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The next few days Kim stopped bothering me. In fact I barely saw her at the hotel. I finally worked in peace although the world wasn't giving me any peace.

Two days after I met that Cici lady I was all over the internet again and this time around I was apparently cheating on Hailey. There was a picture of me and the lady at the table talking and another where she was giving me the paper which had her number but in the picture it looked like she was reaching for my hand and trust me Hailey got upset because of that picture which led to a heated argument.

Was I irritated, upset, angry and totally fed up? Hell yes. Trouble seems to follow me everywhere I go. If it's not Kim trying to come in between Hailey and I, it's the damn paparazzi. Sometimes I even hated New York. Almost a year ago I had my simple life  going and I loved that no one knew my name.

"Can I come in?" I looked behind me to see Stephen. I smiled and nodded.

"Sure." He stepped in wearing a smile.  He was in a black suit and a black winter coat as well. It hadn't started snowing yet but it was winter already considering it was nearly the end of November.

"I don't even want to ask how you are doing. Your face says it all." I let out a chuckle.

"I don't want to talk about it trust me." He sighed.

"She's still not talking to you?"

"Yeah we're still not talking." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I shrugged.

"It's okay. What brings you to this side of town by the way?"

"I'm here to take you out for lunch." I frowned.

"Lunch?" I looked at my wrist watch. "What? I've been standing by this window for almost two hours?"

"Are you serious?" He looked at me surprised.

"Yeah." I sighed. "You know what, let's get out of here before I lose my mind." He chuckled.

"After you." He let me grab my coat and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I smiled walking out.

Hailey's POV

"You have a reservation for lunch with your girlfriend." Mabel said.

"Cancel it." I said continuing with typing on my keyboard.

"Um....are you sure?" I glared at her.

"Cancel it." She nodded immediately and did that. "Since it's Friday call Charlotte and tell her to send the kids to Karen. I want to be alone for tonight."

"Okay. Anything else?" I shook my head.


Kim's POV

"The boss wants to see you." I sighed and nodded at the driver closing my door. I grabbed my jacket and put on warmer shoes before I went to the car. The drive to Logan's mansion was silent and it felt short. Probably because I was mostly occupied by my thoughts. I went up to his room. That's where he usually waited for me when he had requested to see me. I knocked like I always did and he let me in.

"Kimberly. I am so glad you could join me." He smiled.

"You requested to see me." I said softly.

"I must say I love the change in attitude. Come sit with me." I obliged without any arguement. I sat in my own chair opposite his. He poured a drink for me. For all the years I've known him, he only made me drink with him when he wanted to have a serious conversation. "Drink?"

"Thanks." I took it and drank.

"I called you here because I wanted to tell you that I am impressed. You have finally stopped being rebellious and actually do some work and efficiently." He said.

"Thanks." I took another sip and he sighed.

"I know you hate me Kimberly. I won't lie it hurts to know that and that's why I have actually never let you go and be free or allowed you to divorce me. I can't seem to imagine my life without your trouble and stubbornness." He chuckled.

Yes. I was married to Logan. Not out of love but it was more like a business transaction between him and my father. My father owed him a huge amount of money and when he couldn't pay he chose to take me instead. I had to marry him for at least two years so he could take over his father's company. The old man had wrote in his will that he will only take over if he has a wife.

This happened just after I graduated. I was still with Paige at the moment but I foolishly decided to sacrifice my relationship in order to save my father from what was to befall him if he didn't pay. I told her I was seeing someone else because I was expected to be discreet about what was really happening between Logan and I.

"Keeping me against my own will was not part of the plan." I said calmly.

"I know but you are so fierce and stubborn. You are a walking bomb if I'm being honest and that is exactly what pushes me to reach higher everytime." He said.

"Logan that is selfish, can't you see?" He sighed.

"I know Kimberly." He drank again. "I know if I could tell you that we should get a divorce you'd be thrilled but I have a proposal for you." I internally rolled my eyes.

"I think it's too late for any of that." I said.

"Please hear me out Kimberly." He put his drink down.


"Two months, that's all I ask." I gave him a puzzled look.

"To do what?" I asked.

"To treat you better. To give the marriage a real chance and not treat it like a debt. If by the end of two months you still hate me I'll let you go. I promise."

The only thing that gave me joy from what he said was that I was going to be finally free after two months. I already knew he'd fail to win my heart because he was a control freak and that's one thing he couldn't change.

"Two months?" I asked.

"Yes." I looked at his face but Logan was a very difficult man. You couldn't tell what was going through his mind by just looking at his face.

"Okay deal." I held my hand out to shake and he smiled and stood up instead opening his arms.

"Maybe we should seal it with a hug instead." I put my glass down and forced myself to do so in order to not spoil the deal. I hugged him and he let go of a deep breath. His heart stopped racing and started beating normally.

Was thee Logan Hall nervous?


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