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Saturday finally came and I woke up really early that morning to make the brownies that I promised Hailey. I was happy I finally called mom last night because the next morning I felt lighter after talking to her and hearing her say sorry and us just having a heart to heart. I was happy to have my mom back in my life and most importantly her finally telling me that she has accepted who I was.

I finished with the brownies in time and I decided to shower. It was still early and Jason had gone out again with 'a friend'. I suspected he was referring to a girl but I was going to let him tell me about it first.

I finished dressing up in a black long dress reaching my feet. In fact covering them. I decided to throw on just my gucci black slides Hailey bought for me the other day. I looked at myself in my mirror and decided to tie my hair in a messy bun and put hoops on as well. Since it was going to be a pool party I decided not to bother with much make up. Just brows. I realised my lips felt bare without my red lipstick so I went ahead and wore it. I took my bag and walked back to the kitchen to take the brownies.


"Paige!" Hailey called after a few minutes the maid went to notify her that I had arrived. "You're finally here." She smiled and opened her arms for me to hug her. I complied even though I knew it would definitely give me sleepless nights.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't think you guys had already started." I said.

"Don't apologise. Please come this side." She showed to the hallway leading to the back of the house. "Are those the brownies? God they smell delicious."

"Um yes." I smiled following her. "Where do I put them?"

"There is a table outside for the food don't worry." She kept walking.

Did I say how incredibly sexy this woman looked? She was in her black bathing suit. Her body exposed and looking so beautiful. Her hips swayed to the sides as she walked. I had to clear my throat to kill the lump that was building up by just looking at my boss's body. There was no doubting it. She definitely turned me on.

"You can put them here." My mind came back and I had to see we had arrived. There were other kids today, the twins's friends and cousins playing and some swimming. I placed the brownies just as Camilla shouted my name.

"Paige!" She came running and hugged my thighs.

"Hello princess." I picked her wet body up.

"You came" she giggled hugging me tightly.

"I wouldn't miss you and your brother's party for anything in the world." She smiled and looked around.

"Gray!" She called her brother who started running immediately he saw me.

"Paige!" He shouted as he ran. I giggled and put Camilla down before picking him up and giving him a hug.

"I'm happy to see you too Gray." I said between giggles.

These kids were definitely fond of me. From what I've noticed, they are never this comfortable with anyone outside family or the helpers. I can say I was very lucky that Camilla loved me the first day she saw me.

"I missed you." He said.

"I missed you too buddy." I smiled giving him a kiss on his forehead. 

"Hey! You didn't kiss me!" Camilla said folding her arms. Her mother and I laughed. I put Gray down and squated in front of her.

"I'm sorry princess." I kissed her too.

"Paige brought you guys brownies." Camilla jumped with the widest smile when she heard that.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes. Now thank her before you eat them." They both came towards me.

"Thank you Paige." They said together and I couldn't help but melt at how cute that was.

"You're welcome guys." Immediately after I said that they ran to the table to take one each.

"Thank you again for the brownies Paige." Hailey said as I stood up.

"I'm glad I could do something for them." I said. "Can I use your bathroom? I think I should change. I'm the only one with a dress on. Plus it needs to dry since I hugged and carried Camilla and Grayson." They soaked my dress.

"Sure. This way." I followed her again to the house and she showed me to what I assumed to be the guest room. "The bathroom is over there." I looked around the room.

"Your house is really beautiful Hailey." I said.

"Thank you." She smiled. We locked eyes again for the second time so far. Unlike the office she was closer this time. I wished to kiss those pink plum lips so bad but yet again I cleared my throat to cut the moment short.

"I should probably change." I said and she shook her head as if shaking off something in her mind.

"Yeah sure. I um.....I'll go back to the pool." She turned and walked out immediately. When she closed the door I let go of the breath I was holding.

"Paige get it together." I took a deep breath and finally changed.


Hailey's POV

"Thank you so much for inviting me to the party Hailey." Paige said later in the night after putting the twins to sleep. They specifically asked to be put by her to sleep tonight. Was I surprised? No. I was utterly shocked. I also didn't think she was going to be able to. Now I can safely say she's good with kids. My children clearly love Paige. She's just so sweet and nice I understand why they do.

"You're welcome." I walked her downstairs. "Will you be able to drive at this time of the night?" I asked seeing that it was almost midnight.

"Drive?" She giggled. "I don't have a car. I use cabs." My eyes widened.

"You don't?" I asked. "You mean you've been working for me for over a month now and I still didn't know you don't have a car?" She stopped giggling and swallowed.

"I didn't think it mattered and besides you pay me a lot of money so I have been saving for a car in a few months." I looked at her surprised.

"Saving?" She nodded. "Paige you are really full of surprises. Wait a minute.....you mean you've been using cabs every time I sent you around town?" She nodded.

"Yes. It's honestly not a problem to me." She said. It definitely was a problem to me. I started wondering how she even always made it to work on time without a car. This shows how determined she is. And not even once has she ever complained. "I think I should get going. It's really late."

"Paige getting a cab at this time of the night is not possible. I can't allow that you go out right now." I tried to convince her. "Bobby has already retired to his room so I can't wake him up to drive you back home."

"I'll just call my sister to-" I shook my head.

"You can sleep here it's not a problem. Come." I dragged her to the guestroom she changed in earlier.


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