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I kicked off my heels and the cool floor relaxed my whole body immediately. "Home sweet home." I said dropping myself on my couch. I heard a vibrating sound and I took my phone out. "Hello?"

"Honey hi. I've been calling you the whole day and you haven't been picking up. Are you okay?" I sighed.

"Mom I'm okay. My boss doesn't allow me to answer any personal calls during work hours." I explained.

"Oh right you told me you got a job. How was your first day?" I wish I could say fun.

"Exhausting mom. I'm literally worn out." She let out a giggle.

"I know honey. First days of work are like that but trust me you'll be fine." I smiled.

"Thank you mom. How is dad and the troublemaker Jason?" She laughed.

"Your father is fine and Jason is too. I hope you don't forget he's coming over tomorrow." As a matter of fact I had forgotten.

"Of course I still remember mom. His room is already cleaned. I can't wait to see my little brother." I said.

"His flight arrives at 3:45pm please make sure you pick him up. I don't want another one of my babies getting lost." She sounded worried.

"Mom I can't pick him up. I have work tomorrow."

"But Paige who is going to pick him up?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. Amy maybe?" Plus she has a car and I freaking don't.

"Honey Amy has a very demanding job I'm sure she can't." What?!

"And I don't? I can't believe you just said that to me." She sighed.

"Paige you're just an assistant. I'm sure you can spare a few minutes and pick your brother up."

"Wow! As if you know anything about a personal assistant to Hailey Anders. You know what I'm not in the mood to argue with you. I'll pick him up but if I lose my job just know it's your fault." I hung up and sighed fustrated.

I guess this is the right time to point out that my relationship with my mother isn't a smooth one. I'm more of a daddy's girl. He understands me better than her. Ever since she found out about my sexuality she has always found everything I do as not that important. Amy is the more important one. She's like the worthy child in her eyes. Sometimes it's as I don't exist. Right now I pretty much earn more than Amy but her job is more important than mine.

I decided to shrug it off and take a shower. I was used to it anyway.


Hailey's POV

Someone knocked on my door. "Come in." Paige walked in dressed perfectly as always. Second day of work and I like how she was doing. The girl was smart naturally. Marcus also found nothing incriminating or terrifying on her. You could say she is from a basic family and no harm to me or my family.

"I'm sorry Mrs Anders but your best friend is here to see you." I nodded.

"Let her in." I said. She walked out and a few moments later Brooke walked in dressed in work uniform. "Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" She giggled.

"I decided to have lunch with you." She sat down and put a bag on my desk. "I bought us food."

"You're a lifesaver." She grinned.

"I know." I let out a chuckle. "Nice assistant by the way. She's beautiful." I nodded.

"Well I only hire the best. You know me." We both laughed. I called Paige. "There's something I need you to do for me in my office."

"I'm coming." She said. I hung up and waited. She appeared immediately. "You called." She said.

"Heat this for us and plate it up." She nodded and did as told. One thing I loved about Paige was that she was very efficient. I had everything in my office so there was no need to step out to heat our food.

"So I am leaving tonight." Brooke said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Surgery. I have a patient waiting for me in LA so I need to work on them in the morning." I nodded.

"Oh okay. When will you be back?" I asked curiously.

"Tomorrow evening." She said.

"Well then you can use the jet." She smiled.

"Thank you Hailey. I don't mind flying commercial though." I shook my head.

"No. I insist. I'll have it ready for you by the time you leave." Paige put our food in front of us.

"Okay since you insist. I'd love that." I smiled. 

"Perfect. Paige?" She looked at me. "Make sure the jet is ready to take Brooke to LA by tonight."

"I'll get to it right away. Excuse me." She rushed for the door.

Paige's POV

I looked at the time and it was 1:41pm. I have two hours before Jason gets here. God what will I do? I called Amy and she didn't pick up. Damnit! I sighed. My office phone rang and I picked up.

"Anders Constructions, Paige speaking. How can I help you?" I greeted.

"Hi I would like to speak to Hailey Anders, your boss." An old man's voice said.

"May I ask who wants her?" I asked.

"Mr Greg Clark. CEO of NECTA." Right the tech company everyone knows about.

"Please hold on for a moment Mr Clark." I pressed line two to Hailey's office.


"Mrs Anders, there is a Mr Greg Clark on the line and he wants to speak to you." I said.

"Oh okay put him through."

"Okay." I did that and then hung up. I stayed in my seat still thinking about a plan to rush to the airport and pick Jason up.


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