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Hailey's POV

"So how is it that you're into women and the world doesn't know about it?" Paige asked me after taking a sip of her wine.

It was the following day and I had asked her to have lunch with me out of the office. Most of the time I ate out of course but not with her. If she came along she'd eat alone on another table while I ate either with my family, friends or have lunch over a business meeting.

"Because I am not into women Paige." I said over a giggle.

"Last time I checked I wasn't a man." I laughed hard when she said that.

"You are so funny you know." I said. "You're the first woman I like and I don't think I can feel the same way about another." She froze for a moment.

"You mean that?" I first giggled at her silliness but nodded initially.

I was actually telling her the truth. I couldn't explain what was happening to me.

"Growing up I never had anything against same gender couples. I actually liked it when I saw one. Brooke and I actually had a gay male friend in highschool it's just that he moved to Tokyo just before I met Xavier." She nodded. "So I am not surprised I am attracted to another woman since I never hated it. And besides who wouldn't be when you are always so beautiful and sweet?" She blushed tucking her hair behind her ear.

Today was one of the rare days when she let her hair fall. She was more beautiful like this. I just don't think she knew that.

"Okay since we're talking about your childhood and your friends and family....." I frowned but giggled at the same time.

"We weren't talking about my family or friends." She grinned making me laugh.

"Well now we are." She laughed. "I wanna know about your brother. Do you guys often talk?"

"Paige he's my freaking brother of course we talk on a daily basis." I giggled shaking my head. "You might meet him one of the good days when he visits or I take the kids to him."

"Really?" I nodded. "Wow."

"If you want to of course." I remembered I had to actually ask her if it's okay. Silly me. I was so used to giving orders I forgot I wasn't in the office.

"Of course I'd love to." She smiled but then her smile dropped getting me worried.


"Um nothing I'm fine." I rolled my eyes. I knew she was lying.

"Paige" she looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"I just..." she took a deep breath. "I'm just worried."

"About what?" I asked.

"What if he-" I shook my head cutting her off.

"Don't overthink anything it'll only ruin your excitement." She sighed. "Listen Paige my brother is the coolest person I know. He'll love you so relax. And besides I didn't say we're leaving tomorrow." She giggled and I smiled.

"Right." She drank her wine again. "Well I hope I'm ready to meet him by the time you decide to go to Paris."

"Tell you what. I will take you to Paris with me only when you're ready. If I take my kids while you're still not ready then it's fine we'll go without you." I hope she feels relieved now. I didn't want her feeling like she was obliged to do whatever I say.

"And what if he decides to visit?" She asked.

"Simple. You still don't meet him unless you're ready." She nodded. "You feel better now?" She laughed lightly.

"Yes. Thanks." I smiled.

"You're welcome."


Paige's POV

"Hey." Jason sat next to me on the couch and took the remote from my lap.

"Hey I'm watching." He chuckled.

"You have been giggling and smiling at your phone since you came back from work. You were not watching." I giggled again.

"That's not true." He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really?" I got another text from Hailey. "There you go." He laughed changing the channel I was watching to a documentary. At least I enjoy documentaries as well.

I texted Hailey back. She had been telling me how much she missed me already and I was with her less than two hours ago. The energy she has for sex amazes me. At some point I think maybe it's because she had been starving for more than five years. I don't even know how she went on for so long. She must have really loved her husband.

A hint of jealousy hit me. I knew I shouldn't be since the guy was dead but I guess I couldn't help it.

"What's wrong?" Jason interrupted my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have an uneasy look on your face. Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah everything is fine. I was just thinking about something." The elevator sound ringed gaining our attention and the doors opened. Stephen walked in with a bag in his hand. Not a backpack but one you get after buying groceries.

"Hi guys!" He smiled and came over. I was still shocked that he literally just burst in before calling first.

"Stephen?" I said. Jason chuckled.

"He didn't say he was coming did he?" I shook my head.

"I didn't even know he was back in town." I whispered back.

"God I am starving." He placed the bag of food before dropping himself on the sofa. "Oh I forgot to say 'surprise." I giggled shaking my head.

"Why are you so weird?" He laughed lightly.

"I had planned all the way from the lobby but your apartment is nineteen floors away so I kind of forgot." I laughed even harder and Jason joined me.

"Oh God I can't breath." I laughed again.

"I seriously don't know what is funny about what I said." Stephen said. I looked at him and smirked.

"What do you have here?" I pointed at the bag he brought.

"I bought us food. I hope you guys didn't cook." I shook my head.

"No we were waiting for you." Jason said sarcastically and we both laughed again.

"Ha ha very funny Jason." Stephen said sarcastically.

"He's kidding, we were going to order in." I said in between laughs. "Since you're starving I'll fix you a plate." I took the bag.

"You're a lifesaver Paige." He said.


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