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"Paige that is so huge!" I nodded.

"I know but I still have my current job. How do I tell Hailey I wanna quit?"

"Do you really want to quit?" She asked and I knew she would even before I came here. I had already thought about it.

"You know if you asked me this qustion a month ago I would have instantly said no. I love my job. I love working around Hailey who is even my girlfriend but ever since Kiara started making my life hell a few weeks ago I have been having second thoughts about staying in AC permanently." She nodded. "My life has changed now. My colleagues aren't making it easy for me honestly. They are so nosy. I thought after the truth was out everything would be back to normal after a few days or a week but it's harder everyday instead." I sighed.

"I understand."

"I thought about this very clearly and I had to come up with the pros and cons. If I take the job I get to move to a better place. Even closer to Jason's school. I will finally get to breathe and be around new, wealthy neighbours since it's a fancy building in a fancy neighbourhood. So that means less drama right?" She nodded. I mean we all know it's very rare to find a person being bothered by strangers with cameras in a neighbourhood full of rich people.

"You're right."

"Exactly and that's not all. If I take the job, I get to work with new people too, whom I'll be their manager. Maybe they will respect me unlike the people I work with now who think I can be teased about screwing the boss just because I'm the nice girl. I also get an increased salary. I mean 150k is more than double of what I get and this is way bigger than what I have ever dreamed of. Part of the reason I even want to take this job is because of Hailey if we're talking about salaries."

"Hailey? How dow do you mean?"

"Amy ever since Hailey and I have been together I have never taken her out. The only places I can afford are not what she's used to. I know she doesn't mind spending all the time but I wish to do the same sometimes. Take her to a fancy hotel too you know?"

"And with the new job you can afford the fancy hotel you're talking about." I nodded.

"Exactly. I want to make her feel loved for once. We have been through a lot this past month." She smiled nodding.

"What are the cons then?" I sighed.

"The only con is her being upset when she finds out I'm leaving. I fear it might even ruin our relationship." She took a deep breath.

"This is really a hard one sis. I am as confused as you are." I sighed loudly.

"I don't even have much time to give them feedback. They gave me until Sunday to decide."

"Why are they even reaching out to you now? You applied for a job in their company more than six months ago. Why are they giving you an even better one now?" I giggled at how she still didn't get it.

"Amy I am the most trending person right now everywhere. With my popularity the hotel will reach even greater heights." She facepalmed. "Plus like you once said my CV is very impressive."

"Smart ass." I laughed louder.

"Shut up." She giggled.

"Well I get why they want you on board now. Even after your story fades you are so smart they have nothing to lose." I nodded.

"Yup." She sighed. "I don't know but this is really a great opportunity. What do you think?"

"You know what? I say go with what you really want. I have known you since you were born and going for what makes you happy or what you really want has never failed you." I nodded again.

"You're right." I said. "I should just trust myself that I'll be making a good decision." I took a deep breath trying to calm my racing heart as I thought about what I was about to do.

"And I support whatever decision you make. Okay?" She smiled before kissing my cheek.

"Thank you Amy."

"You don't have to little sis. You're always welcome." She smiled.


Hailey's POV

"Camilla stop running around with your eyes closed you'll hurt yourself." She giggled and ignored me. I heard the door close.

"Let her play a little." I sighed.

"Brooke I don't have a problem with her playing trust me but she'll hurt herself if she keeps on running with her eyes closed." I explained.

"Cammy." She gasped opening her eyes when she heard who was calling.

"Paige!" She ran to the main door. From the living room it was impossible to see who was at the door but the voices were audible enough.

"How are you doing princess?" Paige asked Cammy.

"Is that really Paige?" I nodded when Brooke asked next to me.

"Yeah. She's sleeping over and we're not going to work tomorrow." I said trying to eavesdrop on her conversation with Cammy.

"You haven't been coming to visit. Do you not like us anymore?" Cammy asked.

"What? No. That's not true. Of course I love you and Gray. Where is he anyway?" Paige asked.

"Upstairs sleeping." It was late for even Cammy to be awake but she was finding it hard to sleep instead she was running around.

"Oh and you are still up? Aren't you such a bad girl?" I heard Camilla giggling and I guessed Paige was tickling her.

"No stop." She said in between laughs making us giggle.

"Your girlfriend is very good with your kids." Brooke said smiling.

"That makes me love her even more." I said.

"Hey, I'm sorry I have been busy with work and barely had time to visit but guess what." Paige said after they stopped laughing.

"You brought us brownies again?" I chortled and heard Paige giggle.

"We can make those tomorrow morning because I'll be with you the whole WEEKEND. Yay!"

"Yay!!" Cammy yelled giggling. "I have a lot of my new toys to show you. Come on." She said.

"We can play with those tomorrow okay? Right now I have to see mommy. Do you know where she is?"

"She's with aunty Brooke here." After that I heard footsteps coming our way. Heels and little slippers to be precise. "Mommy, Paige is here." Cammy said when they appeared. I smiled and Paige giggled.

"Hi Brooke." She said.

"Hey Paige. How are you doing?" She sat next to me while Cammy got on top of her lap. She gave me a kiss before answering Brooke.

"I'm great thank you for asking." She looked at me. "Hey." I giggled and blushed at the same time.

"Hey." I said.

"I'll leave you two alone. Cammy come on. Let's go to bed honey." She pouted.

"But I want to stay with Paige." Paige giggled.

"It's okay I will put her to bed later." She said.

"Yes!" She snuggled in her arms smiling.

"Okay. Goodnight." Brooke said leaving.

"Goodnight." Paige and I said together.

"Goodnight aunty Brooke." Camilla said. I turned back to my girlfriend and she was looking at my pyjama set.  She brought her face to my ear to whisper.

"God you look so sexy in that set." I giggled and hit her arm lightly.

"Stop. Cammy is here." I said making her laugh.


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