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I led her to the couch and we sat down in silence. I wasn't sure of what to say. A few days ago I had a lot to say but right now seeing her here with me left me speechless. She took off her glasses and I noticed she wasn't wearing make up. That explains the sunglasses on a cold day. Evening for that matter.

"I'm sorry." She started. "I really feel so stupid for getting upset over those stupid pictures. It's just that I get so jealous whenever I see you with other women."

"Do you even trust me?" I asked.

"I do. I promise you baby, I do trust you now." I sighed and laid back on the couch looking away from her. "Please say something Paige. Yell, shout, tell me you're disappointed that I was quick to believe the pictures without hearing you first. Just something, please." A tear fell from her cheek breaking my heart. I hated when she cried.

"Come here." I opened my right arm for her to lay on my chest. She wiped her tears and slowly placed herself ontop of me. "I can't do any of that to you."

"But I deserve it." She whispered.

"No you don't baby." I kissed her head and sighed. "But I want you to promise me something."


"Promise me you will not leave me. The days without you felt so cold. I hadn't realised how much I loved you until we stopped talking. At first I was mad at you for thinking I'd ever cheat on you but then I started missing you. At some point I thought I'd never have you in my arms again." I held her tighter. "I don't think I can survive without you Hailey. I love you too much to look at another woman other than you."

"I love you too Paige. I'm sorry I made you feel like that." She wrapped her hands tighter too but not too hard. "And I promise I'll never leave you." She rose her head and looked at me with sincerity. "I mean it." She kissed my lips and my stomach did the flips again. I missed the soft lips.

Clears throat

She slowly shifted and moved so she was on top of me still kissing me passionately. Her hands moved to the hem of my sweater and lifted it up slowly leaving goosebumps behind. I lifted my hands up and she pulled it over my head. I shifted to lay on the couch completely and got on top of me taking her hoodie off. Her breasts formed a cleavage in the black lace bra she had on. She smiled seductively before unhooking her bra and letting the perfect twins free. They looked so perfect and inviting I even licked my lips and she lowered herself and went back to kissing me.

She gripped my breasts underneath the white sportbra I had under the sweater. Slipping her soft hands under and grazing her hands over my breasts, my whole body shivered. She twisted the nipples a little and I moaned in the kiss. My hands moved to her jeans and I unbuttoned them hastily unzipping the zipper too.

I rose up to a sitting position with her still on top of me. She broke the kiss and stood up pulling me up as well. I pulled jeans down and then her thong. She was a thong type of woman. Her naked body looked so perfect. I swear this woman was God's best creation. I smiled and took my time to take in her beauty. Her naked body was one of my favourite things to look at. She took my sweatpants off together with my panties and then pushed me back to the couch and waisted no time sitting on top of me in a scissors position. 

She used one of my legs to hold on to while she started riding in a slow pace. "Fuck." I gasped breathing heavily. As she rode, her waist moved in a sexy rhythm and I got aroused even more. Her pussy brushed against mine in a faster rhythm now. I finally closed my eyes and enjoyed her soft moans instead. I felt her tighten and I knew she was about to cum and I held her waist guiding her riding so we could cum together. I used my other hand to grip her neck and bring her face closer to mine. Her warm breath hit my face, her pupils dilating. "Come for me baby." I whispered feeling myself so close and we climaxed together leaving her breathless. She dropped on top of me to calm down.

I took one of the cushions and put it under my head. She shifted and laid on her left side, her head laid on my chest. My heart was still drumming from the orgasm. Her right hand brushed against my flat stomach, I shivered at her touch. She went for my warm wet pussy and I gasped. She raised her head and kissed my nipple as she rubbed the clit slowly. I scratched her back lightly as the pleasure kicked in real hard. She placed her leg over mine to spread them and she slid a finger into me. "Shit!" I moaned. A wave of chills spread rapidly through my whole body.

Her lips moved to my neck kissing it with intensity as before. Her fingers quickened making me arch my back and ride them in return. She pressed into my G-spot fingering it with ease and confidence. "Ahh!" I screamed clenching my teeth and scratching her back a little more aggressively which made her suck on my neck harder. I let my head fall back and she pressed harder. "I'm gonna cum." I said quickly and she added another finger pumping faster until I climaxed again. "Shit" I whispered out of breath. She kissed me again on my lips.

I switched up so she was beneath me before hastily crawling to her still wet and warm pussy. I was eager to taste her juices. Her little bead erected and I licked her whole without hesitation. God she tasted so amazing like always. "Fuck!" She moaned in pleasure grabbing my head and pushing me further into her arousal. I sucked on her clit and she cried my name. "Oh Paige." It gave me great pleasure to know I could satisfy her like that. "Don't stop please." She whispered and I figered her still sucking down on the clit.

She moaned throwing her head back and shaking harder than ever. Now pumping my head in deep arousal and pleasure she threw her hands over her head and moaned. "Yes!" Pumping harder and slithering with my tongue over her shiny pearl she moaned again. "Baby I'm gonna cum so hard." She shivered again and I could feel her walls inside tightening. I pumped faster and sucked hard on the clit "fuck!" She screamed almost whimpering out in a cry before releasing in my mouth and fingers. I smiled licking her juices and taking my dreched fingers out of her core.

"I missed this." I said crawling to her face again. She giggled trying to catch her breath still shaking. I took another cushion to support my head again since Hailey had taken the first one. I wrapped my arm around her and smiled. Sex after a fight really is the best sex, now I know.


"Wait isn't your brother home?" Hailey asked and I giggled. "I was screaming like a maniac."

"Relax baby he went out." I said smelling her vanilla scented hair before getting up. "But.." I said lifting her up. "We should probably finish this in my room." She giggled in excitement.

"You're going to kill me." I laughed walking us to my room.


I hope I didn't rob anybody this time around, okay maybe I should've added a face sitting scene😄 but that would've made the chapter even longer, I'm sorry. Honestly the way you guys love sex scenes it's funny but still I love y'all and thank you for reading.

I'm sorry to those who don't like premarital sex or just sex scenes in general.

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