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Logan's POV

I pulled the chair for Kimberly after we arrived at our table. She gave me a slight smile before sitting down. I went around and sat down opposite her. She looked gorgeous in her white form fitting dress that reached her knees. Mom was right, I thought to myself.


"Hey mom." I kissed her cheek before sitting down. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I was in a meeting when you called."

"It's okay, I know running that company comes with less social time." She smiled. "How are you son?"

"I'm good mother, how about you? How was your vacation?" She smiled again.

"It was lovely honey. I would have been happier if you were with us though." I smiled.

"I'll join you next time." I said.

"Will Kimberly come as well?" She asked.

"Um yeah she'll come." I lied. My mother didn't know that Kimberly and I were never in love. She would have never supported my plan anyway so I hid it from my family.

"Why are you always nervous when I ask about your wife? You barely bring her to the family gatherings now. What's going on?"

"Mom nothing is going on, she's just busy these days." I lied again.

"Logan don't lie to me I am your mother." I sighed.

"I promise you, there's nothing going on mom. We're fine." She looked at me for a moment.

"Son if you have issues with your wife then it's nothing to be ashamed of. Every marriage is like that, sometime it's not easy but if you really love her you'll work it out." She said and somehow I grew curious as to how Kimberly and I could ever work out. What if we did? How would life be if we didn't have to pretend anymore but instead be really a couple?

"How?" I asked.

"It depends on what the problem is." I thought of a way to not say the complete truth but to at least put some truth into what I'll say.

"Well at the moment we argue a lot. Sometime I think she hates me." I knew she did but I couldn't tell my mother that.

"Why would she hate you? Are you still treating her like a queen?"

"It's complicated mom." I shrugged and she sighed.

"Logan I taught you better. I taught you how a wife is treated so why aren't you doing that? Women only need love, attention and care for them to fall in love with you. If you did that before and she fell for you then do it again."

"Attention and care?" I asked.

"Yes. Pay attention when she's talking to you. Care for her and her feelings. Her wants and needs. Son don't lose a wife because of your stubbornness." Her face told me she would hurt if I could tell her the real truth. She looked so worried. I wouldn't want to break her heart, I knew how she was after dad died and I hated how she was. I took a deep breath before nodding.


End of flashback

"What?" Kimberly asked.

"Nothing you just look beautiful so it's hard not to stare." She almost gave me a full smile but then she looked away. "Are you ready to order?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." She said and we took the menus to decide on what to eat. Throughout the dinner I tried to make the conversation going. Kimberly wasn't hard either although I could still see it in her eyes that she wasn't totally relaxed around me but I knew it was my fault. I made her so scared of me over the years but I had to change that. If it wasn't going to work I wouldn't force her to stay with me anymore.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight." I said breaking the silence after we reached home. She nodded with a straight face.

"Well it didn't feel like one of those private galas you forced me to so yeah I enjoyed myself." She opened her door and got out of the car. I did the same and we walked into the mansion. After we got in she stopped and turned to me. "I'll head to my room, goodnight." I smiled.

"Goodnight Kimberly." She walked to her room while I climbed the stairs to mine.


Kim's POV

The next morning I woke up early to go back to work since staying at home and doing nothing suddenly felt uncomfortable. I missed Ryder too. She was more like the friend that didn't need to know everything about me to get me. I loved how she was just understanding and never judged even when I was being a bitch to everyone. She also reminded me of when I used to be like her. Humble. Well until I had to meet Logan.

I sighed and took my bag shaking the thoughts of how he used to treat me out of my mind. "You have only seven weeks left Kim, you'll get away from him soon." I said and then walked to the door. I used one of the cars I used to drive before I moved out and the drive to the hotel was quiet. I was just enjoying the breath of fresh air away from the house.


"Oh Kim." Ry rushed to hug me. "I missed you." I chuckled.

"I missed you too Ry." I pulled back and continued with clearing the table. I went to the kitchen with her trailing behind me.

"I thought you were never coming back. You have never missed more than two days of work before." I chuckled.

"I know." I put the tray in a table for the ones responsible for dish washing to do their job. "I was dealing with some family issues that's all." She nodded as we walked out of the kitchen.

"You know I was surprised Miss Carson didn't ask about you, not even once." I looked at her with a frown.

"What's surprising about that?" I asked.

"Wait a minute, she knows about the reason for your absences?" I rolled my eyes.

"No but Logan knows." She gasped.

"And he allowed you to take some time off, just like that?" I shrugged.

"Yeah is there a problem?"

"Kim how do you even do it? One moment you drive him crazy with your attitude towards him, the next moment you are his favourite employee." I chuckled shaking my head.

"You are really funny Ry. Come on, let's get back to work. I'm trying to be efficient for a change." I said walking back to the customers.


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