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Paige's POV

Today I woke up early and washed up before preparing a special breakfast for Jason and I. Last night I came back from work and he showed me his results from his tests. I was proud of him so I spoiled him with breakfast.

This weekend was Amy's wedding and I was so excited. She was nervous but also happy she was finally going to be Mrs Hartley.

"Jase!" I called when I was done with setting the table. "Breakfast is ready." I sat down and looked at the time. I still had time before having to leave for work. I even had my special cab man now who always made sure I wasn't late, although I was also saving up for a car.

Mom is supposed to come to New York today in the evening and dad will be here on Friday morning. She was going to spend the rest of the week with us doing final preparations of the wedding and be there for the final fitting of Amy's dress.

"Good morning sis." I looked away from my phone and smiled at Jason.

"Good morning. I cooked." He chuckled.

"Still celebrating the scores?" He asked sitting down.

"Yes." We started eating. "So mom is coming in the evening." I smiled. I really missed her.

"What day is it again?" He asked.

"Wednesday." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Damn. Amy's wedding is getting super close pretty fast. By the way this is delicious." He said making me smile.

"Thank you little brother." He smiled. "And yes it's coming up really quickly and I am so excited about it. I'm just grateful my boss is letting me take Saturday off."

Sometimes I wonder if she would've let me if we weren't close like we are. Honestly I don't know what Hailey and I are. I sometimes badly want to ask her but I fear she might say we're just friends with benefits or we're not friends at all we're just fuck buddies. Trust me I love the sex but I wish we could be more. I always think we would be even better if we'd be together. Maybe as a couple? Of course I'd love that but I don't think she likes me that much.

"She's a nice boss isn't she?" Jason asked bringing my lost mind back.

"Yeah. She's nice." I went back to eating.

"You have that look again." He said.

"What look?"

"I've noticed you cut conversations short everytime I mention your boss. You look away as if hoping I don't mention her again. Do you like her?" I choked and he sighed folding his arms. "She's the girlfriend right?"

"No of course not." I coughed. "She's not my girlfriend.

"It's been more than a month you told me you like a girl you work with and shortly after that your boss is suddenly your friend." He crooked his eyebrows. "I'm not stupid Paige." I rolled my eyes.

"How I actually wish you were still five." I took my plate to the fridge. I was suddenly not hungry.

"Geez Paige when were you going to tell me?" I sighed and turned back to him.

"Tell you what? Listen Jason. Hailey is just my boss nothing more." He grabbed my phone before I could take it from the table. "Come on. I have work to get to."

"You're not leaving until you tell me the truth." He put the phone in his pocket.

"She's a freaking billionaire's widow what do you think people would say if they were to find out?" I asked sitting down again. "Sometimes I don't even care about that because I ask myself what are we even doing." I looked at him again. "I'm not lying Jason. She's not my girlfriend, I don't know what she is or worse what I am to her." I rubbed my face roughly. "You wouldn't understand."

"Of course I do. Paige I can freaking see the fustration in your eyes." He took my hands.

"I just don't even know how I got into this mess. One moment I have a job and everything is okay the next I'm fucking my boss and now it's starting to get complicated." He sighed. "I should really go to work before I run late." I went to my room to get dressed and took my bag. When I went back to the rest of the house Jason was still seated and my phone was on the table.

"Here is your phone." He pushed it to me.

"Thanks." I took it. "I'll see you later buddy." I said and he waved.


As if the morning's mood wasn't enough, my cab man's car broke down and I was precisely seventeen minutes late. Out of all the days the stars could've chose to punish me they chose today when Hailey had an important meeting at eight thirty. Well I was still a few minutes before the meeting so hopefully she doesn't fire my ass.

I took a deep breath before opening Hailey's door. When I finally did I saw her look up to meet my eyes. Today was the first day this week she was in the office and she looked so breathtaking even with just a white woman suit on.

"First day I am back and you are late." She said folding her arms and leaning back on her chair. She didn't sound angry at all but disappointed instead. "Is this what you do when I'm not around?"

"No not at all. I just...my cab man's car broke down so that's why I am late. I know it's a lame excuse but I swear to God it's the truth." I said. "Please don't fire me."

"If I wanted to fire you I would have fired you the first time you were late." She sighed. "The meeting starts in a few minutes I hope you have everything I need ready." I nodded.

"Of course." I said quickly.

"Okay. Get to work." I nodded bdfore heading back to my work place.


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