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Paige's POV

"Aren't you going to work tomorrow?" Jason startled me making me jump.

"You scared me." He came to sit next to me on the couch.

"I'm sorry." I nodded. "Why are you still up? It's past midnight." I sighed before answering him.

"I can't sleep." I said truthfully. Whenever I try to sleep all I see is Hailey. Especially when she's laughing.

"You look distressed. Is it a girl? You only have this look when you're having girl problems." I giggled looking at him in disbelief.

"I don't think you'd understand since I also don't understand what is going on with me." I said and let out a laugh.

"Try me." He said.

"Okay there's this lady that I think I like b-" he cut me off.

"You think?"

"Okay. I like her." He nodded for me to continue. "I just don't think she'll ever like me that way you know."

"Why? She's straight?" He asked.

"Yeah." I remembered the kiss. "Well no." He frowned. "Okay I don't know. I thought she was straight but then when I kissed her she kissed me back." He smirked.

"You guys kissed? Damn that means she likes you too." He said.

"Maybe she was just caught up in the moment, I don't know." It's really possible. "I don't want to get my hopes up."

"I think you're overthinking this." He said making me roll my eyes.

"If you were me, wouldn't you?" He chuckled shaking his head.

"Nope. I wouldn't." I crooked my eyebrows. "Instead I'd think of ways to make her like me more. Her kissing you back was your greenlight."

"Greenlight?" He rolled his eyes at me. He always looked so funny when he does that.

"Yes. Don't you know you ladies don't like to confess your feelings early? You like to be very sure of the other person's intentions before you actually do so." Well that's true.

"I know." I said.

"Then prove to her that you really like her too." He suggested.

"What if I do that and she tells me she's straight and the kiss was a mistake?" I asked.

"Paige come on. You wouldn't be up at this time of the night if you really believed the kiss was a mistake and she wants nothing to do with you." I looked at him with a worried look. "Okay how often do you see her?"

"Almost everyday." I said without thinking that what I just said could make him figure out who this lady was.

"You two work together?" He asked.

"Um yeah she's um....she works at AC as well." I lied but he seemed to believe me.

"Okay then when you go to work in the morning don't be awkward around her in fact don't even mention  the kiss just be calm and pretend like you aren't freaking out each time you're around her."

"Pretend like nothing happened? That's not nice."

"It's only for you to find out if she likes you or not Paige." He said.

"And how do I see if she does?" I asked making him chuckle.

"You'll see." He stood up. "Now go to bed please. You don't want to upset your boss by running late again."

"Fine." I turned the TV off and went to my room. I wonder how I would get to see if Hailey likes me if I were to put Jason's plan to work. I mean it sounds simple. Just continue with being an assistant and forget the silly feelings you have right? Simple but it's hard. How do you just forget you kissed someone you are definitely falling for? On top of that I have to see her almost everyday. "God this is so hard."

I laid on top of my bed staring at the ceiling. What if I could just tell her that I like her? No no no no no no Paige that's a horrible idea. She would just fire you. Or maybe if I could tell her I'm single that way maybe she can stop being scared that I'm cheating on my non existing girlfriend with her. Nope still not a good idea.

I sighed and closed my eyes hoping the sleep would take over me immediately. My head was even hurting from all the thinking.


The next morning started off with a cold weather. It was mid September after all. The winter was slowly aproaching. I was behind my desk working when Hailey's elevator opened. I knew it could only be her. She was late but then again it was her company so she could come at anytime if she wanted. 

"Good morning Hailey." I greeted when she walked out of the elevator. She swallowed before greeting back.

"Good morning." She walked into her office and I follwed. Okay Paige just be calm. Don't be an idiot and show how nervous you are. You got this.

"You have a meeting in twenty minutes with Mr Jackson from Light inc." She nodded. "After that you have a meeting in DC with the owner of the hotel you want to purchase. Later at 3pm you have a doctor's appointment with your kids." I stopped talking when I was done with today's schedule.

"Are yo-" she cut herself off and took a deep breath. "Thank you. Please send me an email of Light inc's file so I can browse through it before the meeting."

"I've already done that." She looked at me and gulped. "Is there anything else you would like?" Please say no so I can leave.

"Yes. I mean no. I'll let you know if there's anything else. You can go."

"Okay." I turned on my heels and walked faster to the door. It's only 9am in the morning and I already cannot keep up with pretending like nothing happened. In fact I wanted another kiss instead.

This is going going to be one long day.


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