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Hailey's POV

"Come in!" I shouted and Paige walked in with a box. A rectangular black box. She looked nervous but that's how she was everytime she was around me. "What is it?"

"I know you said you don't want to hear how sorry I am but please accept my apology gift." I looked at her surprised.

"You got me a gift?" I asked to be sure I heard right.

"Yes. It's not what you're used to but it's what I could afford at the moment." She placed the box on my desk. I took it and opened it.

"Paige freaking Carson." I giggled taking the bottle out. "Oh my goodness. You know me so well!" I smiled looking at the wine before me. "I can't believe you bought me wine."

"Well I thought it would at least make you forgive me." She said.

"Of course I forgive you after seeing this." She beamed.


"Yes bring me a glass already I want to taste this one. Where did you even buy it?" She giggled.

"There's a shop a few minutes from here." She said placing the glass on the desk. I wasted no time in opening it and pouring it before tasting.

"Oh my God!!" I took another sip. "I love it." Another sip. "It has the homey taste. It reminds me of home. So rich and freshly brewed. It smells of the ground too." Another big sip. "You have to get me more." Big sip again.

"Um you have a meeting in thirty minutes. I suggest you stop." I finished the glass.

"You're right." She took the bottle and empty glass away. "But you'll get me more right?"

"Yeah. I will." I smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome. Um do you need anything before I go?" I remembered I still hadn't asked what family problems she had that could have led to her drinking so much and being late.

"Yeah sit down for a moment." She nodded and did that. "The other day you said you had family problems. Is that why you decided to get drunk Sunday night?"

By the look on her face I could tell she was surprised I asked her the question.

"Partially." She said not looking at me.

"Is it a financial crisis?" Her eyes widened.

"No it's not that. I just-" she stopped talking.

"If you're not comfortable talking to me I understand. I just wanted to at least know your problem so I can help you. If I want to make sure you are not late again or not losing focus while at work then I have to know what's going on with you." I explained.

"My sister and little brother kinda fought the other day and my mom blamed me for it." She said making me even more confused.

"Why would she blame you for it?" I asked.

"Because they were arguing about my life. My sister thinks I need to settle down whereas my brother says she should leave me alone. Well That happened a week ago so I had shrugged it off but my love life still bothered me and gave me sleepless nights." She let out a pained laugh. "I went out and got drunk thinking maybe I'd feel better the following day only for me to make things worse." She sighed.

"You're only twenty three. She shouldn't be forcing you to get married." But you were married at twenty one Hailey. I thought to myself. "Is your boyfriend ready to settle down?" She chuckled.

"Boyfriend? I don't li.......I don't have a boyfriend Hailey." I looked at her surprised. Why would a beautiful girl like her be single?

"Oh." I said and she cleared her throat.

"I should get back to work." She stood up.

"Um okay." I let her go even though I started asking myself if I said anything wrong for her to want to leave.

Maybe she suddenly got uncomfortable. Maybe she has a horrible past with men and I just awakened a horrible memory. I don't know. Or maybe she's.......nah she's not. She's too much of a good girl to be. I sighed feeling defeated that I couldn't help her.

Wait a minute. Maybe I should invite her to my kids' pool party that'll be next weekend. Maybe she'll be able to forget about her siblings's fight. Of course she was supposed to be the one planning it as my personal assistant but I'll hire an event planner instead. Just this once I'll let her be a guest.


Paige's POV

My phone rang again I don't know for the hundredth time or what. Kim wouldn't stop calling me. Kim was my ex. Yes the one I had sex with the other night. I don't even know how she got my number because she had the old number.

I finally picked up since I was tired of her disturbing me.

"What?" I spat.

"That's not a nice way of greeting your girlfriend." What?

"What are you talking about? We broke up. In fact you broke up with me after you cheated on me." Did she have amnesia or what?

"Paige I said I'm sorry. I still love you." Oh God.

"Kim I don't want to hear it. I was drunk the other night and made a mistake by bringing you here but I am not going to repeat that." I said.

"Come on. You can't still be mad for something that happened three years ago." I huffed.

"Well guess what. I-" my intercom ringed. "I have to go." I hung up before she started protesting. "Ron?"

"Paige there is Hailey Anders here to see you. In fact she's already on her way up. She said she knows your floor." What?

"Wait Ron are you sure?" Hailey? My elevator doors opened. I released the button and walked to the door. Hailey walked in. "Hailey?" What is she doing here? And how the hell did she find me?

"If you're wondering how I found you well I looked at your file." Oh

"Right. Please come in." She was already in but I meant she should sit down.

"Thank you. Nice place." She said looking around.

"Thanks." There was an awkward silence. "Should I offer you anything?"

"If it's that wine I'll take it." We both laughed.

"Unfortunately I don't have it at the moment." She nodded in understanding.

"Paige I wanted to invite you to my kids' pool party next weekend. Saturday to be precise." I gave her a wary look.

"Saturday?" I asked. "But we have work on Saturday." She smiled.

"Don't worry you are not going to work on Saturday." She said. I thought about it and realised maybe it won't be bad. I mean the kids will be delighted to see me. I should probably buy gifts for them. "Please say yes."

"Um....sure. I'd love to come." I said.

"Perfect. The twins will be happy to see you."

"I can't wait to see them" I smiled at her.


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