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Hailey's POV

I woke up next to a sleeping Paige. She looked so peaceful and beautiful when she was asleep. I smiled seeing her like this. Moments like these with her were priceless. "I love you." I whispered and planted a kiss on her lips before getting up. I went to take a quick shower and wrapped a towel around me and to my surprise she was awake when I got back to get dressed.

"Good morning my love." I smiled walking to the bed.

"Good morning beautiful." I blushed. "I thought you promised not to leave me again." I giggled.

"You were sleeping and I wanted to take a shower before making us some breakfast." I said smiling.

"You smell so good in my body wash." I blushed again feeling my cheeks heat up. She sat up and kissed my lips intensly. "I think I want to have another kind of breakfast today." She said undoing my towel.

Clears throat

She quickly went for my neck sucking on it and leaving yet another hickey. I gasped closing my eyes, lips parted breathing heaviy. She crawled to my already dripping pussy and ate me out. "Fuck." I whispered raising my head and looking at her slithering her tongue slowly, playing with my clit. "I fucking love you." I said and she played around the clit very slowly. "Shit." My hands moved to clutch the duvet tightly I'm sure my knuckles turned white. She teased my clit a little more before sliding her tongue into my entrance. I moaned. Her tongue played inside me and I could feel my entrance contracting on her tongue making her go deeper. "Fuck! I'm gonna come." I whispered covering my mouth. She went faster using her hand to rub my clit at the same time. "Paige!" I moaned feeling the familiar feeling of a wave of chills spreading through my whole body as I came in her mouth. "Fuck." I said breathing heavily.

"Now I've had my breakfast." I giggled as she came up to my face to kiss me. "And I love it when you moan my name like that." I covered my face giggling.

"Stop." She chuckled and got off the bed.

"Let's go and make real breakfast now." She pulled me up from the bed.


Paige's POV

"Hey, can we talk?" Jason nodded and I let myself into his room.

"Hailey's gone?" I nodded.

"Yeah she just left." I said sitting down on his bed.

"Finally you guys have reconciled, I hate seeing you sad." I smiled.

"Thanls bro." He smiled too. His smile always reminded me of dad.

"So what's up?" I sighed and took out a box of cigars from my pocket.

"I found these in the living room the other night. You must have forgotten to put them away I guess." He looked away. "I thought you quit." I said looking at his face.

"I thought so too." He said looking really guilty.

"Jase I know you are old enough to make your own decisions and I won't judge you but if you're going through something please let me know." He let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry about me Paige I'll be fine." He said but I felt more hurt and concerned about my little brother. He looked hurt but I couldn't tell why.

"I can't be not worried about my own baby brother. What kind of sister would I be?" I asked but he didn't say anything. "Talk to me Jase. What's going on? Maybe I can help you." I said.

"You can't help me since you can't erase what I saw and heard from my mind." I go confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Melody. She dumped me." He said.

"What? Why? What happened?" I asked.

"Well apparently it wasn't working for her being with someone like me and she's in love with someone else now." He said.

"That's what she said?" I asked.

"Yup." He sighed.

"I'm so sorry." I pulled him in for a hug.

"Don't be it's not your fault. I should have known I wasn't what she wanted in the first place. I mean the guy in question is from a wealthy family and I am not." He said and his words really hurt. I understood why he felt that because Kim had also left me before for another wealthy guy. Although I never knew the guy but I heard he had money.

"Fuck that crap. Just because we're not rich at the moment it doesn't mean we can be made to feel inferior." I said and he looked at me. "You know what, I'm getting paid in a few days and you are getting a car." He looked at me wide eyed.

"A car?" He asked.

"Yes. That little brat that thinks she can toy with my brother's feelings is going to regret ever doing that. Jason I have had enough with these rich people thinking we are to be played with. I want you to make her ass fucking jealous until she feels worthless without you." I said.

"Wow you have changed. What happened to sweet Paige who would have said I should forgive her and move on?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well the paparazzi and all these bloody people looking down on me and my family killed her." He sighed.

"I get how you feel." He hugged me again. "Can you please promise me one thing?"


"The world might have lost that side of you but can we please not lose it too? Can the sweet Paige be alive only for your family and friends if not for the world?" He asked softly. I smiled and nodded before I kissed his forehead.

"I won't change when it comes to you guys I promise." I said.

"Thank you."

Hailey's POV

I retired to my room at night after putting my babies to sleep. Brooke wasn't home since she had a romantic date with her boyfriend. I got in bed just as my phone rang. My brother was calling which put a smile on my face.


"Bonjour, soeurette. Comment vas tu?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please don't start. English please." He chuckled in his deep resonant voice.

"Sorry. How are you doing my lovely sister?" I smiled.

"I'm great actually, how about you and your family?" He sighed.

"They cannot stop bothering me about coming to the States for the holidays." He said.

"That would be my best Christmas gift in years." I said smiling. "Please tell me you won't be busy like always."

"I know I'm a horrible brother who is always working Hailey and I'm sorry." I chuckled. "Annette threatened to divorce me if I don't take time to visit home with them so this year is going to be different." I giggled.

"I love your wife." He chuckled.

"I'll make sure I tell her that." He said. "Will you be okay if we stay at your house the whole time we're there? I miss you so much and I feel like we need to catch up."

"I miss you too big brother and I don't mind you guys coming over. Just tell me when and I'll send a jet to you." He chuckled.

"Okay deal."


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