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Kim's POV

"Kim." I looked at Ry calling my name.


"You have been here for hours staring at nothing. Are you okay?" I sighed and then nodded.

"I'm okay Ry." I told her.

"Are you sure?" I kept quiet. "Okay I will not bother you."

"Can I ask you something?" She nodded. "What do you think of people who run away from their problems? Do you think they are cowards?"

"It depends." She answered shortly.

"On what?"

"On what problem you have. Some people run from responsibilities that they consider problems, others run from maybe toxic relationships, family members." She shrugged.

"So what do you think of those who run from toxic family members or relationships?" She looked at me with a worried look.

"Kim are you thinking of running away?" I let out a deep breath before looking away. "Kim talk to me, maybe I can help you. Ever since you stood up for me to Logan I have considered you as a friend so please talk to me." I giggled remembering that day.

"No one can help me Ry." I said.

"Why?" I finally looked at her and smiled.

"You still haven't answered me." She sighed.

"Well I think everyone needs a break sometimes. If running away is the only option in order to feel free then I think that's fair." She answered and I felt relieved that someone else also supported my decision.

"Thank you for being honest."


"Yo Kim, the boss wants to see you." I looked at Max in confusion.

"Me? Are you sure?" He nodded and then walked away. I went to Paige's office and knocked. She let me in and I walked in. "You asked to see me."

"Yeah um we need to talk."

"Yeah we do." I sat down. "I actually wanted to tell you that after I leave I'm not coming back." She looked at me surprised.

"You're finally quitting?" I nodded.

"Yeah um I don't think I want to work here anymore. I never wanted to in the first place but that doesn't matter now." She thought for a while and then nodded.

"I understand." She said. "Well that's your choice and hopefully you're happy with it. I wish you good luck on your new journey." She said.

"Thanks, so what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Oh um I......I wanted to know when you'll be back so I can know about the shifts of every worker but since you're not coming back it doesn't matter anymore." I nodded and then stood up.

"Okay then." I walked out of the office to continue with my day.

Hailey's POV

I came back from work after yet another long day and took a shower. Coming back home every evening now had become something to be excited about since I knew I'd find my family. Seeing them around really made me happy. I came out of the shower and my phone was ringing. I checked who the caller was and it was Kiara.


"Hailey, hi. How are you doing?" She asked politely.

"I'm doing okay, how about you and everyone?" I put her on speaker so I could moisturise my skin and get dressed.

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