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After Karen explained to me how she threatened her daughter because she thought it was the only way to stop her I then understood why she told her lawyer to drop everything. I decided to come back to the office and continue with my day. When I got to Paige's desk I didn't see her but her phone and bag was there. I walked into my office and she was in my shelf of important files putting back a file.

"Oh good. Look who decided to show up." She said using a tone she had never used when talking to me.

"O-kay, someone seems to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today." I went to my desk.

"Woken up on th- really? Is that all you have to say?" I got confused.

"What else am I supposed to say? You obviously look upset right now and it's still morning so that was what I could come up with." I giggled sitting down.

"You cannot even think about how you bailed out on your meeting with that arrogant bastard Blackwood who embarrassed me?" She asked.

"Oh shit! Is he still here?" I had completely forgotten about that.

"He's probably gone I don't know." I gave her a puzzled look.

"You don't know? Why?" She kept quiet making me notice her earlier choice of words. "Wat a minute. Did you just call thee Timothy Blackwood an arrogant bastard?" She rolled her eyes. "Babe what happened? What do you mean he embarrassed you?"

"After everything I said, the first thing you were concerned about was why he left?" She looked disappointed. "Wow" She walked out on me and banged my door. What? Did she just walk out on me? What have I done?

Paige's POV

I sat on my chair roughly and took a deep breath. Soon after that, Hailey's door opened.

"Paige what's going on? Did I do something wrong?" She asked.

"Really?" She looked at me even more confused.

"Can you please just tell me what happened because I don't understand why you are so angry at me right now." I scoffed shaking my head.

"He said I should tell you he's not happy with you." She didn't say anything waiting for me to continue but I looked away.

"That's it? So you're pissed off because of that?"

"What? No!"

"Then what?!" I shot up from my chair when she raised her voice.

"I told you he embarrassed me but you ignored that!!" I shouted. "He called me your SLUT!!" She froze. "Yes that idiot called me YOUR freaking slut but all you care about is this stupid company, right? You are just worried if he'll still want to do business with you." Her eyes widened.


"Am I wrong?" Her eyes started to glisten with tears.

"Paige how can you say that to me?" She asked her voice cracking. "You know very well that is not true." She wiped her tears before they could fall and then ran to her office. Probably to cry on the bed.

As much as she was the CEO of a huge company like AC she was still very sensitive. I immediately hated myself for making her cry. I regretted my words as soon as I realised what I had said to her. I sighed and then dragged myself to her office and like I assumed she wasn't behind her desk. I walked to the bedroom door and scanned my palm. It opened after the greenlight.

"Babe?" I opened the door slowly but the bed was empty. I looked around and she was on the floor hugging her knees with tears streaming down her face.

The sight of her made my heart ache. I was used to seeing her smiling and not like this. This was the first time I saw her so heartbroken and it was because of me. I went to sit next to her.

"Hailey I'm sorry. I'm sorry about what I said and the way I said it. I'm sorry about the cold attitude I showed towards you from the time you walked in. I didn't mean for you to cry please stop crying. I really hate myself right now." She wept. "Please forgive me babe." I brought her closer to me and laid her head on my chest. She started crying again.


"Hey." I threw my bag on the couch and sat down lazily.

"Hey sis." Jason smiled at me. "Hectic day?" I shook my head.

"Not really I am just emotionally exhausted and the paparazzi downstairs are not helping." I sighed.

"I know how you feel. I get the same treatment in school." I quickly turnedmy head to him instead of the ceiling.

"They follow you to school?" I asked.

"No but the students give me unnecessary attention now. Everyone wants to act like they know me or something." I giggled.

"I'm sorry." He shrugged.

"It's okay, I'm not bothered much but I saw that you're trending on every social media platform and saw even old pictures of you when you were little and some of our family and I wondered how they got them."

"I have no idea honestly. I'm just grateful they are not bothering our parents that much. Dad said he had to come out with his gun to show how pissed off he was and they haven't came back since." Jason burst out laughing when I said that.

"That must have been so funny." He said.

"We missed a show." I giggled while he looked like he just remembered something and his smile fell. "What?"

"Paige do you think they'll dig into my past and also show it to everybody like they to you?" He asked with concern.

"Jase don't think about that please." I said.

"But what if they do? We both know I haven't been the best teenager so this wouldn't be good for me." I sighed.

"I know. I wish I could do something for them not to find out but that would mean I'd have to kill everyone who knows about your past." He chuckled.

"Right." I giggled.

"The most important thing is that your loved ones already know so everyone else doesn't matter if it comes to that. Okay?"

"Okay." He nodded vigorously.

"We'll be fine don't worry." I said with a smile.


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