rolled my eyes and opened the main door to the lobby. I had to talk to the security team of this company. I needed an explaination as to how the paparazzi got in the premises. I walked in and everyone stopped working to stare at me. Ignoring them I went to the receptionist.

"Darsie I need the security team in my office now."

"Yes ma'am." I walked to my elevator slowly and I could still see the stares from the corners of my eyes.

"I don't pay anyone to stare. Get back to work people." They all immediately continued with what they were doing as if I just released them from a trance. "It's going to be a long day today." I whispered to myself.


My door opened and Paige walked in. If not answering so many calls today and telling the nosy humans that I have nothing to say about the photos she was working so I barely saw her this morning.

"Hey." She smiled closing the door.

"Hey." I returned the smile.

"If anyone calls one more time talking about the stupid photoshopped photos then I will explode. What is wrong with the world?" I giggled while she dropped herself on the chair.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that."

"It's my job remember?" I smiled nodding.

"I know."

"Oh and by the way today is the last day of our senior manager as he is retiring and the assistant will be taking over meaning they'll be a vacancy for assistant manager. Do you want me to post about it so we hire someone else?" I was about to say yes but I remembered something.

"You studied business management right?" She nodded. "Why don't you take it then?"

"Our contract says I'm not allowed to have another job besides this one so I don't think I can." I laughed.

"Babe I know what it says but it's not like I'll sue you for bridging our contract." She shrugged.

"Who will be your personal assistant then?" I smiled.

"I can find another one." I said.

"I know someone who I think can do a good job like me." Even better.

"Okay secure a meeting for us so I can interview her okay?" She nodded.

"I'll go and do that right away." She winked getting up.


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