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Hailey's POV

"Hey." Brooke's voice brought me back to reality.

"Hey." I said sitting straight on the living room loveseat.

"Are you okay? You look out of it." I faked a smile.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. It's been a long day." I said.

As much as it was a long day, I definitely wasn't tired. My only stress is one person. Paige. That girl was not giving my brain some rest. Today was the worst day with her. We barely talked unless it's work related. Heck she didn't even mention the freaking kiss. All she did was pretend like we didn't kiss and moved on just like that. Didn't she like me? I thought she found me sexy. Or was I a bad kisser to her?

"Hailey!" Brooke shouted making my heart jump.

"What?" I asked totally irritated that she interrupted my thoughts.

"What is going on? Weren't you listening to me?" I sighed. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Brooke I said I'm fine." I said.

"Jeez. Calm down. It was only a question from a caring friend. How can you even say you're fine when you clearly look like shit? You look like someone broke up with you or something." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not seeing anyone if that's what you're insinuating." She let out a chuckle.

"I don't believe you." She said. "It's written all over your face. You my dear friend are having love problems."

"Love?" I giggled shaking my head. "You're delusional."

"Okay when was the last time you were curled up on the couch like this staring at nothing?" She asked but I didn't answer. "See I am not wrong."

"I don't have love problems because I am not in love with anyone. You're just imagining things." She giggled.

"Listen you cannot fool me. I have been your bestfriend since middle school so I know you better than you even know yourself." I giggled. "I have been watching you for weeks now and I know someone managed to capture your heart and mind." I snapped my eyes open.

"What are you talking about?"

"Last time I checked you were a grown up so you know exactly what I'm talking about." Brooke looked into my eyes as if daring me to deny.

"Brooke you are probably imagining things. You know it's been so hard for me to move on. Even today I still love Xavier and no one else." I knew this was a lie. Ever since Paige came into my life I haven't missed Xavier or felt lonely. I hadn't forgotten him or our love obviously but right now I just felt lighter like I was finally ready to start afresh. I just didn't know with if it was with someone else or with Paige.

"Don't get me wrong I'm not saying forget about your ex husband but Hailey you need someone else in your life. Girl you need to have sex." I laughed at her.

"No I don't."

"Oh yes you do. Your mood swings are getting worse and don't think I haven't noticed you have been seeing your doctor a lot lately." I sighed. He said the same thing as well. "I'm a doctor trust me you need the sex."

I remembered a few years ago when Brooke suggested one night stands but I obviously declined not only for Xavier but because of my reputation.

"What will people say? They will think I am spending another man's wealth with someone else. You know how these journalists are." She scoffed.

"Oh come on Hailey those people don't matter. This is your money, you have been running that company for five freaking years so you have been making money on top of what he left for you." I sighed. "Listen I know I promised never to leave you as your friend. That's even the reason I moved in but time has passed. Kenneth wants to settle down. I think he wants to propose." I gasped.

"Really?" She nodded.

"Well he didn't say anything specific but his talks lately have been about kids, weddings, marriage life and families." She shrugged.

"I am happy for you." I started tearing up.

"Don't get all excited yet I might be wrong." We both giggled.

"I think he'll propose. You guys have been together for three years already." She smiled. "And if he does propose I am going to be the maid of honour right?" She giggled.

"Of course." She said making me smile. "But on one condition." I frowned.

"What?" She smirked.

"You have to find yourself a boyfriend by the time I get married." I burst out laughing.

"You're not serious are you?" She glared at me.

"Hailey Finley you are not coming to my wedding if you don't have someone in your life. I'm serious." She looked at the screen. She only used my birth last name if she was serious.

"You look serious." I said softly.

"That's because I am. Don't worry you'll thank me later." She said. I took a deep breath.

"I think I should talk to Karen and Tony about it first. I need to know how they feel about me being with someone else." She turned to look at me.

"Do you really need their approval? I mean they are not your parents." She said.

"I know but they are my late husband's parents so they automatically became mine the day I said I do." I explained smiling. "Don't worry they are good people and I don't think they will have a problem with it." She took my hands in hers.

"If you say so but please really do think about it Hailey. I want you to be happy again." I smiled.

"Thank you for caring so much about me." She gave me a hug.

"You're always welcome beautiful."


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