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"Forty five thousand dollars?!!!!" Amy screamed through the phone making me giggle.

"Yes I carefully counted the zeros and I'm sure of it." I said. "I'm happy though. I can finally help mom and dad pay off the mortgage in like three or four months." She laughed.

"And where will I be? Little sis I'm proud of you for finally growing up but remember I'm here too and I work so we've got this together okay?" I smiled.

"Yeah. Thank you Amy. Without you I wouldn't have gotten the job."

"It's okay. You're my baby sister so I would do anything for you." My intercom ringed.

"Amy please hold on." I walked to it and answered the call. "Ron?" He was the whole building's security guy.

"Paige. Someone is here to see you."

"Are you sure they want to see me Ron?" I asked.

"Who is that?" Amy asked through the phone.

"I don't know." I said back.

"Yes ma'am. He said he's an old college friend. Stephen Williams." Ron explained.

"Ohhhh." I finally remembered. How the hell did he find me? I thought he was still in Boston. "Okay send him up." I released the button.

"You know him?" Amy asked.

"Yes. We went to college together." I said briefly.

"Mmmmhh. Ex boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

"Stop. You know very well I don't have any ex boyfriend." I said and she giggled. "I will call you later Amy."

"Okay be safe."

"Always." I hung up.

Hailey's POV

"Hailey!" My mother in law called when she spotted me waiting for her in one of the tables in the family hotel.

"Karen." I stood up smiling. We hugged before sitting down.

"I have missed you so much. You barely visit now." I smiled.

"I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better I have hired a personal assistant now so that means less office hours for me and more hours with you." She giggled taking my hand into hers.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that." I called the waitress by the door to come over.

"I hope the twins aren't too much work on you." She laughed.

"Oh dear they can never. They are my grandchildren remember?" I giggled.

"I know." The waitress arrived. "The usual." I said and she nodded. Karen made her order and our food arrived.

"Dear how much do you trust this personal assistant of yours?" Karen asked.

"I don't trust anyone aside family. You know that." I said.

"You know what I mean Hailey." I wiped my mouth and sighed.

"She looks like a good girl. Very neat and dresses well as well but don't worry I'll have Marcus to investigate more about her before she comes in tomorrow I'll have everything I need to know." She gave me a nod.

"What is it with you and how your workers dress by the way?" I let out a chuckle.

"Karen you taught me that appearance says it all." She laughed. "And besides, I am a very rich woman and if I want to keep my reputation in tact then I need my workers to not embarrass me by the way they dress around me." I explained.

"I understand honey. I cannot stand rags as well trust me." We both laughed.

"I know that very well. First time you saw me you asked to take me shopping the following day." I laughed.

"Oh dear I can still remember those faded jeans you were wearing." She said.

"Please don't remind me." We both continued laughing. Having a good time.

Paige's POV

The elevator door opened revealing Stephen. I walked towards him. "Stephen!" I said. "Please come on in." He stepped out and the doors shut.

"Wow Paige this place looks amazing." He said.

"Thank you." I showed him to the loveseat.

"I can't believe it's really you. I followed you because I thought I was mistaking someone else for you." He explained.

"You followed me?" He nodded.

"I saw you coming out of AC." He looked around the place. "I can see how you afford living here." I chuckled.

"This used to be my sister's place until I came along almost three months ago and I only got a job at AC today. I'm starting tomorrow."

"Really? That's amazing. Congratulations." He smiled showing his white teeth.

"Thank you." I said. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked.

"No I'm okay for now. Where is your sister?" He asked.

"She moved in with her fiancé three weeks ago." I answered.

"Oh. Congratulations to her."

"I thought you said you loved Boston." I said.

"Well yes but after studying there for years I think you can agree with me that I got tired and decided to change cities. Besides when I thought of where to go to next, I remembered you said you were headed to New York so I knew I'd find you somehow." I chuckled.

"I can't believe you came here because of me." I teased.

"Don't flatter yourself Carson. I am still mad at you." I giggled.

"Oh come on, what have I done now?" I asked.

"You left Boston after graduation and forgot about me. No phone call, no text and your phone has always been off. If I didn't know better I'd say you ghosted me." I gasped.

"No. That's not what happened I promise. See when I got here I got lost trying to find this apartment since Amy was working late and outside the city so I ended up in an alley where I was almost raped and robbed. Well they did take my phone but at least nothing happened to me. My scream alerted a few people who came to my rescue." He looked at me surprised.


"That's how I lost my phone. And obviously you know I don't keep numbers in my mind." He rolled his eyes making me chuckle.

"You still haven't changed Carson. Before you even forget to take my number give me your phone." I burst out laughing.

"Fine." I giggled giving it to him.


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