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The next morning I went to work really early for the shoot and to make sure everything for the wedding was going accordingly. The couple had a wedding planner which was better for me since she handled almost everything.

I arrived at the hotel and to my surprise Mrs Clemons was already there with her crew setting up their equipment. Talk about great timing.

"Miss Carson. Good morning." I smiled and extended my hand for her to shake.

"Good morning Mrs Clemons." We shook hands. I gave my bag to one of the staff. "Please put it in my office." She nodded. "Thank you." I said and she walked away.

"I'm glad you made it earlier than we discussed because we are actually almost done setting up." Mrs Clemons said showing me what they had done. Their reporter was getting her make up done on one side.

"I can see a lot of work is done behind the scenes." I said looking at the crew busy with their work.

"That's true." She said smiling. "Our make up artist will be ready for you in five minutes but for now, please excuse me." I nodded and she went on with making sure everyone is doing a good job.

After the makeup was done the shoot started and I tried to not be nervous like I was when I was told I had to be on TV. The reporter was really humble and that made me feel comfortable. Having a camera follow me around wasn't foreign anymore so that also didn't bother me. Just like Mrs Clemons predicted everything was done by 10am and I was so happy because that meant the wedding wasn't going to be interfered in any way. It also helped to do the shoot in the morning because the hotel wasn't packed yet.

"Okay Miss Carson, we are ready to leave. Thank you so much for your cooperation. We will give Mr Hall the positive feedback." I smiled at her.

"Thank you for those kind words Mrs Clemons." I said.

"You're welcome." She gave me a hug. "Have a good a day."

"You too." She walked out of my office and I let out a deep breath. "Thank God that's over." I said to myself before grabbing my phone and walking out as well to continue with work.


"Ryder where is Max?" I asked looking around.

"He's around serving people ma'am." She answered.

"Then why are some tables not waitered? How many of you did I assign to waiter for specifically the wedding people today?" I could only spot nine people whereas I remembered assigning ten.

"Ten but Sandra disappeared." What?

"What do you mean she disappeared?" She shrugged. "Fuck." I took a deep breath. "You know what, continue with your work. I'll sort this out."

"Yes ma'am." I went around looking for her until I stopped at the bar area where I found found Kim with Charlie talking. Where there is Kim there is trouble so I know they probably know where Sandra is. I tried to remember if Kim was supposed to be even on duty today but I couldn't remember.

"Hey, have you two seen Sandra?" Kim shook her head.

"She said she wanted to rush to her mom's shop to give her some money almost an hour ago." Charlie said.

"During working hours? Are you kidding me?" I moved my hair away from my face roughly. "When she fucking gets back, tell her I want to see her!!" Charlie jumped. "Understood?"

"Y-yes ma'am." I turned to leave.

"Paige is something wrong?" I turned to her.

"Yes, there is something wrong Kimberly. A full grown woman decided to sneak out of the hotel to see her mother on a very busy day like today!" She sighed and then jumped from the stool.

"You honestly don't need to shout. It's okay I can fill in for her." I looked at her surprised.

"Did you just answer me calmly?" I asked. "Like did you just do that?"

"People are waiting Paige, can I go?" She asked and I nodded still confused at her attitude.

"Yeah sure." She walked past me leaving me to wonder what happened to her. The Kim I know would've wanted me to beg her to fill in for Sandra. "Strange." I whispered to myself and then walked to my office. A few minutes later something knocked on my door. "Come in." Sandra walked in looking like she was nervous. "You know you're in trouble right?" She nodded. "Why today of all days?"

"I'm so sorry Miss Carson but I got an urgent call and I thought I'd just steal a few minutes."

"And that turned to an hour Sandra." I sighed.

"I'm really sorry." How do I even trust that she's coming from her mother? "Miss Carson I promise nothing like this will happen again." Her eyes begged for forgiveness and I remembered how scared I was a few months ago when I was late to work and Hailey was so angry at me. She still forgave you Paige, forgive her too. I said to myself.

"If it does then you'll leave me no choice but to fire you." She nodded vigorously. "Get back to work."

"Thank you so much." She rushed out and I let out a sigh.

Kim's POV

"Thank you." The woman said when I gave her her drink. I nodded and then went back to the kitchen with the tray in my hands. Sandra came rushing in the kitchen breathing heavily. I chuckled shaking my head.

"Paige is looking for you." I told her.

"Charlie told me so I went to her." I nodded. "He also told me you volunteered to fill in for me." She said.

"I did." I showed her the tray.

"Thank you Kim. I wasn't expecting that from you." She said.

"I know." I smiled. "I'll get back to my station then, since you are back." I said getting out of the kitchen. Today my shift ended early and I wasn't even supposed to be here but I was avoiding going back to Logan's house. His efforts were too much for me and sometimes annoying. I was cool with him since he was still not being a douche but the real marriage thing with him was still haunting me. A part of me was still scared of the man. Sometimes I even had nightmares because of him so I couldn't understand how I was supposed to live with him for the rest of my life. Does even a man like him change for real or was he just playing me?

I appreciated the change he was showing me but I still wasn't comfortable whenever I was with him. I didn't know how long the fear would last but if it was still there at the end of the two months then I was leaving him. I was already eager to do so but I had to wait until the two months was over so he could keep to his word.


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