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Hailey's POV

"She did what?!" Brooke scoffed shaking her head. She was pacing in the living room because of what Kiara had done earlier at her workplace. "She called us nobodies? Are you kidding me?"

"Hailey I swear if I see her stupid ugly face again I'll do something way worse than just a slap." I sighed and scratched.

"This is too much for me Brooke. I am confused right now. I don't know what to do." She sighed and sat next to me.

"Have Karen and Tony called?" I nodded. "How did they take it?"

"I haven't found the courage to talk to them." Her eyes widened.

"You have been ignoring them?" I nodded. "Why?"

"Brooke what do you want me to say?"

"Hailey even if you don't have anything to say to them but they have something to say to you. That's the whole point of calling in the first place." I huffed.

"We both know what they'll want to say. They are disappointed as well." I sighed looking at the ceiling.

"You don't know that." I looked at her. "Yes you don't. I have known Karen for years now and I know she's not like her daughter. And bedides you told them you were ready to move on before Kiara came back and they were happy for you. They didn't object." She actually made sense.

"I don't know Brooke. I'm scared." She brought me closer to her.

"I know baby I know. Trust me on this, I have a feeling they won't be as insensitive and selfish like their daughter. They might be understanding." She sighed while I thought about it in her arms. I couldn't avoid them forever.


"Hailey. What a surprise." After spending the whole night thinking about how to face Karen I finally came up with a way of just doing it today and super early before I chicken out.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." She smiled and gave me a hug.

"It's okay honey don't apologise. Come with me to the garden so we can talk. The garden has a way of calming one down. Your nervousness is very visible." I followed her to the garden. We sat down and every speech I planned disappeared. I thought of where to start but nothing came to mind. "Hailey are you okay?" I shook my head.

"I'm so sorry." Tears filled my eyes.

"Please don't apologise, you did nothing wrong here."

"But Kiara said I did. She thinks I should have waited longer." She let out a chuckle.

"She's just not used to you being with another man honey don't worry, she'll come around."

"I don't think so. My bestfriend and her had a fight at the hospital yesterday. Brooke said she promised it wasn't over."

"What? She went to Brooke's workplace?" I nodded wiping my tears.

"She's really mad at me. I thought you would be too." She smiled shaking her head.

"I knew this day would come. To be honest I thought it'd come sooner but you proved to really love my son. It's very rare to stay without a man or mourn for more than five years. Thank you that you respected him and us for those years my daughter." I burst out crying when I heard her saying that.

"Thank you." I whispered after throwing myself on her in a hug. "Thank you for understanding."

"Don't let Kiara get to you. She will accept sooner or later. She has to." I nodded. "Just please promise me you'll always remain a part of this family. I am still your mother." I nodded.

"I promise you. You have been so good to me I can never turn my back on you." She smiled wiping my wet cheeks.

"Thank you." She hugged me again.

"How about Tony? Is he okay with this?" She nodded.

"He is even happy that you're happy as well." I let out a chuckle.

"Really?" She nodded with a smile. "Is he still sleeping? I need to talk to him as well."

"Okay how about you wait for him in the living room while I go to check if he's up?" I nodded.

We both went into the house. I sat on the couch and took my phone out. It was still 6am. Only the staff was awake and doing their jobs. I was patiently waiting for Tony also checking emails since I planned on going to work today as well. Yesterday I thought of skipping but after speaking to Karen I was feeling lighter. It was also a way of seeing Paige since her beautiful face made every worry go away.

"Oh so you finally came to apologise." I looked up to see Kiara in her white fluffy robe.

"Good morning Kiara." She crooked her eyebrows.

"Is that all?" I sighed and went back to my phone. Speaking to her would ruin my mood. "Okay since you are still hard headed I'll make things easier for you. End the silly relationship you have with whoever that man is before I have people digging and trust me when they find out who he is, I'll make sure his life is a living hell." I let out a chuckle.

"Are you done?" She looked dumbfounded that her scare tactic didn't work. "Do whatever you want I don't care. I will not let you dictate how I live my life as if I'm your toy or something."

"Hailey are you challenging me? How dare you?!"

"Enough!!" Tony shouted angrily. His face showed how angry he was since he was glaring at Kiara. "Kiara what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this to her?"

"Dad don't tell me you support her infidelity. Xavier was your son! Don't you care?"

"Of course I care. Do you think I am happy that I lost my son? It hurt me too but there is nothing I can do about it. This poor young woman right here has been through hell because of that. She deserves a break!" Kiara looked away unable to speak. "You better stop this or you will have me to deal with."

"I can see you all have forgotten my brother but I will never do that. She swore she loved him and she swore she would till eternity so she will stick by that no matter what!" She turned to me. "You will pay for doing this to my brother. I swear." She stormed out of the living room abruptly leaving us all wide eyed.


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