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Hailey's POV

"There you are." Brooke said cheerfully. "I have a surprise for you." I placed my purse on the sofa next to me.

"Should I be worried?" She giggled shaking her head.

"Nope. Come on." She grabbed my bag and took me to my room.

"Okay don't tell me you're getting me dressed to go out with you." She laughed.

"Of course that is a lovely idea but it's a Monday night my dear friend. I am not that crazy." I giggled shaking my head. "Now I know you're tired and you need to relax so I ran a bubble bath for you with soothing oils that'll make you feel relax and downstairs a masseuse is waiting for you." She kissed my cheek.

"Thank you so much Brooke." She smiled.

"You're welcome."


Paige's POV

My loud phone ringed loudly making me jump up. "Shit!" I dismissed the alarm and sighed. I seriously need to consider hiring a human alarm maybe they'll be gentle and not too loud. "As if they exist. Or do they?"

I dragged myself to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for work. First day of work and I already felt tired. Maybe because I barely slept last night. Stephen stayed till late and we had a good time catching up mostly on his busy life.

I got out and decided to go with black tight but formal pants. I loved how they made my body look slim and make me seem tall. I threw on a polka dot blouse and white heels. If there's any time I should consider buying more heels, it's now. Mrs Anders made it pretty clear that my wardrobe always has to be "on point". I put on make up and my signature red lipstick.

Red lipstick always made my face glow and beautiful. With mascara making my grey eyes pop I took my purse and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed granola bars and left.

We don't want to be late on the first day now do we?

After a good thirty five minutes of struggling in traffic I finally arrived at AC. What was supposed to be a twenty to twenty-five minutes journey turned to thirty five making me arrive at 7:50am. I hurriedly paid the cabman and then rushed to the elevator. I pushed the arrow going up.

"Come on" I tapped my foot repeatedly on the floor.

"Hi." A man stood next to me with his coffee. In fact two coffees in his hand. "I notice you're new here. I'm Cedric."

"Paige." I looked at my watch. Five minutes to eight. The elevator opened and I rushed in pressing my floor.

"You should take a deep breath and calm down. You look like you're about to faint." The door opened letting in a few more people.

"I'm fine thank you." He nodded and I silently counted every second until I reached my destination. I let out a brath of relief when I checked and I had two minutes left. I rushed to sit on the chairs outside her office after looking at the frosted glass doors and noticing there was no one inside.

An elevator door opening sound ringed and I looked at it expecting her to come out but instead it was still shut.

"Good. You're on time." I jumped at the voice next to me. I finally saw the secret elevator she came out of. That must be her own. "Come in." She opened her door and I followed.

Hailey's POV

"You can sit." I placed my bags on my desk and sat down.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Okay the desk outside is yours so you'll be working from there. You have everything you'll need there, if there's anything you can't find let me know. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"Here." I gave her a phone and she took it. "Any call you get from that phone, you answer it. No personal calls allowed." She nodded. "You'll be using it for whatever I ask of you as well so your personal phone is expected to be on silent during work hours."


"Good. Now I need you to make a reservation for a private lounge for my kids at the carnival that's going to start at 1pm and make sure Bobby picks them up on time from their grandparents' home and take them home afterwards. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am but who is Bobby?" She asked.

"My driver. His number is saved in that phone. In fact every number you will need is saved there." I explained. "Oh and make sure they go with Charlotte their nanny since their grandmother seems like she'll be busy today." I tried to remember if I had something else I needed to remember today but nothing came to mind.

"Oh okay. I'll get right to it then."

"I'll let you know if I need anything else. You can go." She stood up and walked to the door. "And well done on the dresscode. You look like MY assistant." She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Mrs Anders."


Paige's POV

I knocked on my boss's door and she told me to come in. "I'm sorry to interrupt Mrs Anders but your mother in law, Karen called and she said your kids cannot go to the carnival today." She looked at me confused.

"Did she say why?" She asked.

"She told me to tell you to look at today's date." She looked puzzled but went ahead and looked at her phone.

"Oh shit!" She grabbed her things quickly and stood up. "Where is Bobby?"

"He's on his way here." I told her.

"Tell him I want him here in the next five minutes." I nodded rushing out. "Paige!" I looked at her immediately. "You better be in the lobby when he gets here." I gulped nervously.

"Okay." I rushed to get my bag and call Bobby at the same time. "Hello. Bobby?"

"Miss Carson." He sounded like he was driving.

"The boss wants you here in five minutes." I quickly said and she walked out of the office.

"Okay." He hung up.

"He'll be here in five minutes." I said.

"Good." She walked to her private elevator. "What are you waiting for?" I ran to her and she touched a black surface looking like a scanner and it scanned her palm. After the greenlight the doors opened.


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