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Hailey's POV

Clears throat

I woke up to a pair of familiar soft lips kissing my face. From my lips to my cheeks, forehead and even jawline. I smiled finally opening my eyes when she went for my neck. I noticed on my window that it was still dark outside so that meant it was still very early in the morning. Sucking on it intensly making my breath heavy. She went up to my ear and whispered.

"The first thing I want to hear from you today before you utter anything else is you moaning my name." I giggled silently and she went back to my neck. I gasped at the contact with her teeth. Chills ran up my spine making me shiver. Shit!

I dragged her face to mine and kissed her lips passionately. She slided her hands to my waist and took my pyjamas pants off and then the top followed. I took time in taking her oversized t-shirt off leaving us both naked. I got even more aroused when I could feel her soft skin on mine.

Her hand caressed my thighs up to my hips and butt slowly. She was leaving goosebumps on my skin. I gasped for air.

She got on top of me and started biting and sucking on my breasts. I muffled a moan and sucked in air instead. She smiled and went down in kisses to my most intense area. I was already dripping for Paige. She smiled when she saw how wet I was but she chose to torture me instead by kissing my inner thighs. I was about to beg her to stop torturing me already but I remembered she said she wanted to hear a moan first.

I moved her head to my vagina and she immediately licked me clean. A loud moan escaped my mouth before I could stop it. Her tongue played up and down in a steady pace and my orgasm started to build up immediately. She sucked on the clit and my back arched instinctively accompanied by another moan.

"Babe." I finally breathed and she growled increasing her pace. My walls started to enclose and a knot formed in my stomach. "Yes!"

She used her hands to hold my thighs apart while she went even faster. I gasped snapping my eyes open. My body jerked shaking as I came harder than before but Paige didn't stop with her intensifying licking.

"Please don't stop." I whispered grabbing her head tighter. She created circular motions and then slided two fingers into me instantly. I let go of her head and cluthed my sheets roughly and gasped. "Shit! Oh fuck."

The sight of her hands pounding into me and her tongue playing with me at the same time made her so hot before my eyes. I felt the familiar chills and my eyes rolled back. I climaxed a lot quicker this time, I thought to myself. My chest heaved up and down as I tried catch my breath.

Paige came up wearing a beautiful smile written satisfaction all over it. I giggled and connected our lips with a soft kiss.

"Th-" I placed my finger on her lips to stop her from talking.

"Sshhh. I want to hear you moan my name as well." I flipped us over and got on top of her in a scissors position. "Oh we are definitely just getting started." I said as I connected our other pair of lips.

We might as well have sex till dawn.



Paige's POV

"Paige wake up." Little soft hands poked my face after I heard Grayson talking to me. I groaned and turned covering myself but he fake cried. "Paaaaaaiiiigeeeee." I giggled silently. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Good morning buddy." I whispered and he smiled.

"Good morning." I stretched myself and sat up carefully still covering my naked body with the sheets.

"Why are you up so early?" I took my phone next to me.

"Charlotte said it's not early." I looked at the time and it was almost 8:30am.

"She's right." I yawned. "Where is everyone else?"

"Downstairs eating. Grandma said breakfast is the most important meal of the day so that's why I came to get you." I giggled when he said that.

"You are so sweet." I kissed his forehead. "Thank you for waking me up. I'll wash my face and then come downstairs okay?" He frowned.

"What about brushing your teeth? Mommy said brushing our teeth is very important." I chuckled and nodded.

"You're right. I should brush my teeth as well. Thank you genius." He giggled showing his beautiful smile.

"Okay." He jumped off the bed. "Don't be long." He stopped smiling and gave me a serious look.

"I promise." I said with a smirk and he smiled again skipping to the door. I giggled as he went out shaking my head. "Kids are very funny." I said to myself as I put my phone down and went to the bathroom for a quick face wash and brush my teeth like little Gray had specifically ordered.

I thought about having kids of my own as I washed my face. I did want them since I loved kids just like my father but that would mean I'd have to be with a man to have one and that would be like admitting to my mother that she was right. I sighed as I dried my face with a towel.

Another way of having a kid is, well a sperm donor. That's what a lot of other people do anyway so I could do that or even adopt a child. With a stable job and clean criminal record I'm sure any court would allow me to adopt. But wait a minute, if I adopt that would me I'd have to worry about whether the child will like me or not. What if he/she hates me? Not every child will like me or welcome me into their lives like Gray and Cammy. They would be perfect for adoption since they love me and I love them as much but they already have a mom.

"Why are you even thinking about kids? Dude you're only twenty three." I whispered to myself as I put back the towel. "Okay almost twenty-four." I corrected myself. I had two months before my birthday which was on January. Did I want to celebrate it? Hell no. Knowing my family and my friend Stephen, they will want to throw me a party but with the way things are I don't want the attention from the paparazzi again.

I went back to the bed and decided to call Beta Hotel before I went downstairs.

"Beta hotel, Leah speaking. How can I help you?" The receptionist greeted.

"Hi. This is Paige can I please speak to Logan?" I asked.

"One moment please." I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me. After about a minute he spoke.

"Miss Carson. So good to finally hear from you." Logan said, I could tell with a smile.

"Good morning Logan."

"I hope you have good news for me." I smiled.

"That's the whole point of calling isn't it?" He chuckled and I took a deep breath. "I'll take the job."

"You have made a wonderful decision I assure you. I will make sure your office is ready for you to start soon."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon Mr Hall." He chuckled again.

"Please continue with the Logan."

"Okay." I hung up standing and heading downstairs.


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