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"Paige how can you do something so drastic without telling your family?" I sighed.

"Mom I'm sorry. I had no time to think about it through." I told her over the phone. 


After laying in the hospital bed with Hailey for a while and the nurses coming to check on me my door burst open and Amy stormed in looking so worried.

"Paige! Oh my God are you okay?" She rushed to my side and Hailey went to sit on the chair. I gave Hailey a confused look.

"She called you while you were out and I told her what happened." She said giving me a sheepish smile.

"Paige why didn't you tell me?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I just made the decision without thinking because my only concern was Kiara's daughter. There was no time to consult my family." I explained.

"So you almost died because of the same Kiara that made your life difficult? Paige!" She looked really worried. "What if I lost you?" Her eyes glistened.

"Amy don't say that. I'm alive and the kid is also alive. Isn't that great?" She blinked to push the tears back.

"I was just scared when Hailey told me what happened. Mom is dying worried as well." My eyes widened.

"You told mom?" Oh God she's going to be so mad.

"Yes. She told me you were not picking her calls and I told her what Hailey told me." I sighed.

"Is she mad?" I asked.

"What sane parent wouldn't?" I rolled my eyes. "But she's just worried most of all. You have to call her." I nodded.

"I will."

"I'm serious Paige." She said sternly.

"Amy I'll call mom, relax." I said and her phone rang. She checked who was calling.

"Shit." She silenced her phone and then looked at me. "I will come back after work okay? I left without telling anyone when I heard you were here." She said before giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay bye." I said.

"Oh and Jason is going to be here after his class." I looked at her surprised.

"You told him too?" She rolled her eyes.

"Of course." She walked out of the door.

End of flashback

"Paige I know you love to help when you can but please think about how we will feel as your parents next time. I was so worried." Her voice cracked. "I kept on praying for you to wake up because your sister said your girlfriend told her you were still unconscious." I sighed.

"I'm sorry mom. I won't worry you again." I said.

"I love you baby and I don't think I can ever heal if I could lose you." I nodded.

"I know mom and I love you too." I said and the doctor walked in with Hailey. It was later in the day and I was already feeling better. "Mom I have to go."

"Okay sweety. I'll call you later to check on you."

"Okay." I hung up.

"Miss Carson." He checked my arm. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Can I go home already?" He chuckled.

"Well that's okay. You are free to go. Miss Finley here has already signed your discharge papers." Jason walked in with my bag of chips. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said to the doctor. He checked if everything was okay where I was injected for any infections but I was okay. After he left I turned to Jason. "Took you long enough."

"Well they don't have these here so I had to go out the hospital to find them." I opened the bag immediately and started eating.

"Babe?" Hailey called.


"Kiara and her husband asked if they could talk to you. You've been unconscious for hours so they couldn't talk to you and they really wanted to see you before we go."

Hailey also told me they came to see me while I was sleeping. Maybe they just want to say thank you. I thought to myself.

"Yeah sure." I said and she smiled walking to the door.

"We're not going to the penthouse are we?" Jason asked.

"No. We'll spend the night at Hailey's house." He nodded. "If you need to grab something from the penthouse I can tell Hailey."

"I don't have any class in the morning tomorrow so it's okay." I nodded.

"That's even better." I said just as my phone buzzed.

Amy: Looks like I'll be a little late. Austin and I have to see his mother quickly and then I'll be back to check on you.

Me: Sis I've been discharged.
Me: I feel much better honestly you don't have to be worried anymore.

Amy: Are you sure?

Me: I promise.

Amy: I don't think I'll be able to drive to your house and then back home if you're not at the hospital anymore.
Amy: I'll see you tomorrow on my lunchbreak okay?

Me: I'm spending the night at Hailey's house.
Me: Sure we can have lunch together since I'll be at work as well.

Amy: Perfect. See you tomorrow.

I put my phone away and looked back at Jason. We talked about random stuff as we waited for Kiara and her husband to show up. After some time the door opened again. First came in the husband who surprisingly I still didn't know his name. After followed Kiara and then Hailey.

"Hi." The husband said first before they sat down.

"Hey." I cleared my throat. "I hope your daughter is still doing okay." I said.

"She's much better. Thank you." He said. "Thank you so much Paige. For everything you have done." 

"It's okay. I'm just glad she's okay." I said before Kiara looked up with teary eyes.

"Paige I um....I know we didn't start off on the right foot and I just want to say I am so sorry for that. I actually feel so ashamed of myself right now. My daughter could have died or be dying if I didn't stop being selfish. I am so sorry to the both of you. I realise now that I was unfair especially to you Hailey. I'm just so sorry." She wiped her tears.

For a moment I was speechless. I don't know if her apologising to me, a regular girl from a small town felt overwhelming for me or if I never took Kiara as someone who apologised to others.

"If I'm being honest with you Kiara I hold nothing against you. I get it. You loved your brother so much so it hurt you to see his wife moving on. I understand that you made a mistake and ended up doing more harm than good but still it's all in the past. You're forgiven." I told her.

My grandmother used to tell me that forgiving someone who has wronged you helps you too. Sometimes you have to forgive someone to help yourself heal and not them and this case I just wanted to let go of whatever happened and forget.

"Thank you." She whispered.


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