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"Is Bobby ready yet?" Hailey asked after the meeting. Before the meeting she asked me to cancel all her other appointments for the morning and make an appointment with Audi Manhattan instead.

She probably wanted to purchase a new car. I thought to myself. And it must be a new creation considering that she literally dropped everything she was supposed to do and rushed to get a car.

"Yes he is in the lobby waiting for you." I said to her.

"For me?" She looked at me and I saw the intimidating boss I first met when I came for an interview whom I hadn't seen in weeks. "You're coming with me."

"Oh um, I'll just grab my ipad then." I rushed to my desk and took my phones, bag and the ipad. I always carried it because being a personal assistant means working all the time. I use google a lot since I have to google either ice cream shops or fast foods places around a certain area when Hailey has decided she wants some or book appointments in certain shops like the flower shop I had to ask to close for ten minutes when we needed flowers for Karen's niece.

I love my job though since I get to go with Hailey anywhere she wants to go so I enjoy the all expenses paid trips all the freaking time. If I were to choose I'd choose she works in different countries or cities all the time and not much in the office.

I finally caught up with her in the lobby. I had to use her elevator to not waist much time. And yes I accessed it myself since my palm can open it as well now. Although I must say I wish her reason for putting me in the list of people who can use it was because she wanted to and not because one day I brought her cold coffee and it irritated her.

So the staff elevator was being fixed that day and so I had to use the freaking stairs. Yup to the fifthieth floor. She was so mad that I brought her a cold beverage so she quickly typed something on her phone and after a few minutes she just stood up dragging me to her elevator. She first scanned her palm and then scanned my palm afterwards to register it.

"There. Now from today onwards you use this one, let's see if you'll be late again or bring me cold coffee again and blame it on the elevator." I still remember her words clearly.

"I'm ready to go now." I said to Hailey when I was next to her. I followed her to the car. The whole fifteen minutes ride due to traffic, was silent. Hailey was busy on her phone looking at cars. I could see since she was practically next to me in the backseat.

"Mrs Anders. We are so thrilled to have you here again." A middle aged tall man said when we entered. I wasn't surprised he said again. Of course she's used to purchasing her cars here and other similar places, she's a freaking billionaire.

"Bruce. I'm happy to see you again." She said with a smile.

"Please this way. I think I already know what to show you." He led us to where some of their cars were kept. I won't lie I secretly wished I was here on my own to buy my own. I was still saving and I knew I had a few months left to go but I definitely wasn't going to be able to afford these cars. Unless they had cheaper ones. "Okay what color are we looking for?"

"White." She said. I turned to her direction in surprise. Hailey loved black cars instead. Almost all her cars were black. "What?" I didn't notice she was looking at me already.

"I'm just surprised that's all."

"I should be going for black I know I know but it wouldn't be fair on the owner if I chose a colour I liked instead of the one she likes." Right.

"Oh it's not yours?" She giggled and shook her head.

"No." Bruce stopped in front of a few cars. Most of them were white like Hailey requested.

"Okay. Care to do the honours and pick or do we keep searching?" Bruce asked.

"No let's look at these for a moment." She walked in between the cars looking at each one carefully. "I can't seem to find the one I'm looking for."

"Which one is it Mrs Anders? A name maybe or a description." Bruce asked. She smiled at me and then looked at Bruce.

"Let's keep on searching. I'll find it." She said before we walked to another set. We did that for about a good thirty minutes. Trust me this was not fun at all besides me taking a few selfies with the luxury cars in the background. That was honestly the only thing I enjoyed.

"Hailey don't you think you should pick any car since we can't find it for whoever you want to give?" I asked. I was tired, bored, hungry and just annoyed that I was seeing these beautiful cars and I couldn't afford them.

"Fine." She sighed and looked at me. "Which one do you like here?"

"Why would you ask me?" I giggled a little. "You know this section is very expensive for me." She rolled her eyes.

"Well you're not going to pay for the car Paige so look at these and tell me if you were to pick one which one would it be?" Bruce looked at me as well and I suddenly felt nervous.

"But what if I pick a car and the owner hates it?" I asked.

"If you pick one you truly love she won't." Oh it's a she. Maybe it's for her bestfriend. Well it would make sense if I pick one I like and she likes it since I've seen her car and she has a white baby which I know I'd drive.

"Um....." I looked at the cars line by line until I stood in front of one that caught my eye. "Wow." I whispered. "What audi is this?" I asked.

"That is a 2020 Audi S6 Prestige." He said proudly. "Trust me it's a good one plus it's still in our new collection."

"You like it?" Hailey asked her eyes slowly lightening up again.

"Well it's very classy and just the type of car I'd love to drive plus it's white which I love in cars so yeah I love it but I have a feeling it's expensive. I'll look f-"

"Wait." She turned to Bruce. "How much is it?"

"It's valued at $80 595 ma'am." He said with a smile. My face dropped.



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