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Hailey's POV

Nine thirty in the freaking morning and my personal assistant was still not here. I called her phone again for the hundredth time but she still didn't answer.

I tolerated most things but late coming wasn't one of them. I was upset and pissed that she was this late but wait a minute. What if she's not okay? What if she had an accident whilst coming to work? This was unlike Paige. She's always on time. Always efficient. Always respectful and humble. What was wrong? Why was she late?

My door burst open startling me. Paige. She appeared looking tired with bags under her eyes. No make up but she still looked pretty. At least her dress looked classy and expensive. Oh right. I bought it for her. The heels too. I remember picking those.

"Mrs An- Hailey I am so sorry. I-" She gulped closing the door slowly. She walked towards me looking scared. Am I really that scary? I raised my hand to silence her when she opened her mouth to speak again.

"Sit down." Hailey where did all the anger go? She nervously sat down. I could see her small hands shaking. "I know you want to start saying you are sorry but I don't want to hear it. So why are you late?"

"I um....last night I- my"

"Paige!" She jumped. "You have already wasted my morning so DON'T waste my whole day." I said. "I had to go to a meeting and almost embarrassed myself because you are the only one who freaking knew where last month's accounts were. Now you already know I hate repeating myself."

"The truth is I got super drunk last night that I couldn't hear the alarm in the morning. I swear it was my first and last time. I shouldn't have listened to Stephen. Hailey please don't fire me I promise I will never be late again." She looked like she was about to cry. I wasn't expecting that she overslept. I thought she was someone who liked going out but it's pretty obvious it was probably a first time. If it wasn't then she wouldn't have woken up this late. I sighed and looked at my watch.

"We have a meeting in ten minutes. Get ready." I said and she stood up quickly.

"Thank you." I went back to preparing for my meeting. Hailey since when have you gotten soft? Are you soft or is it because she's Paige. Aghhh!!

"I need a drink."


"Hailey?" I looked behind me to see Paige. I was about to head home to my kids. All day I was avoiding talking to her on a personal level since I was still mad. She cleared her throat before talking again. "I just wanted to apologise for what happened this morning. I won't let it happen again. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep. It's pretty clear you can't handle alcohol." I said.

"It's not even that. I just haven't been in the right state of mind recently." She explained. "But that's not an excuse. I know."

"Listen Paige. I know you have problems like we all do but if your problems are going to come between you and your job then you let me know so I can find a replacement. Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am." I scanned my palm and my elavator opened.


Paige's POV

I reached home and dropped myself on the couch. I was still stressing about today. Never in my life did I ever think I could be so disappointed in myself. What if I got fired today? Thank goodness she didn't but I still feared the deadly look in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to strangle me alive and I knew it was mainly because of the meeting I missed.

Damnit Paige! What got into you?

"Paige!" I jumped at Jason's yell. "Are you okay?" I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah I'm just tired." He laughed.

"I know why." He sat next to me. "It's that girl you brought home last night isn't it?" I frowned.

"You saw her? Oh God." I covered my face with my hands. "I thought you were sleeping."

"I was but you guys woke me up." I snapped my eyes open. "No no no no no no relax I didn't hear anything nasty you did. I just heard when you came in laughing."

"I'm sorry." I said looking at the ceiling with my head resting on the back of the loveseat.

"So are you ready to finally tell me who she is?" He asked.

"She's an ex." I stated.

"O-kay I wasn't expecting that. So is she still an ex or have you two patched things up?" I laughed lightly.

"No we are still ex's. I don't even know why I brought her here in the first place. I shouldn't have had sex with her. " I let out a sigh. "I shouldn't have agreed to go out with Stephen." I sighed. "I'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid Paige." He took my hand.

"Jason you have no idea how much I hate myself right now. Last night I did the most stupidest thing by hooking up with my ex and today I was so late my boss doesn't even want to look at me." A tear fell. "It's as if one moment everything is working out for me. I got an amazing job and my boss was becoming kind of a friend and bought me clothes and then the next moment she can't stand me."

"Paige it's okay. You'll be fine." I shook my head. "Don't worry your boss will forgive you."

"When that woman is angry it feels like hell working for her. Darsie was right. Making Hailey Anders angry is the worst mistake I could ever make." I said.

"Paige stop saying that. She'll come around. She can't be angry forever." He said. "Okay I have an idea." He gained my attention. "Since you're her personal assistant, do you know what she likes most? Maybe flowers? Something to wear?"

"Wine. She's in love with white wine." I said. That woman drinks wine even in the morning.

"Perfect. Then you will buy her a bottle of wine and give it to her as an apology gift." He suggested and I can't lie he was making sense.

"You think that'll work?" I asked and he nodded smiling. I took a deep breath. "Okay."

"Great. Now go and take a shower and then come back because I ordered your favourite." I giggled.

"You're the best." I got up.


Any clue on how the wine apology will go? Lols. Stick around to find out.

Please vote. Xoxo.

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