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Hailey's POV

Ever attended a family gathering or dinner and felt like you'd rather you were somewhere else? Well that's how I felt at that moment. Karen wanted to celebrate Kiara and her husband's return so she threw them a party. On a Wednesday night.

At first I thought Kiara was just here to visit but apparently I was wrong. They were actually here to stay. Or maybe until another opportunity comes their way and they decide to take it.

I looked around at everyone around all happy to see Kiara and congratulating her husband on the work he has done.

"Bored already?" I turned to see Justin. Kiara and Xavier's cousin. Tony and Karen took him in when his parents died after a car accident when he was little. He barely stayed in New York since he loved traveling.

"Justin" We hugged. "Oh my God it's so good to see you. I didn't know you were home." He smiled brushing off his blonde hair from his face.

"I arrived this morning." I nodded.

"I'm so happy to see you honestly." I said and he smiled.

"I missed you too Hailey." He took a sip of his champagne. "I can see you look much better. Last time-"

"I know I know. You last saw me looking like a zombie." We laughed.

"I wasn't going to say zombie though." He said.

"A monkey then?" He giggled this time a little louder.

"No." I giggled. "You were still beautiful but not lively. It's just good to see you smiling."

"Well it's been a couple of years so I'm in a better place now and thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome. How are the kids?"

"They are growing and very happy." He smiled.

"I have to see them." I giggled.

"When did you last see them again?" I asked.

"Not long ago come on." I laughed. "The last time I was home was on uncle Tony's birthday." That's true.

"Do you consider just staying at home and working for once?" He laughed.

"You're so funny Hailey but yeah I have. That's actually the reason I came back. I was supposed to be in Switzerland you know." I rolled my eyes.

"You're just here for Kiara."

"We both know Kiara wouldn't have been upset if I missed her party so it's not the real reason I'm here."

"Well well well look who decided to grow up." We laughed.

"There you are." Karen's voice cut our laughter short. "I have been looking for you two. We have to take pictures."

"Okay." I drank the rest of my white wine and then followed Karen to the photoshoot. At least after that I can sneak out and head back home. As much as I loved spending time with my family tonight I wasn't in the mood for a party. I just needed to call Paige and maybe then I'll sleep.


Or maybe not.

"Hailey? What the hell are you doing here?" Paige asked looking around the lobby. No one was around. Even the security guy wasn't around.

"I just needed to see you." I said.

"At this time of the night? And what happened to the party your mother in law hosted for her daughter?" I sighed.

"I left early." I said.

"Oh." She wrapped her hands around her body.

"Are you cold? We can sit in my car." I offered.

"Um you want to stay?" She asked. "I'm sorry of course you want to. We can go up to my place. Mom is sleeping." I giggled shaking my head.

"No. I don't want to put you in an awkward position. It's okay I'll just go." She held my hand.

"Hey, she's asleep so it's okay." I let out a sigh. "Okay I can see you're uncomfortable so we'll sit in your car. Is Bobby with you?" She asked dragging me to the elevator.

"No I drove myself. I don't like making him work till late or at night." We got in and she pressed the ground floor button.

"I always wondered why." I smiled.

"Well he is my driver so I use him the whole day so in order for me to trust that he will be able to drive safely the following day I need him well rested and well fed." The doors opened and we were in the garage.

"Oh that actually makes sense." I giggled nodding. I walked us to my car and we both decided to sit in the back.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your sleep Paige." I was honestly feeling guilty she was outside in the cold instead of being in her bed. Warming up.

"It's okay." She smiled. "I missed you too if I'm being honest." My stomach did a flip.

"You did?" She nodded. "We can't stay away from each other can we?" I laughed.

"Yeah apparently." Her voice carried worry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm okay." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

"There is clearly something bothering you Paige. I can see it, tell me." She sighed and then turned to face me.

"I keep wondering if there's more to this than just sex. I know we didn't talk about putting title to what we have going on but it's getting complicated now. I don't know but I think we should be honest about what we really want."

"But I want you I thought that was obvious."

"Me or the sex Hailey?" I giggled.

"Wait a minute so you think I'm only in it for the sex?" She shrugged. "You must also think I bought you the car because you fuck me so good." She looked away. "Paige!" I gasped.

"You can't really blame since all we do when we see each other is have sex." I rolled my eyes.

"You're so childish."

"Excuse me?"

"Well if you can hear yourself right now you'll agree with me." She glared at me. "Okay listen since you wanna know how I feel then you should know I have no freaking idea even myself." I giggled. "I think about you everytime, other days I think about you and then when I'm on the verge of calling you I stop myself when I remember you might be sleeping or just busy with your stuff. I get nervous when you're so close to me. Like right now." She laughed.

"I wasn't expecting that." She smiled.

"Neither was I." I cleared my throat. "I didn't even think I'd finally find courage to even tell you this. And I'm going to be honest with you. I haven't felt like this in years. The butterflies in my stomach, my heart skipping when I see you or when you touch me and when we kiss." I sighed and then decided to blurt it out to her. "I guess what I'm trying to tell you is I've fallen for you."


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