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Hailey's POV

"Hey." I smiled when I saw Paige walking in looking beautiful as always. She returned the smile but it didn't reach her ears.

"Hey. How are you today?" She asked as she sat down opposite me.

"I don't even know but seeing you always makes me feel better." She let out a giggle. "How about you?"

"I'm okay." She sighed. "Of course I would rather not have the whole AC staff stopping to stare whenever they see me. Am I really that famous now?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry Paige." I said.

"You don't have to be. At least we don't have to hide anymore." She said softly.

"I can see you're not comfortable."

"I'm not used to having so much attention on me. I'm just a regular girl from a small town not a celebrity so it's still weird to me." I nodded softly.

"Journalists attacked you with questions at your apartment right?" She looked at me surprised.

"Wait how did you know that?"

"Because they once did the same to me. That's how everybody found out I was Xavier's girlfriend at that time. I woke up the next morning after a gala he had unvited me to where I saw Melanie White, she was the one who exposed me. So I opened my door the next morning and I was met by people with cameras all asking a lot of questions at the same time." I explained.

"What?" I nodded.

"Yup. I had to lock myself up for almost a week. I couldn't even go out to the grocery store since it had become a struggle." I sighed. "So I understand how you feel babe." I took her hand.

"I just feel overwhelmed." She said releasing a deep breath. "Can you believe I woke up with a thousand notifications of new followers on my instagram." She let out a light laugh.

"Soon your account will be verified." I giggled.

"Now that's insane." She laughed.

"I know right?" A knock came from the door. "Come in." Darsie appeared and then walked in.

"Mrs Anders your sister in law is here." She said before the door opened revealing Kiara.

"Thank you Darsie you're free to leave." I said and she nodded before walking away.

"I'll leave you-" Kiara cut Paige off.

"No no no no you don't have to leave. You are or rather was her secret lover afterall so you might want to hear this." Paige stood up and glared at her.

"Don't you ever refer to me like that." Kiara put her bag down. I watched from my chair.

"So what? You want to beat me up?" She laughed.

"That's what you want me to do but nah that's not how I deal with people like you." Paige said.

"I will deal with you first before you can ever try anything." She turned to me and dropped a white envelop on my desk. "This is for you."

"What is this? Am I fired?" I laughed at her glaring face when I said that.

"I will see you in court Finley." She grabbed her bag and stormed out.

"Annoying brat." Paige said sitting back down. I giggled.

"Wine?" I asked heading to the cupboard.

"You're not going to read that?" I shook my head.

"I know what's inside that envelope. Don't worry I have already prepared for anything she might try." I said after pouring us both some wine.

"Like what?" I smiled and walked back to my seat.

"Like legal fights. She said she'll see me in court have you forgotten already?" I sipped my wine.

"Why the hell is she dragging you to court?" She asked.

"Well my lawyer Larry said the company, house and even my own kids are at stake. The Anders might want to take everything back but then that is just what he said. I already know Karen and Tony are with me so I have nothing to worry about if Kiara is on her own." I explained.

"I can't believe she's willing to go that lane with you." I shrugged. "Has she always been like this?"

"On the contrary she used to be the sweetest and most caring person I knew before she went to Australia. She also didn't have a problem when Xavier introduced us. If I'm being honest I used to refer to her as angel with how caring she was especially when I was pregnant plus dealing with the loss of my husband." I sighed. It was insane how much she had changed from that wonderful person.

"Then what happened to her? Did someone traumatise her or what?" I giggled.

"Why would you think she had been through that?" She put her glass down.

"Baby there has to be an explaination to her sudden change in character. How can someone so loving be the same Kiara I just saw a couple of minutes ago?"

"So you think she's not just being ridiculous and maybe looking for attention?" She chortled.

"I think she is but what if she's still hurting because of her brother's death? I mean what sane person would be angry about her brother's wife moving on after five years?" I shrugged.

"She's a grown ass woman with a husband and parents, if she's being like this because she hasn't healed from her brother's death then they can tell her to see someone. I am fed up with her nonesense." I finished my glass.

"I can't even go out to my desk and work peacefully because of her. Everyone keeps disturbing me with the 'OMG are you really screwing the boss?' Questions." She sighed.

"And you still pity her." I giggled shaking my head. "You're too soft babe." I said.

"Well I'm not like you." She laughed. "Unlike you, I can give people the benefit of doubt." I giggled.

"Aren't you a such a good Samaritan?" We laughed.

"Oh you will have to take that back." She said getting up and then walked around the table.

"Or what?" I asked smirking. She sat on top of me.

"Or you will have to suffer the consequences." I giggled kissing her lightly.

"Yes master." I whispered before she crashed her lips on mine in a passionate kiss. I moaned and she broke the kiss immediately going for my neck. "Someone might walk in on us." I managed to whisper. Someone might even be watching from the windows. I couldn't have them taking pictures again.

"They already know about us so I don't care." Paige stood up and lifted me up abruptly making me gasp. She walked us to the couch. After laying me down softly she got on top of me kissing my cleavage while her hands got under my skirt going for my now soaked panties.

"Paige." I moaned. Her lustful eyes locked with mine and she smiled before she shifted my panty aside and slid a finger in. "Oooh." I closed my eyes finally letting my guard down and enjoying the pleasure instead.


I'm curious y'all😄 do I have bi or gay readers here?

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