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One month later

Hailey's POV

Losing a loved one isn't easy. The void they leave in your heart is very hard to fill but once you do the world seems like a better place. All the negativity seems to slowly leave your mind. The pain seems to lessen and that's how I finally felt after five years. Lighter. Like I was finally moving on. I could never forget him yes but he was a beautiful memory now.

Instead of crying my balls out everytime I thought of him or saw a picture of him, I now smiled. The memories brought peace now and not hurt or sometimes anger.

Ever wondered why my staff is scared of me? Yes, I know they are since I have heard the whispers at work so I know they are but then I don't blame them. I was pretty scary back then especially after I gave birth. It's amazing how sitting with a shrink for a few minutes twice a week can help.

"Look at you smiling at a picture like an idiot." I immediately looked beside me. I didn't even hear her coming in.

"Kiara?! Oh my goodness!" She giggled as I jumped on her and gave her a hug.

"Hey little one." I pulled back.

"Oh my God I can't believe it's really you." I said.

"I told mom and dad not to inform you about my return because I wanted to surprise you." She smiled.

"I'm so happy to see you. God I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too little one." I laughed.

"You do know I'm 27 now right?" I asked and she laughed.

"I know but you'll still be my brother's little one." She glanced at huge portrait of Xavier on the wall. She sighed and her smile dropped. "You miss him don't you?"

"I will always miss him Kiara." I said smiling. "But I know he's always with me in spirit." She looked at me smiled a little.

"He really didn't deserve to die." Her eyes glistened and she went back to look at the portrait. "I miss my little brother too." She said after taking a deep breath.

"I know." I said comforting her.

"I remember when he first told me you guys were together." She smiled. "He was so happy but he was also scared our parents wouldn't approve of your relationship because of the eight year age difference so he came to me and he was like do you think I should marry her before I tell mom and dad because they won't stop us from being together after we're married right?" I giggled with her.

"I can't believe he said that to you."

"It made me think you were really special to him. I knew from then that he truly loved you because the Xavier I knew had never talked of marriage before he met you. I'm glad he finally got to marry you because I know wherever he is, he's truly at peace for doing the one thing he had always wanted to do since the first time you were together." She gave me a hug again. "You don't know what it means to me that you're still in love with him even after so many years. Thank you for loving my brother Hailey."

Kiara wasn't much of an emotional person but today I saw another side of her.

"You don't have to thank me Kiara." I said after we pulled apart. She smiled.

"I know." She looked around. "By the way where is my nephew and niece? I missed them so much." I led her to the living room so we could sit.

"They are not back from their kindergarten school yet." I said.

"I totally forgot it's a school day." She laughed.

"You look really good Kiara I must say. Australia was really good to you I mean look at you." She laughed again.

"Thank you Hailey although I think you're exaggerating."

"No no no I'm not. You look really good." She smiled.

"You look gorgeous too. I'm glad you have finally decided to take care of yourself." She said.

Kiara had left when my kids were a few months old so it had been roughly over four years since I last saw her. She had to leave since her husband got a job offer to direct a movie in Australia. The movie got out but he was awarded another one so they stayed a little bit longer.

"Well it's been five years so I had to." I said. I didn't know if I could tell her now that I had someone else in my life.

Although my thing with Paige was mostly sexual. Everytime I saw her I got turned on out of the blue but I'm not saying I'm complaining trust me I love the sex and I liked her. I know she liked me too since she said she liked me but did that mean we were in a relationship?

"Hailey?" I looked at Kiara. "Are you okay?"

"Um yeah I'm fine, I just remembered I had a meeting tomorrow so I have to end my short lived little break. What did you say?" I hate lying. Although I wasn't lying about the meeting.

"You were taking a break from the office?" She asked looking so surprised. I wasn't surprised she was surprised.

"Yes. I have an assistant now so I take breaks sometimes especially when I want to take the kids to somewhere fun or I just want to spend more time with them." She smiled.

"Mom told me how getting an assistant has helped better your relationship with your children. I am so proud of you little one." I laughed again at the name.

"That is never going away even when I'm sixty right?" I asked.

"Nope it stays." She giggled. "By the way I got the twins a few gifts. They are in my car."

"That is so nice of you. Camilla loves gifts so trust me she'll love whatever you got." She chuckled.

"What about Gray?"

"He's more of the traveller. He loves it whenever I tell them we're going somewhere." I explained.

"I now remember even when he was a baby. Everytime the jet would take off he'd giggle or just smile." I laughed nodding.

"And he hasn't changed. He still jumps on his chair during take off."

"Mommy!" I immediately turned my head to the sound of Camilla's voice. She ran to me giggling until she was in my arms.

"Hey baby." I kissed her forehead. "How was school?" I asked.

"Good. Miss Polly said I should give you a letter." She said and Bobby came in with Gray in his arms.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I asked getting worried.

"He's okay he had just fallen asleep." I sighed in relief. Gray stirred up and rubbed his eyes.

"Are we home?" He asked.

"Yes Gray. Mom is home too look." Camilla answered her brother. He looked our way and squeled getting off Bobby's arms.

"Mom!" I giggled and hugged him as well.

"Hey baby." Bobby walked away. "You guys, I want you to meet someone. I know grandma has shown you pictures and has let you facetime with her when you visit but today she came to visit you guys." Grayson immediately looked at Kiara.

"Aunt Kiara! Cammy it's her. She's here." They both got off my lap and ran to her.

"Okay they recognise her." I giggled shaking my head.


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