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Hailey's POV

"Come in!" I stopped watching my show and Charlotte came in my room.

"Hailey your PA is here to see you." My eyes widened almost popping out from the shock.

"What? Paige? Charlotte are you sure?" She nodded.

"She said you missed an important meeting and other important appointments neither have you been picking your calls so she wanted to see you and if you're okay." I looked around my room and thought of an excuse I could come up with.

I obviously didn't want to see her. I cannot face her after embarrassing myself last night and confessing my feelings to her only for her to freeze and not say anything.

"Tell her I don't want to see anyone right now." I said.

"Okay." Charlotte walked out and I let out a deep breath. I went back to watching my favourite show but I didn't concentrate any longer. I kept wondering what Paige wanted. Was she here to check up on me because I missed work or was she using that as a front. I stayed in bed for a few minutes before my door burst open and Paige walked in looking fustrated.

"Really?" She closed the door forcefully. "You don't want to see anyone?"

"How did you get in here?" She walked to my bed. "Where is Charlotte?"

"In your study looking for the green file you said I should use to prepare for tomorrow's proposal." What?

"What green file are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes and that's when it hit me. "You lied to her so she could get out of your way didn't you?"

"I had to find a way to see you. Hailey what's wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me?" I scoffed.

"What did you expect? I freaking embarrassed myself last night."

"And you call me the childish one?" I rolled my eyes.

"You should leave Paige." I said and she got on my bed instead.

"I'm not going anywhere. You can't tell me you have freaking feelings for me and then ignore me the next day. I barely slept last night because of this only for you to disappear." I looked at her surprised at the tone. This was the first time she looked pissed when talking to me. But it also got me turned on.

"What did you do when I told you I have fallen for you? You fucking froze and starred at me like an idiot. I felt so stupid." My eyes watered.

"That was not my intention." She whispered holding my arms. "I was still processing the fact that what I used to daydream about was becoming true. You have no idea how surreal that felt."

"It still doesn't make me feel any less stupid." She sighed and finally sat on top of me. My back was against my headboard so I was beneath her.

"You're not stupid. I'm sorry my silence made you feel like that." She kissed me and after we looked into each other's eyes.

"So what now?" She smiled.

"Your sexy ass is freaking mine now and I will have you know that I don't like sharing." I giggled.

"Where did the badass Paige come from?" She kissed me again.

"Privileges of being mine." I giggled again. I heard someone knocking.

"Charlotte not now!" Paige went for my neck sucking on my weak spot and I gasped.

She knocked again.

Paige came back to my face and we made out with her hands caressing my whole body. I moaned in the kiss.

A knock again.

"Charlotte!" I yelled growing fustrated.

"You should probably hear what she wants. Maybe it's important." I sighed and Paige got off me.

"Fine." I went to the door and opened it. "Charlotte what?" My eyes widened at who was actually knocking all this time. "Cammy." I kneeled in front of her.

"Mommy." She said with tears brimming.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked getting worried. 

"My tummy hurts." I took her to my bed immediately.

"What's wrong?" Paige asked.

"She said her tummy hurts." I said placing her on my bed and quickly grabbing my phone.

"Paige." She smiled and Paige took her and put her on her lap.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hi this is Hailey Anders can I please speak to Dr David?"

"One moment please." His PA said. After about ten seconds he spoke.

"Mrs Anders. Good evening."

"Good evening Dr David. I'm so sorry to be disturbing you at this time but my daughter said her tummy hurts. Can you please come to check her out immediately? Please." I said quickly.

"Okay no problem I'll be there shortly." I hung up and sat next to the girls.

"She's hot." Paige said looking at me. Her eyes told me she was worried too. My heart raced a little faster. I looked at my daughter and she looked weak but she was still smiling.

"Mommy will I be okay?" She asked almost making me cry. I nodded.

"The doctor is on his way honey don't worry okay? You'll be fine." She nodded.


"She'll be fine Mrs Anders. She just had too much sugar hence causing the stomach hurting and the fever." I nodded looking at my baby. It must be from the cakes and candy I've been letting them eat. Especially her.

"Okay thank you doctor." I said. "Are you sure she'll be fine though?" He nodded.

"Of course. The medication will help flush out the excess sugar and in the morning she'll be fine. Don't worry." I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Thank you." I said.

"I have to leave now." He said.

"Oh um I'll just write you a cheque really quickly." I took out my cheque book and filled in the necessary details. "Here you go."

"Thank you. Please have a goodnight."

"You too." I walked him to the door leaving Paige with Camilla on the bed. It was dark outside but she was still here with us. I went back to them after walking the doctor out of the house and not only my room. Camilla was fast asleep on my bed and Paige cuddling her on her chest. "Hey." I whispered and she smiled when she saw me.

"Hey." I sat on the bed. "Her temperature is dropping."

"Thank God." I said feeling relieved. "And thank you." She looked at me surprised.

"For what?"

"For staying and making sure Cammy is okay. It's even late now." She smiled and placed my daughter's head on a pillow before turning to me.

"I wouldn't be a good girlfriend if I left you when you needed me the most." I blushed.

"You're so amazing you know that?" I planted a kiss on her lips. "I can't believe you're all mine." I whispered.

"Well you better believe it because I am here to stay." I giggled quietly to not wake Cammy up.


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