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Paige's POV

"Paige, hi." Kiara greeted over the phone. The other night she asked for my number so she can sometimes call to discuss about the party. I still think it's unnecessary if you ask me.

"Hey Kiara."

"How are you doing today?"

"I'm very well. How about you and your family?" I asked politely.

"Everybody is fine. I have a question for you."


"Okay so I have already started with the preparations for the house warming party and I want to know if there's anything or anybody you don't want there." I thought hard but nothing came to mind.

"Actually I don't think I mind if anyone comes or if you plan a certain theme or whatever you think will be okay. I am not a picky person so anything you plan is fine with me."

"Perfect. Then I'll definitely make sure you love it." She said in excitement.

"Thanks." My mind remembered someone. "Oh Kiara?"


"I remembered someone I'd hate to see at the party." I said.

"Okay, who?"

"Kimberly Adkins. Please make sure that woman doesn't get through the gate."

"Don't worry all the guests will be requested to come with an invitation card." I let out a laugh.

"She's very smart so she can fake an invitation card."

"Okay then, I'll make sure we have the best security. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, thank you." I said and Jason walked in with his backpack.

"Okay then, have a great evening."

"You too." I hung up. "Hey." He dropped his backpack.

"Hey Paige." He walked to the fridge.

"How was today?" I asked.

"Boring." He sighed dramatically making me chuckle.

"You'll live." I said sarcastically.

"Whatever." He came back and sat next to me with a bottle of water and took a sip. "So I went to Bruce like you requested."

"Okay and?" He chuckled.

"I picked a car obviously. Isn't that what we agreed on?" I rolled my eyes when he laughed again.

"No need to be like that weirdo." He chuckled again. "Anyway, do you like it?" He nodded. "Are you sure?"

"If there is one thing I am sure of at the moment then it's that car." I laughed shaking my head. "Besides, according to Bruce it's a great car for a teenager." I giggled.

"For a teenager." I shook my head still giggling at what he said.

"What's funny?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Dude every car is for everyone. Which one is for a teenager?" I chuckled. "It's not like clothes where there are sizes."

"He said it, not me." He shrugged.

"Anyway" I breathed deeply to stop my laughter. "I'll call him tonight and I think by tomorrow afternoon you'll be free to take it." He smiled.

"You've been paid?" I nodded.

"And I am taking you out for dinner." His smile widened.

"Yes!!" I giggled at the reaction. "I'll go and take a shower because I feel like I stink. It's been a long day." He said taking his backpack along with him. He stood up and then kissed my cheek. "Thank you Paige."

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