25K 889 95

"Almost a $100 000? Wow." I turned to Hailey. "Don't worry I'll find another."

"I'll take it." My eyes widened. What? She's willing to spend 80k on her bestfriend?

"Perfect." Bruce said looking so excited. "We'll need to do some paperwork." Bruce's voice was subsidising slowly as I thought about what Hailey was doing for Miss Brooke. She was really a good friend.

"I wish she was my bestfriend." I whispered to myself. I sighed.

"That won't be a problem. Paige?" I looked at Hailey. "You have some paperwork to fillout for your car. Come on." She smiled.

"Wait what?" I blinked and shook my head to wake up from the dream I was having. This couldn't be real right?

"I am tired of you being late so yes the car is yours." She said.

"You're joking right?" I laughed but she gave me a straight face.

"Do I look like I'm joking to you?" She asked.

"Um I'll leave you two for a moment." Bruce left.

"Hailey what is this?"

"A car duh."

"No I-" I stopped myself and took  deep breath before speaking again. "Why are you buying me this car? What are you doing?"

"I thought you liked it." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I like it but it would have been nice if you talked to me about it first." She sighed and got closer.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. I should have talked to you first but I just wanted to surprise you and telling you would have ruined the surprise." She shrugged. "You need the car Paige. I really hate it when you're late and I also hate it when you see the scary boss in me who comes out when things aren't going accordingly." I sighed feeling defeated. "I'm just trying to make sure you work efficiently. Please take it." 

"This is too much Hailey. A car? It's freaking 80k did you hear him?" She giggled.

"You do know I am a billionaire right?" I let out a chuckle.

"I know but it's still too much. Can I not pick a cheaper one?" She shook her head.

"You don't want to disappoint Bruce now do you?" She smirked.

"Right." I sighed and looked at the car again. It was even better than what I was saving up for. "You know, I was actually saving so I could buy a car as well." I laughed. "You beat me to it." I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to my face. "Thank you but I think you need to be punished for not telling me." I whispered.

"Paige." She breathed. "We're in public." She whispered and I smiled.

"I am going to wait till tonight don't worry." She blushed.

"Well I have a bedroom in my office remember?" I giggled shaking my head. I kissed her neck up to her ear before whispering.

"No. Part of your punishment is you have to wait all day long for me." She gasped smiling with her eyes closed. I planted a quick kiss before letting her go. "Let's go."

"FYI I hate you." I laughed.

"At least you feel something for me." She laughed and hit my arm.


I combed my hair again looking at the mirror in Hailey's bedroom office. I know I said I'd make her wait but the woman is incredibly sexy and I don't know what happened but as soon as we reached her office I went against my own rule. She was fixing her clothes as well along with her makeup.

"You know I just remembered I wasn't going to be able to make it tonight." I told her.

"Why not?"

"My mother is going to be landing by 7:35pm so I have to go pick her up. You still remember Saturday is Amy's wedding right?" She nodded. "Initially I was going to use a cab but since you decided to surprise me with a car I think I'll use it." I said.

"See. You needed the car." She laughed while I rolled my eyes.

"Who doesn't need one?" I asked laughing as well.

"Well you almost bit my head off when you found out it was yours." I giggled.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to it's just that-"

"It's okay Paige you don't have to apologize nor explain. I'm only joking I understand. I understand how you felt."

"You do?" She nodded.

"I wasn't born rich you know." She smiled. "So I know how it feels when someone drops a huge and expensive gift in front of you out of nowhere."

I guessed she was talking about her ex husband. Unlike her, Mr Anders was born into a rich family.

"I still apologise. I should've been grateful." I said. Dad taught me to be grateful.

"You're forgiven." She stood up. "You're ready to head back to the busy world?" I laughed and nodded.


"Mom!" I ran to her immediately I saw her. I threw myself on her and she hugged me back.

"Hey honey." She pulled me back to kiss my forehead.

"How are you? How was your flight?" I asked.

"I'm okay the flight was okay. Jason." She smiled at him. He insisted on coming with me especially since he wanted to have a feel of my new car. I was honest to him about it since he knew about Hailey and I already.

"Hey mom." They hugged. "Let me help you with your bags." He offered.

"Thank you honey." We walked to the outside of the airport to where I parked. "Where is our cab?"

"Oh um we're not using a cab mom. I'm driving."

"You're driving? Amy gave you her car?" I giggled shaking my head.

"No. I was given a car by my boss to use while I'm still working for her. She sends me on a lot of errands so the cabs delay me sometimes." She looked at me with wide eyes.

"So she bought you a car?" She asked.

"No mom she borrowed her. She'll return it if she quits or gets fired." Jason lied for me. On our way to the airport we came up with this lie for only mom and dad to tell. I already told Amy about it although she still didn't know about Hailey and I's friendship or relationship or whatever is going on between us but she knew the car was a gift.

"Oh. It's a company car, you should've just said so honey." She said relaxing.

"Well here it is." I said.

"Wow. It looks really expensive and new Paige. Are you sure it's a company car?" She gave me a wary look.

"Yes it's just that it was one of those driven by the management team since the more cheaper ones were already assigned to other people until they ran out." I lied. Damn where did I learn how to lie like that?

"You are so lucky honey. Honestly I'm proud of you already. I know it's not yours at the moment but I have faith you'll afford yours soon don't worry." I smiled.

"Thanks mom." I said before opening her door. "We should get going."


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