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Three weeks later

"Jason!" I called but he didn't answer. I decided to let myself in his room. "Seriously? You're sleeping?" I shook him until he woke up.

"Paige" he groaned. "Leave me alone please." I rolled my eyes.

"Wake up. Amy is going to be here in a few minutes and I am not letting you ruin our day by delaying us. Get up." He sighed.

"Why can't you guys just go without me? I am tired Paige." He looked at me.

"No. We're all going out as a family. No one is staying behind. If you don't take a shower and make sure you're ready before Amy gets here I will not buy you the sneakers you asked when I get paid." He jolted up.

"Are you serious? You were going to really buy them for me?" He started smiling.

"I won't if you're not ready in the next twenty minutes." He quickly ran to his bathroom and I heard some shuffling and then eventually the shower running. I giggled and went out. "Kids"

Of course he was no longer a kid since he was seventeen but he was still a teenager. He reminds me of myself when I was his age. Focused on getting good grades that sometimes I deprived myself of a social life. Whereas Amy loves fun. That's how she met her fiancé. While Jason and I are six years apart, Amy and I are only three years apart but you can be so surprised I am more closer to my little brother more than her. Like dad he understands me. Amy does too but she's different. She's all about caring what people think or say like mom.

No wonder they are best buddies.

Nonetheless I still love and look up to my sister. She's been like a second mother to me when I was in college. I don't think I'd be here today if it wasn't for her support all through my school life. Just like I love my mother. How can you just not love a woman who gave birth to you and nursed you till you were able to take care of yourself? Like they say, family will always be family no matter what.

Jason walked out looking fresh and smelling good too. I didn't even realise I was standing in the kitchen for so long until I saw my little brother. I had to have been standing for more than fifteen minutes.

"Okay so I'm all dressed and Amy is still not here so that means I am getting my sneakers right?" I giggled and nodded.

"Yes." He jumped.

"Yes!!" I let out a chuckle. "Thank you Paige. Honestly you're the best sister ever." I giggled.

"Don't say that in front of Amy. She will kill you." He laughed and pretended to be zipping his lips.


"How is this even fun? Girls are weird." Jason said clearly bored.

"Jason don't call us girls. We're women now or did you forget I am getting married soon?" Amy said making me giggle. I took my momosa and drank.

"Fine. Women are weird." He took his phone out.

"What is wrong with him?" Amy asked me.

"Well don't worry he'll be fine." I cut the conversation to avoid any possible arguments. "Have you found a venue yet?" Her smile came back to her face.

"Yup. And you have got to see it Paige. I absolutely love it." She squeled making me giggle.

"I'm so happy for you Amy." She smiled.

"Thank you. Now when are you settling down?" I choked on my drink.

"But I just recently finished college. Why should I settle down?" She folded her arms.

"Paige I don't understand why you are still single. Are you that weird?" I giggled shaking my head.

"Amy stop. I don't want any relationship at the moment. I just want to focus on work and just improving myself for now." She shook her head.

"That is not true. You're avoiding relationships because you're afraid of falling in love again." I rolled my eyes. "You're still stuck on that woman that left you." Here we go again.

"You know that's not true."

"She's just taking a break Amy what's your deal with relationships anyway?" Jason asked.

"Jason stay out of this!" Amy yelled out of nowhere.

"Amy" I said.

"What?!" She looked angry now.

"What is wrong with you? Paige clearly has no interest in relationships at the moment. Why are you forcing her to be with a guy when she clearly doesn't want one?" I sighed facepalming. "She has never wanted a guy in the first place."

"Don't talk of things you don't know! God you are so annoying!!"

"Guys please!" I pleaded with them. "Stop. We're here to have fun not fight." I said.

"Fun?" Jason asked laughing. "How is it fun when everytime Amy brings up relationships and guys you don't even like? When will she finally get that you like women so she can finally leave you alone?" Amy looked like she was a bomb waiting to explode.

"Oh shut up. You think you're so caring and the brother of the year? If you really cared you'd encourage your sister to be settling down so she can grow up!!" She yelled even louder.

"You're so unbelievable. I can't believe I'm even supposed to call you my sister. You're just annoying like mom." Jason got up from his seat. "I'm going home. I can't stand this."

Honestly a part of me was proud and happy for Jason for standing up for me. For so long I've chosen to ignore the talks about marriage with men and having families Amy and mom always brought up because I didn't like the arguing. I hated when my family fought so I would just say I'll think about it all the time.

"That's it. He's moving out of the apartment. He's going to live in campus." I snapped my head back to Amy.

"What? Why?"

"He disrespected me! Were you not watching?" I sighed.

"Amy please. He was just looking out for me. Just let it go. He's just a kid." She huffed.

"I don't care!" She abruptly stood up and left.



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