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"Okay we need to talk." Paige walked in again after about an hour. I stopped working and looked at her. She took a deep breath and finally sat down.

"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Okay. What is it that we need to talk about again?"

"As I was going through Abigail's file I realised she also did business management." She said but I gave her a puzzled look instead.

"Paige who is Abigail?"

"Oh um she's one of the girls I was competing with for the PA job. The tall blonde?" Oh I think I remember her.

"The one who had a messy hair bun?" I asked cringing and Paige laughed.

"Yes her. You don't like a messy bun?" She asked smiling.

"Paige this is a multi million dollar company so in order for her to work here she has look the part." I explained. "A messy bun to work? Are you kidding me? It wasn't even made messy it looked like she just woke up late and rushed to my office with last night's straight bun to the club." Paige  burst out in laughter.

"Babe stop." She said in between laughs. I joined her. "You are so funny. Now I know why she didn't seem happy when she came out of your office on the day of the interview." I giggled.

"Well I might have told her I didn't like her hairstyle. I can't be seen with a PA with such a hairstyle." I giggled.

"You are so picky." I grinned.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. You see my mother in law taught me that a person who puts effort in making themselves look beautiful and presentable no matter the occasion is someone who can deliver when given a task. Plus I like neat people and her bun wasn't so no. Abigail is not going to be my PA."

"I didn't say I wanted her to be your PA." She smirked.

"No?" She shook her head. "Then why are we even talking about her and why did you go through her file?"

"At first I thought I'd suggest her as your assistant since we were looking for one but then you don't like her hairstyles and honestly after really thinking about it I decided not to take the assistant manager job afterall." I frowned.


"No one is getting close to my woman except for me." I giggled and blushed at the same time.

"Jealous much?" I asked seductively. She leaned closer.

"You don't want to see that side of me." She smiled and damn did she turn me on with just those words and a smile. "But that wasn't the only reason I decided to stay as your PA and think of giving Abigail the assistant manager job instead." She sat straight again.

"What else then?"

"Well with the crazy bitch Kiara out to expose you and I, taking a job just like that will seem suspicious to everyone when she finds out I am the 'man' you're inlove with." I giggled. "It'll seem like nepotism just because we fuck I don't want you to seem unfair."

"That makes sense." I sighed. "I really hate this."

"Me too." I felt really bad that I was the reason for her not getting a promotion. Being my assistant forever wasn't her dream. She told me what her dream was and this was another step to getting to that dream but she couldn't because she was protecting my image.

"That's it. I'm ending this." I said with certainty.

"How?" I took a deep breath.

"I'm going to tell them. I'm tired of this. If they want to know who I'm with then so be it." I said sternly.

"Hailey are you sure about that? I haven't even decided yet if I want my life to be put out there yet." I stood up and turned to the huge windows behind my chair. The whole city was seen from here. I always looked at the city when I needed to calm down.

"I know but I think it'll be better if I say it before Kiara finds out. She can make us look really ugly you know." I heard her sigh. I knew this was going to be difficult for her. It was hard on me too. I was once in her shoes as well.


"Hailey can I please ask you for a favour?" Xavier asked looking deeply into my eyes. "And please say yes to it."

"What if I fail to do what you want me to do when I have already said yes?" I asked.

"You will not fail. I trust you." He said with a smile.


"Please come with me to the masked gala that's in two days." I quickly sat up from the couch.


"Yeah. I know you still don't want everyone to know about us yet but it'll be masked so no one will notice you I promise." I thought about it for a moment. "Please" I giggled.

"Okay I'll come with you."


Fast foward to the gala and like Xavier said. No one was staring at me since everyone was hidden. Only his family could recognise me since he had introduced me to them once.

"I'll be right back." He whispered to my ear and I nodded. He looked like he was headed to the rest room. I took time and looked around the grand mansion and my eyes landed on the masterpiece that was going to be sold tonight.

"It's gorgeous isn't it?" I looked next to me and saw a blonde lady in a red dress.

"It is." I said. She took off her mask.

"Melanie White." She held her hand out.

"Hailey Finley." I shook her hand wih a smile.

Little did I know she was a journalist and I just revealed my identity only for people to start tormenting me. Paparazzi at my door every time. Wherever I go people taking pictures or staring.

End of flashback

"Hailey." I turned around to see Paige now standing behind me. "I have to tell my family first and then you can make it public." She said.

"Okay." I gave her a hug. "Please promise me again that I won't lose you." She pulled back smiling and planted a kiss on my lips.

"I promise." She planted another one before hugging me again.


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