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Paige's POV

"Hailey?" I called after opening the door and meeting an empty office. Her desk still had her bag and her phones. I looked around but I saw no one. This is weird. I have known her for months now, I know she never leaves without her bag and phones. I put the food I bought for us on her desk and looked at the toilet attached to this office.

No one

"Oh" I finally remembered the only other room that could be here. The secret bedroom. I went to it but stood before it since it needed her palm to unlock. I sighed feeling defeated. I had a feeling she was in there. I first knocked but I knew it was probably a stupid move. What if she just wanted to take a short nap and I was disturbing her? I leaned on her scanner for support as I thought of a way to find out if she really was inside and okay.

The door clicked open and I jumped. What just happened? I looked at the scanner and it had a green light. Did I just open with my palm? I asked myself. I opened the door slowly and Hailey was sitting with her head on her knees. I heard lights sobs as I got closer.

"Hailey?" She looked up immediately and her eyes were red and puffy. I rushed to sit next to her.

"Paige." She whispered letting a tear roll. My heart ached when I saw her like this.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Her crying started again. "Come here." I gave her a warm hug. "Shhhh."

Hailey's POV

I sobbed in her arms quietly. She didn't even have to ask too many questions for her to comfort me and show me love and care. I appreciated that so much. Paige was so amazing in so many ways.

"Everything is going to be fine." She whispered and I nodded wiping my tears. I never knew Kiara could be so insensitive at times.

"Thank you." I said.

"Are you comfortable telling me what happened?" I nodded.

"Kiara found out about us and she has been so cold towards me." I sniffled. "The things she said to me really hurt me." Tears filled my eyes again.

"When did this happen?"

"Last night." I looked at Paige and there was a mixture of anger and confusion. I had never seen her angry before. She was always so sweet.

"I'm sorry about what happened. In fact it's my fault. It's my fault you're going through this." I shook my head.

"It's not. If anything I am grateful you came into my life." I took her hand.

"Why does she have to be unhappy for you though? You are finally happy again what's her fucking problem?" Her face changed and her eyes told me she was pissed off.

"I don't know. I just wish she could just stop. The whole family knows now and I wanted to tell them at my own time and not have them find out like this." She sighed nodding.

"I understand."

"Paige please promise you won't leave me even when Kiara tries her worst. I don't think she's not going to let me be without a fight. The look she gave me yesterday scared me." A tear fell from my eye again.

"Baby no one will make me leave you. Not even Kiara or the whole Anders family. I love you Hailey." My heart skipped a beat when she said it for the first time. I attacked her with a kiss without warning. I already knew I felt the same way about her.

"I love you too." I whispered to her.


Brooke's POV

"Miss Thompson someone is here to see you in the reception area. I was about to head to your office. Natalie said she called your office but you didn't pick up." Nurse Betty said.

"I'll head to the reception then. Thank you." I went to whoever was here to see me. The only person I saw when I scanned the almost empty lobby was Kiara. I internally punched her face. The woman annoyed me without even trying. After what she said yesterday I hated her. "What do you want?" I asked her when I was closer to her.

"You have no manners do you?" I rolled my eyes. "I wonder why Hailey would be friends with someone like you honestly." I glared at her stupid face. "But then again she was also a nobody before she met my brother." I lost control and slapped her so hard even my hand hurt.

"Don't you DARE call Hailey and I nobodies." How dare she called me a hard working dictor earning a six figure salary a month a nobody? She raised her head wearing a shocked look.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on me?"

"I will do worse if you continue opening that gutter you call a mouth and talking shit about us." Her eyes widened. "What is wrong with you? Are you that bored that you don't have work to do instead you'd rather disturb other people's lives?"

"She is married to my brother! I have every right to feel disappointed and disturb her life if she cheats." I burst out laughing.

"You're really losing it."

"Excuse me?"

"Your brother is dead Kiara. He died more than five years ago so Hailey didn't cheat on anyone. The marriage died when your brother died." She huffed.

"Yet she still enjoys the Anders' wealth and benefits. She still calls herself Mrs Anders. I will dictate when she can be with another man as long as she's still Mrs Anders."

"You are so sick. I think you need professional help to be honest."

"Insult me one more time and I will kill you with my bare hands." I chuckled taking off my coat.

"Do it." I opened my arms wide. I looked around and saw that a lot of people had gathered already. Nosy humans. "Kill me! You want to kill me for defending my bestfriend from a crazy bully like you? Then fucking go ahead I'm waiting." She looked around and she also realised the crowd. I noticed how she quickly put back her sunglasses on.

"This is not the end of this Brooke I swear to you. You will regret messing with me." She said before leaving.

"I'm not scared of you!"


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