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Paige's POV

The next morning I had to go to work but I called in sick to Elaine since she was the closest to Logan. She'd probably tell him. I didn't want him thinking I am incompetent or something.

Hailey and Brooke woke me up earlier than I would have loved to wake up since I wasn't going to work. Brooke prepared me an iron rich meal to boost my blood or blood cells or whatever it was. I didn't pay much attention since I was still sleepy and annoyed that I was woken up early. It was honestly weird getting the special treatment like I was sick or recovering from something. That's why I hate hospitals in the first place. It was the extra care and attention that I hated.

"Baby I am now physically unable to eat anymore food. Can you please stop with giving me more food? It's not like they are going to drain my whole blood out. It's just a few litres." She giggled.

"Okay okay I'm sorry." I took a deep breath.

"Can we go to the hospital now? You said the doctor said we don't have much time." She nodded.

"Yes." We all got up and headed to her car. To my surprise today she was driving us. I had on just sweatpants and a black hoodie with some sneakers because I didn't want to dress up if I was going to be probably looking like a zombie after they have taken some of my blood. I had never donated before so I didn't know how one looks or feels after donating.

After we arrived at the hospital and Hailey parked her car I took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm just nervous." I said. She touched my hand.

"It's normal to be nervous baby but I'll be with you every step of the way okay?" I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too." She brought her face closer and we kissed. "Okay let's go."


"Do you smoke?" The nurse asked me. I had been placed in a room where they'd take the blood out and just like my girlfriend promised she was with me.

"No." I said.

"How about your drinking?" She asked again.

"I'd like to think I don't drink a lot. I barely go out." She nodded writing down whatever she was writing. Hailey smiled at me and I did the same.

"Okay Miss Carson we will take some samples of your blood to check if you're HIV positive because that could disqualify you from donating." I nodded.

"Okay." She took my hand rubbing a sterilized cotton wool on top of my ring finger and poked with a needle making me I jumped. Yup I'm scared of needles.

"I'm sorry." I nodded and she took a little of it to test on the kit she had opened. After she wiped my finger with another sterilized cotton wool. "Okay it'll only take a few minutes." She said.

"You're doing great baby." Hailey said kissing my other hand and I smiled.

"Thank you for being here with me." She kissed my cheek this time.

"You guys are so adorable together." I giggled.

"Thank you." Hailey said.

"Okay Miss Carson your blood is clean." The nurse said. "I'll call in doctor Andre to come and let you know about the procedure."

"Can we skip that? Doctor Brooke already filled me in about it at home." Hailey nodded. "Please I don't want Kiara's daughter to die while we're still talking. Take the blood already so I can stop being nervous." The nurse chuckled.

"You don't have to be nervous it's not a scary thing like surgeries or birth but if you are sure then please sign this document so we can continue." She handed me a paper and pen and I wasted no time by reading but just signing immediately. "Okay please stay put I'll be back."


The procedure like the kind nurse had said wasn't painful or scary especially after the blood had started oozing out of my body and to the container they were collecting it in. The only scary thing was the part where they had to inject me again to draw the blood out but as you already know I'm scared of needles so that's why.

Hailey was with me all the way from gripping her hand tightly when the needle pierced through my skin to the whole time the blood was coming out to fill up the litres needed and even to when I felt light headed after the process where my eyes kind of blacked out for a few seconds and everything seemed pitch black and the next thing I felt was my body on the floor until I eventually lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes I don't know after how long and I saw Hailey looking out of the window looking lost in thoughts. She had my hoodie in her arms hugging it like it was a pillow or something. I looked around and I realised I was still at the hospital. My hand had a drip attached to it.

This was to probably bring back some strength. I learnt about this in my biology class in highschool. I cleared my throat to let Hailey know I was awake. She instantly looked my way and then stood up to sit next to me on my bed.

"I look like shit right?" I whispered my voice hoarse. She giggled shaking her head.

"Not even close." I smiled.

"You are gorgeous." She blushed. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah. She's still unconscious but the blood transfusion was a success. The doctor said she'd take a day or two to be conscious again." I nodded.

"That's good then." I looked to my right. "Can I please have water?" She nodded and went to the water bottle that was in the room. She came back while I tried to sit up. "Ow." My head throbbed.

"Take it easy baby." She put the water next to me and helped me sit up placing a pillow behind me. "Feels comfortable?" I nodded.

"Thank you babe." I said and took the water beside me to drink. The cool water felt so right and very cooling. "I feel so tired, how long have I been out?"

"A few hours."

"Hours?" She nodded.

"Yeah, you really scared me Paige. I thought I was going to lose you." I giggled.

"Come here." I pat next to me.

"No I don't want to hurt you." I rolled my eyes and felt the sharp pain in my head a little.

"Baby, come here." She pouted. "Please." She shrugged and then sighed.

"Fine." She laid next to me and it felt good to have her in my arms again. "Am I not hurting you? Am I not to heavy for you?" I giggled shaking my head. "Baby are you sure?"

"Shut up and enjoy laying in my arms. I know you love it." She giggled and hit me on my chest lightly.

"Ow!" I chuckled. "Babe you hit a dying woman." She burst out laughing again.


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