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Paige's POV

I walked out of the elevator just as I saw Hailey's office door closing. I quickly looked at my watch. 08:00am. I don't know why I got nervous because I was on time. My phone rang. She was calling me.


"I need you in my office." I dropped my bag and rushed to her office immediately. I let myself in.

"You called." She looked up from her phone.

"Yes. I want you to make a reservation at the family hotel for three people. I want to have lunch there with Karen and Tony today. I also need to change my office so get me the best interior decorator in town asap. If they'd be here in less than an hour I'd really appreciate it. Also send flowers to Fiona she gave birth this mornin-" her phone rang cutting her off. "Okay do that for now I'll call you later. Hello?"

I walked out leaving her speaking to whoever was on the other end of the call. There was something different about Hailey. She looked like she was lighter and lively today. And did she say she wants to change her office? From what Darsie told me it used to be Mr Anders' office and he left it like this. Did this mean she was finally letting go of the past? My phone rang again startling me. I quickly answered.

"Mrs Anders."

"Get me the lead management team in the boardroom immediately. I need them all in five minutes." She said.

"Okay." I hung up and got to it immediately. I wondered what was going on with Hailey today. Was the company taking a new turn? First she wanted to change her office now she wants to speak to the management team. Something was definitely going on with her.


"Did you send the flowers I asked you to send to Fiona?" Hailey asked when we were on our way to her lunch with her parents in law. I didn't even understand why she had to drag me there. I could have stayed back and just continued with the loads of work she gave to me today. "Paige?"

"Um yes. I did." I answered. She gave me a suspicious look.

"You're having family problems again?" She asked. My only problem was her. Jason's plan wasn't working for me. I still didn't understand how this woman felt towards me.

"No I'm fine." I said looking away. I saw her from the corner of my eyes looking back to her phone. I took my work iPad out and continued working on reading her emails and responding to some.


Amy's POV

"Paige!" I called when I arrived in the apartment. It was still neat and clean like I left it. "Paige." I called again and Jason appeared.

"She's not yet back from work." I looked at my time. It was past five pm. Maybe she was on her way.

"Okay I'll wait." I went to sit on the loveseat. I could see it in Jason's eyes that he was still mad. "Can we use the time to talk?" I decided to be the grown up.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about, we both know where it will lead to." I sighed.

"I promise you this time will be different." He gave me a skeptical look.

"You think?"

"Jason please sit down." He took a deep breath before sitting down but looking away. "Thank you."

"I'm listening."

"I know you probably hate me right now for the way mom and I have been treating Paige. I'm really sorry Jason. I thought we were helping her." He let out a chuckle.

"By forcing her to be someone she's not?" I gulped.

"I realise that we were wrong. Trust me I hate myself for it."

"How great of you to finally realise. After so many years." He said bitterly. My heart ached when he said that. "Listen I can see Paige is really happy about the sudden change of heart from you and mom so I don't want to ruin that for her because she deserves the break. Just know that I don't trust you right now I am only talking to you to make Paige happy." A tear rolled down but I quickly wiped it.

"I understand." I said softly. He finally looked at me before he spoke again.

"Paige told me you're pregnant." I nodded. "Well congratulations." I smile, this was the nicest thing he has ever said to me in a long time.

"You mean it?"

"Yeah." I giggled.

"Thank you." He nodded softly. "Um Please don't tell dad yet. I plan on telling him this Saturday when we visit home. I don't know if Paige told you about this weekend."

"She did but I hadn't decided if I was going to join you guys." Oh.

"Have....have you decided now?" He nodded.

"Since we're on good terms now I will go with you." I squeled.

"Really?" He finally laughed.


"Thank you again. I can't wait for us to be under one roof as a family again." I said just as the doors opened revealing Paige. "Oh hey sis."

"Amy." She giggled.

"Okay I'll be in my room now." Jason left us.

"Finally you're back." She sat down and took off her heels.

"How long have you been waiting?" She asked.

"For about a few minutes. Don't worry Jason kept me company." She frowned.

"Jason? Our little brother?" I giggled nodding. "That explains why he was here when I walked in."

"I apologised and I think he'll soften up after some time." She smiled.

"He believes in 'actions speak louder than words' so you have to prove to him that you have really changed." I nodded.

"That won't be a problem. So how was work today?" She let out a tired sigh.

"You don't want to know trust me." I giggled.

"That bad?" She nodded. "I'm sorry about that."

"Thanks. Are you here to discuss about the bridesmaid dresses?" I nodded in excitement.

"As the maid of honour I think you should pick the colour. From these options of course since it's my wedding." She laughed and took the iPad I had in my hand to look at the colours.

"Yes ma'am."


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