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Paige's POV

Saturday came and I was so excited about going home. I missed my parents so much. I was patiently waiting for the day to end so I could go home and change. Amy was driving us home.

"Paige?" I looked up to see Kim.

"What? Kim what the hell are you doing here?" She smiled.

"I missed you and since you told your security guy not to let me in anymore I had to come here." I looked around and there was no one besides us.

"You have to leave right now before my boss sees you here." Hailey was in a board meeting with investors.

"Nope can't do." She put her bag on my desk. I shot up immediately and took her bag.

"Kim don't start okay? You have to go." She giggled.

"Paige can't you see I really love you? I have already apologised but you still don't want to hear me out." She came closer. "I miss you. I miss your-"

"Stop! Just stop." I shoved the bag to her chest. "I don't want to hear how sorry you are. You and I are not getting back together." She looked at me surprised.

"Then I'm not going anywhere." She sat on one of the chairs.

"Kim don't make me call the security on you." I said but she didn't budge. "Kimberly."

"I am not leaving and you should know how serious I am since you know me better than anybody." She crossed her legs and smirked.

She was right. Deep down I knew she was serious but it still didn't make me feel any less annoyed. Before I could say anything further Hailey walked out of her elevator. Her eyes met Kim and immediately looked at me as if searching for answers.

"Hailey." I breathed.

"You didn't tell me I was going to have someone waiting for me after the meeting." She said. I looked at Kim and she stood up.

"It's so nice to finally meet you Mrs Anders. My name is Kimberly Adkins." She held her hand out. Hailey shook it.

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Adkins. What can I do for you?" She asked Kim.

"Oh I'm just here for my girlfriend." She hooked our arms tightly for me not to escape. I turned my head in surprise to look at her. "We have a date so I'm just here to pick her up." She smiled widely.

I turned to Hailey and she had her eyes widened. I wished I could tell her she wasn't my girlfriend but she looked so hurt and I think disappointed as well. I didn't know what to do for a moment until she spoke.

"Oh um please enjoy your date." She cleared her throat. "Paige it's okay you can leave now." She turned and went to her office.

"See now we can go." Kim spoke. I roughly freed myself from her.

"You are the most annoying liar I have ever met. Listen Kim you better leave before I do something I'll regret." I left her and went to the bathroom. "Agh!" What just happened? "Hailey" I remembered. "I need to speak to her."

I ran to her office and burst in without knocking. Thank goodness Kim was gone. Hailey was on her couch drinking wine. She was staring at the city through her window.

"Hailey I need to tell you something." I started.

"I know what you're going to say. The kiss was a mistake and you regret cheating on your girlfriend." She let out a pained laugh before drinking her wine.

"No. Kim is not my girlfriend. I didn't cheat on anyone."

"Paige it's fine, you don't have to lie to me." I rolled my eyes and went to sit next to her.

"I am being honest with you. Kimberly is my ex. We broke up a long time ago." She looked at me.

"Then why would she say you guys are together?" I saw her eyes glistening.

"She's been trying to convince me to forgive her so we can get back together for weeks now. Remember the day I was late for work?" She nodded. "Well the previous night I went to a club and got drunk like I told you and I don't know how but the next morning I found her on my bed naked."

"You had sex with her?" She asked.

"Well technically I can't attest to that since I don't remember a damn thing but she said we did." I shrugged.

"I see." She finished her glass.

"Listen Hailey I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the kiss, I'm sorry about Kim and her lies. I'm just sorry about everything." She poured another glass of wine.

"You don't have to be sorry Paige. I get it. You were just caught up in the moment and it didn't mean anything to you." She drank again.

"Actually I thought I'd be the one saying that to you." I let out a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" I sighed before speaking.

"Ever since we kissed I haven't been myself. In fact I haven't been myself ever since I started noticing that I was attracted to you which is way before we kissed. My only fear was that you'd reject me but we kissed so my fear died but then I was now scared you'd say it didn't mean anything to you." She looked into my eyes.

"I freaking like you if you haven't noticed." I laughed.

"It's good to finally hear you say it." I said. She looked at my lips and then took a deep breath.

"If I ask you to have sex with me right now will you?" I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. She finished her second glass and roughly placed the glass on the table in front of us before standing up to her door. She locked and then came back to sit on my lap.

"Hailey wait, I think you had too much wine." She took off her shirt.

"I know what I want. For the past week I haven't been sleeping because my mind has been imagining what you could do to me so I am tired of imagining instead I want you to make me feel." She kissed me.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. Her eyes begging for me to fuck her.



If you were hoping for a sex scene I'm sorry but I had to end it here because if I didn't it was going to be a long ass chapter.

Hope you're still enjoying my story if you are please vote.

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