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Paige's POV

"Okay this one." Amy showed me a lime crossbody bathing suit. One piece.

"What? No. This thing barely covers anything." I had a nice slim body but I still didn't like showing off everything.

"Oh come on Paige. Why do you need to cover anything if you're going to be swimming?"

"I don't know but let's look at others. I'm sure I'll love something." I said.

"You've been saying that for the past two freaking hours!" She shoved it to my chest roughly. "You're taking this, I'm not joking with you."

"Amy." I groaned and she glared at me.

"You're taking it." She hissed.

"Fine." I looked at the cloth in my hand. "Okay can we at least look at others so I can have another option if I get cold feet tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Paaaaaaaiiiigggeee." She dragged annoyed.

"Please." I pleaded.

"Fine but please hurry I am hungry." She fake cried making me giggle.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you're pregnant." I said looking around. Instantly my eyes landed on a white two piece bathing suit with laces to tie on ends. "Okay I've got it." I walked to it and grabbed it. Up close I started feeling like it was too revealing again.

"Great. Let's go then." She dragged me to the checkout and took her card out.

"Oh no it's okay Amy I'll pay for my stuff." I said and she giggled shaking her head. 

"Can't I spoil you anymore?" She laughed taking the clothes from me.

"Okay fine but I'm paying for our food." I said.

"Oh hell yes you are since you are the one that almost starved us to death." I giggled at her exaggeration.

"To death? Girl you're so funny."


I was watching a show later in the evening when my brother walked into the living room looking like he was about to go out.

"Going somewhere?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Just going to the movies with a friend." I crooked my eyebrows.

"Just a friend?" I asked giggling.

"Yes but don't start with the mother talks please." I laughed at him.

"I am not our mother Jason relax." He smiled.

"I know you aren't." He said sitting next to me. "But speaking about mom she called me earlier today when you went shopping with Amy, asking about you." I looked at him. "She said you haven't been taking her calls."

"Oh I forgot to return her calls. Work has been so hectic offlate so I've been busy." I lied.

"You don't have to lie to me Paige I know you have been avoiding mom." He said.

"Do you blame me?" I asked. "Every time I have a conversation with her she ends up lecturing me or us arguing. I am tired of trying to convince our mother that I don't want a man." He sighed.

"I know. Trust me I know but she seemed different when she called. I don't know if it's me imagining things but she seemed like she was regretful of the way she's been treating you. I think she has changed her mind." I looked him for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Mom? Changed her mind?" I laughed again. "Jason please stop with your jokes." I stopped to catch my breath.

"Paige I'm serious. You really need to think about calling her." I gave him the you've got to be kidding me look. "Okay listen call her and if she was acting up to get you to call her so she can start with her annoying talks about marriage and families then I will not ask you to call mom ever again." He looked at me like he was waiting for an answer.

"I'll think about it." I said.

"Okay." He kissed my cheek. "I have to go now. See you later." He stood up.

"Please be safe." He looked at me.

"Okay mom." I giggled while he walked to the elevator.

After he was gone I thought about what he said. It was so hard to believe that mom maybe had a change of heart. After so many years? What changed? Did dad finally get through to her? Or maybe Amy? Because I had noticed this whole week she's been different. She hasn't talked about a man or settling down for days now and as much as I appreciated it I was shocked she actually asked me if I was seeing any woman at the moment.

I decided to go ahead and call my mom after contemplating for a few minutes. She picked up after a few rings.

"Paige my baby." She said and I could tell with a smile.

"Hey mom." I said. "I'm sorry I haven't been getting back to you." I decided not to lie about having too much work seeing that I was a horrible liar.

"It's okay baby. I was only checking up on you. How are you?" She asked softly. Her tone was so tender. I missed it so much.

"I'm okay mom. How are you and dad?" I had talked to him a few hours ago but I had to ask to keep the conversation going.

"We're fine honey. I just miss my babies so much." I cleared my throat.

"Um....Amy and I decided to come home next Saturday. I'm sure Jase will tag along as well. He doesn't have classes on Sundays." No one ever does anyway.

"Oh I can't wait to see you. I feel like you've been gone for so long. We have to catch up." She said making me frown.

"Mom are you okay? You're acting weird." She let out a chuckle.

"I am perfectly fine. I am just excited that's all." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked to be sure.

"Yes I am sure I promise." She chuckled again. "Since you're all coming back to visit. I'll make sure I bake you your favourite cake." I giggled.

"You bake now?" I asked and she laughed. It felt good hearing her laugh genuinely.

"I live with your father have you forgotten?" I laughed.

"Of course." We both laughed.

"Thank you for calling Paige." She said making me smile. "I love you honey please don't forget that." I almost teared when she said that.

"I love you too mom." I heard a light sniffle.

"Paige." She whispered. "Honey I'm so sorry." She finally cried.

"Mom it's okay. Please don't cry." A tear fell. "It's okay."


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