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Paige's POV

"You look so beautiful." I smiled and gave her a kiss but she didn't kiss me back. She gave me a skeptical look instead. "Is everything okay?"

"What is going on between you and Kimberly?" I frowned.

"What do you mean? I told you before Kim is just my ex." She let out a chortle.

"Oh so that's why you decided to take the job in the first place. You knew she was here. She still has and effect on you right?"

"Wait what? Who told you that?" She removed my hands from her arms.

"Paige be honest with me. Do you still love her?" My eyes widened.

"God no! How can you even think I still love Kimberly?" She let go of a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to tell me where this is coming from or not?" She sighed.

"She played me."

"You bumped into her?" She nodded. "What did she say to you?"

She went on and narrated what happened in the lobby. I sighed and facepalmed.

Have you ever felt like someone is like a curse or something? You don't know how to wash them off of you. Wherever you go they follow you to destroy whatever you touch or try to build. Yup that's how I felt about Kim. Would I be a bad person if I wished she was dead so she could stop tormenting me?

"I'm so sorry about that baby. None of that crap is true I promise you. I didn't know she works here until yesterday. Trust me I wish I could fire her but Logan doesn't want her fired."

"Why not?" I shrugged.

"He gave no reason and who am I to question him about why he keeps who in his hotel?" I shrugged and then grabbed her waist bringing her closer again. "Please don't allow Kim play you baby. I promise you, I have nothing to do with her anymore." She nodded.

"I'm sorry I believed her. I had forgotten you once told me she's a good liar." She kissed my lips softly. "I promise I won't ever doubt you again."

"I will also not give you any reason to." I said and she giggled.

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" I chuckled and nodded.

"Countless times my love." She wrapped her arms around my neck and today was one of the rare days she wasn't wearing heels so I was taller than her.

"I love it when you call me that." She kissed my lips demandingly. From the kiss I could tell where she was headed and she moved one hand to my breast massaging it softly confirming my suspicion.

"Babe, stop." I whispered holding her hands away from me.

"But you know how I get when I'm ovulating." I giggled since I knew perfectly well how horny one gets on their ovulation day.

"I know baby but we're not in your office. There is no bedroom here." She pouted.

"I know but it's not like we haven't done it on a table before." I giggled.

"If I owned the hotel I'd even fuck you in the lobby but unfortunately I have a boss." She rolled her eyes making me chuckle.

"Let's go to my office then. I'm the boss there." We both giggled lightly.

"Tempting but unfortunately I will have to let you wait until tonight." She pouted again making me smile. I planted a kiss on her soft lips. "I will make it worth your wait I promise." I whispered and she blushed her cheeks turning crimson.

"And you always keep your promises." She giggled.

"You know me too well."


Hailey's POV

As I walked out of the hotel from seeing Paige and us having lunch together I bumped into Kim again. I had a feeling she was waiting for me.

"Oh Mrs Anders.....oops I meant Miss Finley. I'm really sorry but I promise I'll get used to it." She smiled and I felt like strangling the useless life out of her.

"Not everyone is a fast learner so I understand don't worry." I smiled at the comeback. Her fake smile dropped.

"Um....I hope you enjoyed your lunch with Paige."

"Actually I did. I always enjoy myself when I'm with her you know. And I mean everytime." She almost glared at me but she stopped herself and put on a smile again.

"That's good then. Enjoy the rest of your day Miss Finley."

"There you go. See it wasn't that hard now was it?" I giggled shaking my head and walking to my car with her still rooted where she was.

Paige's POV

My door burst open and I instinctively raised my head to see who the person without manners was.

"No no no no no no no I don't have time to waste talking to you. Leave my office." She walked to my desk instead.

"Was that to spite me?" I frowned.

"Are you really that full of yourself?" She sighed. "Kim what is wrong with you? Honestly what is wrong with you? Why is it so hard for you to move on?" She was quiet. "You fucking cheated on me but here I am happy again even after what you put me through yet you still want to torment me again. When we're together you cheat and leave, when I'm with someone else who makes me happy you intervene. What exactly do you want from me?"

"Paige I didn't leave you because I didn't love you. I still love you." I laughed.

"Right. So your way of showing love is by cheating on me and leaving me?" I asked.

"That's not how it happened. I.....Paige I wanted to.....You won't understand!" She turned her back on me.

"Listen I don't care what happened to you that made you change after you graduated leaving me behind. I don't give a fuck about you if I'm being honest, I'm just here to do my job. Stay out of my life Kimberly. Do your job or don't if you don't want to, I don't care about you. You made it clear you are not my responsibility but Logan's. Now leave my office." I could hear a light sniffle. "Leave Kim!" I banged my desk startling her and she rushed out.

Hailey's POV

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hailey where are you?" I frowned when Brooke asked.

"In the office why? Is everything okay?" That when I noticed she was sounding like she was nervous.

"Hailey please rush to the hospital right now. The Anders are here. It's not looking good." She said quickly.

"What?! What do you mean by that? Brooke what happened?" I asked getting my bag and other phone quickly so I could head out.

"I can't explain a lot over the phone Hailey just hurry please. They need you here." I opened my door.

"Okay I'll be there shortly." I hung up. Mabel was working on her desk. "Mabel tell Bobby to bring the car around quickly and you'll have to be on your own for the rest of the day." I rushed to my elevator.

"Yes ma'am." She said while I rushed in and pressed the first floor button.


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