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Paige's POV

"I guess what I'm trying to tell you is I've fallen for you."

2:30 in the freaking morning and my mind is still replaying what Hailey told me. This is what I've always wanted to hear and sometimes even dreamt it but now I'm freaking out like an idiot. Does it mean she loves me? Did she even mean it? Maybe she wasn't sure. Damn Paige why did you ask her what she really wanted.

Maybe I wouldn't be up by this time of the night trying to-

"Are you always having sleepless nights or it's just tonight?" Mom's voice startled me. I looked at her beside me. Since I have a two bedroom apartment and a huge bed she was sleeping in my room.

"Mom." I held my chest. "You scared me." I said.

"Well you're tossing and turning every two minutes so you're disturbing my sleep." Oops. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing mom. I'm sorry I'll be quiet from now on I promise." I said.

"I'm already up so you might as well spit it out." She laid on her back looking up the ceiling.

"There's really nothing to tell I'm just thinking about work." Work? Really Paige? Is that the best you could come up with?

"I was also twenty three once you know and funny enough you are just like me." She giggled. "So I know when you're lying Paige."

"Why do you mothers know everything?" I sighed and she laughed.

"Because we're mothers." I giggled. I finally laid on my back like her. "Are you having sleepless nights because of someone?"

"Yes." She gasped.

"You found someone?" I giggled.

"Well yes but it didn't start off like you'd think it was supposed to. I- we.....okay we like each other but um I don't know I'm not sure if a relationship would work."

"Why would you think that?" She asked.

"Mom I don't think you'd want to know this. I'm not exactly the most saint child you have so maybe some things I've done or do you shouldn't know." She laughed. "What's funny?"

"You." I frowned.

"Me? How?"

"Okay let me tell you how your dad and I met." She turned to look at me. "He was my one night stand." I gasped covering my mouth with wide eyes.

"Mom" she laughed and nodded.

"Yup. Relationships weren't my kind of thing back then. Well that's until one night I had sex with a stranger and the next morning I forgot to take a pill because his handsome face kept haunting my mind. I was having sleepless nights like you, thinking 'how could I have had sex with the hot chef everyone knew?" I giggled.

"He was thee hot chef?" She laughed and nodded.

"As you already know your father is very reserved so everyone knew he wasn't the one night stand type of guy but that night it happened." I grew curious.


"At that time I obviously didn't ask. I was also drunk to be honest so I only got to see who I had sex with in the morning." I nodded. "But after some time he told me he had caught his girlfriend in bed with another man that afternoon so he wanted to forget."

"What?" She nodded. "Wow." Mom sighed. "Wait a minute. So you got Amy after sex with a stranger?" She nodded and we laughed. "So how did you guys end up getting married?"

"Well after a few weeks my doctor told me I'm pregnant and now I had to tell him what was going on. Took me another week to get the courage but I finally did." She explained.

"Did he give you any problem when you did?" I asked.

"Not really. Of course we both were not expecting a baby but then Amy was on the way so we had to accept that. So we first started off as friends co-parenting until one thing led to another and we found ourselves inlove. When she was one we got married like we told you." I smiled nodding. The only part they had never mentioned was that they were first one night stands.

"I would have never guessed that you used to do one night stands." She giggled.

"Where do you think you got the wildness from?" I laughed. "Exactly." She looked at me for a moment. "Listen honey I told you this to let you know that you don't have to be scared I'll judge you anymore okay? Whatever skeletons you have I love them just like I love you too."

"I love you too mom." She placed a kiss on my forehead. "Okay maybe I should go ahead and tell you what's bothering me."


"Okay first of all the car I got is not a company car."

"I already know that." My eyes widened.

"You knew?" She laid back down.

"I'm your mother Paige I know you so well. I suspected something was fishy at the airport when you told me it's a company car. I mean it's too good looking to be one but then I thought let me give you the benefit of the doubt until I overheard your conversation over the phone with a Hailey after we got here. You were thanking her for the gift she got you." I sighed feeling defeated.

"I guess you know everything then." I said.

"Not everything. Who is Hailey? Is she your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Well she's actually my boss mom." I was even surprised she asked.

"You mean Hailey Anders?" She gasped getting up again. "You are screwing that famous widow?" I cringed.

"Mom!" She giggled.

"Okay sorry but wait a minute. Wasn't she married to a man?" I sighed.

"Turns out she's bisexual and that's because of me."

"You?" I nodded.

"Yes I'm the first woman she's ever been with."

"Oh. So how long has this been going on?" I rolled my eyes.

"A few weeks now. Almost two months I think." I said.

"Are you in love with her?" I snapped my head to her direction.

"Mom!" She shrugged.

"What? She bought you a car and you two have been together for almost two months so it's only logical I ask."


"We were not together we were just having fun I guess." I said.

"And now?"

"It's getting complicated. I mean I like her, in fact I think I have fallen for her too but I don't know if a relationship will be a good thing. We started off with sex and what if a relationship will ruin what we have? What if we decide to be a couple and she gets bored or she realises it's not what she wants."

"Paige." Mom took a deep breath. "You have always been an overthinker. Listen honey if you entertain your what ifs you will never get to enjoy life. You only live once you know so live your life to the fullest. If you feel like you have feelings for her and you see that she likes you the same way then go for it."

"Really?" She nodded.

"If not you'll only live to regret not trying." That actually made sense.

"Wow. Thank you mom, you know that was really helpful." I rolled to give her a hug.

"You're welcome honey." She yawned. "Okay let's get back to sleep. You have work tomorrow."

"Okay." I turned to my side. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight baby."


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