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Little did I know that I wasn't going to have any minute to myself. "Paige." She walked out looking happy.

"Yeah?" She grabbed my hand to one of sections.

"We have thirty minutes to shop. Now what do you want?" I blinked a few times.

"Me? You want to buy things for me?" She giggled.

"Yes. Since you don't want to talk to me about whatever is bothering you I decided maybe taking you out would cheer you up." I looked at her surprised. "Oh come on Paige you can't expect me to sit around and watch you stress about whoever you are stressing about. It was disturbing me."

"Mrs Anders thank you but you didn't have to." She shook her head.

"It's nothing to me." I cleared my throat and looked around the shop. My salary was written on some of the bags. I couldn't believe my boss was allowing me to take not more than one but as many as I can for the next thirty minutes.

Honestly I had never had someone doing this for me. Of course Amy would take me shopping sometimes but I've never had anybody stop everything just for me. This was so sweet of my boss. I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you Mrs Anders. I honestly don't have the right words at the moment to justify my gratitude." She gave me hug.

My body felt weak under her grasp. Somehow I felt like that was the right place for me. Her arms felt like home.

Or maybe I just needed a hug after the fight between my siblings yesterday. Maybe that's why her embrace was extraordinary.

"You're welcome." She pulled back. "And you can stop calling me Mrs Anders now. You can call me Hailey, okay?"

"Okay." It was going to take more practice for me to get used to it.

"Perfect. Now let's shop." She dragged me to some bags first.

Honestly I never took Hailey as the girly type of woman. The ones that love shopping, spa treatments, manicure, pedicure and all that. Her nails were always perfect so that explains it. Maybe I should get closer to her and maybe I will know who she really is behind the billionaire title.


"Oh hey sis. You're back." I dropped the bags on the floor. Bobby walked in with the rest.

"Good evening Jason." Bobby greeted.

"Hey man." My brother shook his hand after he put them on the floor. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good." He turned to me. "I'll take my leave now."

"Thank you Bobby. Bye." He nodded and left.

"Hey you look exhausted." I let out a tired laugh.

"That's because I am." I said. "I got you something." I said smiling and taking one of the bags. "Here." I handed it to my little brother.

"Ooooookay." He took out a box and opened it. "Holy Moly!!! You really got them for me." He screamed before attacking me with a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you." I giggled and hugged him back.

"You're welcome Jase." I let go.

"How did you even get them? I thought you haven't been paid yet." True.

"Yes but my boss took me on a shopping spree today and when I saw these I remembered you wanted them so bad. I had to get them for you." He grinned.

"You're really the best sister Paige. Thank you." My heart melted.

"You're welcome bro. Okay help me get these to my room. I want to take a shower."


Hailey's POV

I walked out of my bathroom after taking a shower. Today had been exhausting doing some shopping all afternoon. I felt happy that I helped someone cheer up for once. Weirdly a different kind of joy was brought back to me when I was with Paige and we were just being casual and not professional. I felt like I should spend more time with her as maybe a friend because I didn't want to lose the new found joy.

I smiled more and laughed more even if it was her gasping at how expensive a bag is or how expensive a dress is that even her salary wouldn't cover it. Somehow the hapiness I felt whenever she said thank you countless times reminded me of how I was happy with Xavier.

It was different yes but the feeling was still bliss and pure. I loved it.

After five years I finally felt like I was letting go of my past. Like there was more to life than being the late billionaire's widow. There was more to Hailey and not Mrs Anders. All because I made someone else happy. I realised that making someone happy made me ecstatic about myself.

I sat down and thought about something that just popped into my head while I was thinking about my life.

Was I happy I put a smile on someone else's face or was I happy I put a smile on Paige's face? She did have something about her yes but was she the reason for my hapiness?

If she was then what did that mean?


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I really hope you're enjoying the book. So far I am loving the short chapters.

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