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"Amy please calm down. Jase didn't mean what he said. We're siblings for heaven's sake." I said over the phone.

"Paige I don't even know why you're begging me not to kick him out. He's trouble. Yes he's our little brother but he crossed the line when he said mom and I are annoying. For fuck's sake we want what's best for you." I sighed.

"I know that but chasing Jase out isn't good. That's just too much." She scoffed.

"Well I don't care. If he's not out by tomorrow I'm going to kill him." I froze.

"What?! You've got to be kidding me." She's joking right?

"I am dead serious."

"I can't allow that." I said trying to be brave.


"Amy Jason is our brother. Whether you like it or not so he's not going anywhere."

"That is my house!!" She was so loud I had to move the phone away from my ear.

"Not anymore." I blurted out.

"Excuse me?" I took a deep breath.

"I am going to be paying from now on so technically I own the place now." She was quiet. "Listen sis I know you're only just angry because he did not apologise but trust me he will."

"I don't want his stinking apology and since you want to keep him so bad fine. Don't come running to me when he's only causing trouble for you." She hung up.

"Aaghhhhh!!" I dropped myself on the couch.

Why does Amy have to be so stubborn? And the sudden hate and anger. Where the hell is that coming from? I mean I know Jason has been trouble to the family in the past but he's grown up. Can't she see that? We all have mistakes. Why does he have to be always reminded of the past?

I stood up and went to his room. I listened for some noises and it was quiet. I knocked and let myself in.


"I'm here." I looked at the balcony. I walked to him.

"Hey. Are you okay?" He smiled.

"Paige I'm fine. Amy doesn't scare me so relax." I let out a breath of relief. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just think I should finally accept that you guys will never get along." He chuckled.

"We will when she finally accepts you for who you are. Paige what is wrong with them? You give them nothing but love and always want to make them happy but they always look down on you just because you chose to come out." My heart broke when I heard how hurt he was.

"It's okay Jase." I gave him a hug. "Everything will be fine. Just focus on school for now." I pulled back and cupped his face. "Okay?"



Hailey's POV

"Paige!" She jumped.


"What is wrong with you? Why aren't you focused?" I asked her but she only shook her head as if trying to shake off whatever was on her mind.

"I'm sorry Mrs Anders. Nothing is wrong. I'm fine." I sighed and looked deep into her eyes.

"Are you having boy problems?" I don't even know why I cared for her so much. She chuckled before shaking her head.

"Family problems but I'll be fine I promise." She assured me but I wasn't convinced.

"Don't lie to me Paige." She looked away. "Okay. Get these ready for me after you're done tell Bobby to bring the car around." She nodded.

"Okay ma'am." She stood up and walked to her work station.

I wondered what family problems could she be having. Was it a financial crisis at home? Maybe. Paige was my best assistant so far. She delivered her best all the time and she was just a sweet person. Sometimes I even wondered how anyone could not have hired her because she told me she had been job hunting for two months before she came here. I decided to stop work and grab my things before going out.

Paige's POV

I stood up after talking to Bobby to tell Hailey that he was waiting for her but she beat me to it and came out.

"Oh I was about to let you know that your driver is waiting for you." She smiled.

"Perfect. Are you ready?" I blinked.

"Me? You want me to come with you?" I immediately regretted asking because I pretty much looked stupid right now.

Of course she wants me to come. That's my freaking job anyway. To follow her around everytime. It's what I've been doing since she hired me. Emergency trips to LA, Atlanta, DC just anywhere she needed to be. Thank goodness she has private jets.

"Yeah you're coming with me." I nodded and took my bag with the phone she gave me.

All throughout the ride to 5th Avenue I was quiet and lost in thoughts. I was sure even my boss could see I wasn't paying attention to anything but I couldn't help it and thank goodness she was on her phone most of the time so she didn't mind.

I wondered why she didn't ask me to call the boutique she wanted to shop in and asked them close. That's what she always does.

"Okay. Come on" she got out of the car and I followed. We walked into one beautiful and extremely expensive shop and immediately people started gasping and taking pictures. She walked to the section that is for bags which is usually quieter and also leads to the manager's office. She went into it and I stayed outside. "Charlie." She greeted probably with a smile and open arms.

"Hailey! Oh my goodness hi" they both giggled. "What a surprise."

"Yeah I wanted to do some shopping. Can you please close for at least thirty minutes? I promise I won't disappoint you." Charlie chuckled.

"Oh Hailey come on. You don't have to try to convince me. I trust you." Charlie said.

"Thank you my good friend." My boss said. At least I'll have thirty minutes to myself while she shops.


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