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Paige's POV

"Girl you look so fresh and so happy what are they feeding you in New Zealand?" Amy giggled.

"Paige stop being silly. I am still the same." I smiled shaking my head.

"You look way better." I giggled. "I miss you though sis." I sat down with my popcorn in hand and phone on the other.

"I miss you too Paige. I miss New York too." I smiled.

"You have a few days left don't worry." She nodded. My work phone rang on the table. I looked at who was calling and it was Hailey. "Hey can we facetime again later?" 

"Okay bye." I answered the other and put away my personal one.


"Hey...um I wa-..." she sighed.

"Baby are you okay? Is it Kiara again?" That lady annoyed me to the fullest honestly.

"She promised to make me pay. I just need you to know it ain't going to be easy from now on. She promised to dig until she finds out the man I'm seeing." She let out a pained laugh.

"A man?" I asked.

"She thinks it's a man. In fact the Anders think I'm seeing a man. I haven't told them who you are because I hadn't asked you first if you're okay with them knowing about you."

"To be honest I hadn't even thought of it myself. It's just that Kiara has made things to move a little too fast for us. Your family now knows and obviously you have to correct them on the man part and that means it makes Kiara's job easier to find me." I said and let out a deep breath.

"I know."

"I wish she didn't come back from Australia." She giggled.

"That makes two of us." I laughed lightly. "Let's take a vacation. Far away from everyone who knows us." I laughed again.

"You're joking right?" I asked.

"I'm serious Paige. I just want to relax for a few days." I understood how she felt. It's not easy having someone breathing down your neck all the time.

"You know my mother used to tell my older sister that it's not wise to run away from your problems. Instead you face them. Disappearing for a few days sounds fun but we'll still have to come back and face Kiara and everyone. Think about your kids as well." She sighed loudly.

"I can't leave them with Karen at the moment. I don't trust what Kiara might tell them or how she would even treat them." I nodded in understanding.

"I totally get you. Listen baby you're the strongest woman you can ever think of. From what you've been through I trust you'll be fine. I am with you as well, we'll fight that bitch together okay? Let her do her worst thinking she's fighting for her dead brother but she will never win. I also know Xavier would've wanted you to be happy as well."

"I know."

"Promise me you'll ignore Kiara and her stupid talks?" She laughed.

"I promise but why do you and Brooke call her or her fights stupid?" I giggled.

"Because what she's saying is stupid." She giggled. "Truth be told it's stupid. How the fuck does she expect you to be happy if you don't move on? Does she even have an idea how it feels to go a whole year without sex not to talk of five?"

"Well all that seems not to matter to her." I rolled my eyes.

"She's just full of shit. The guy died what more does she want apart from the five years you already gave? I bet she wouldn't have even lasted a year if her husband died instead." My doors opened revealing Jason. He had his airpods on and his head staring at his phone. I hadn't seen him since yesterday morning. Where is this kid coming from? "Babe I'll call you back. I need to talk to Jason about something." He headed to his room still focused on his phone. He probably thought I was sleeping because the living room lights were off.

"Okay later." I hung up and rushed behind him. I opened his door and he turned his head to me. He was already laying on the bed with his shoes still not taken off.

"Oh Paige. Hi." I crossed my arms.

"Hi?" He frowned. "Jason where are you coming from?" He took out his airpods.

"Oh I was with a friend. The house was boring when I came back in the afternoon so I decided to hang out with my friend instead."

"Call the friend and put him on speaker." I said.

"I beg your pardon?" I crooked my eyebrows. "Paige you can't be serious."

"It's late Jason. What if something happened to you?"

"But nothing happened Paige. I was in a safe place plus my friend picked me up and dropped me off again." He said with a sincere face. He's also old enough to take care of himself Paige. I reminded myself.

"Okay fine but please don't come back late again. I get really worried. If you and your girlfriend want to watch a movie till late why don't you watch it here? I have a TV in my room so I would give you guys space." He gulped nervously.

"How did you know it was a girl and she was my girlfriend?" I giggled getting in the room and closing the door behind.

"You're not the only smart one in the family you know." He laughed briefly.

"You concluded based on that I have been out a lot these days?" I nodded.

"So, mind telling me about her already? I've been dying to know." He smiled shaking his head.

"Why are all sisters nosy?" I gasped.

"We're not nosy." He laughed.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.


"Oh um....we go to the same school, she's pretty plus popular yet she's in love with the weirdest guy and now everybody is in my business." I felt like I could relate since I was about to have everyone in my business as well because of Kiara.

"I'm sorry about that. You're not weird though." He smiled.


"So is she like the popular, pretty plus rich or not? You said she has a car and I've noticed in this city you're only popular if you're from a wealthy family or you're wealthy."

"Well you're right. Her father is a wealthy businessman. Benedict Clark." His name sounded familiar.

"Mr Clark?" I said more to myself trying to remember if I'd met him. Probably in a meeting I accompanied Hailey to. "Oh now I remember! Mr Clark. I know him. He's friends with Hailey." I said.

"I'm not surprised." I giggled.

"Hey it's okay, you're allowed to invite your girl over sometimes you don't have to go out all the time." I stood up and he nodded. "I was watching, let me get back to the living room. Goodnight."

"Alright goodnight Paige." I smiled and then walked out.


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