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I felt a hot wave fanning my face. As much as the warmth was okay since it was towards the end of October so winter was fast approaching. I turned my head and heard a light giggle coming from my left side. I realised my left arm was numb as well. Wait a minute....I opened my eyes and I wasn't in my room. Oh shit. I'm probably at a girl's place.

Damnit Paige. You just started a relationship and you're already in another woman's bed. Shit!

"Good morning beautiful." I tried to raise my head but it throbbed and hurt so bad. I looked at the source of the voice and it was my gorgeous woman. Oh so I didn't cheat afterall. I smiled sheepishly.

"Good morning." I kissed her forehead.

Note to self: Don't get fucking wasted ever again because you always end up forgetting how you ended up in bed with women. What if this wasn't Hailey? What if I woke up and found a stranger in my arms?

"You are so adorable when you're dreaming." She giggled again.

"How did you know I was dreaming?" She smiled getting off the bed.

"Honey it was obvious from the smiles." She went to the bathroom while I took my phone from the bedside.

"Babe it's almost eight. Why didn't you wake me up?" I yawned and tried to sit up. She appeared.

"You were so adorable so I didn't want to disturb you." She smiled. "Aren't you joining me for a morning shower?"

"You wore me out. I can't move." She laughed.

"Oh come on, now you're being silly." I giggled kicking the blankets off and getting up.

"Well we're gonna be late for breakfast." Since I was her personal assistant, I knew her family's breakfast times on weekdays and weekends.

"Being late is nothing new for you is it?" She giggled running to the shower. This woman will be the death of me.


"Paige mommy said you were at a wedding yesterday. Does it mean you are married now?" I choked on my tea and looked at Hailey. She was giggling.

"Gray no." I cleared my throat. "No honey I'm not married. My sister was getting married." He laughed.

"Okay." He grinned continuing with his meal like he didn't just ask something so shocking.

Are kids like these? If I wanted to have my own one day then maybe I should start considering if I'll be able to handle such questions that come out of the blue. I wonder how Hailey copes.


Hailey's POV

After Paige left in the afternoon I decided to catch up on some work. Kiara had sent her driver a few hours ago to come pick up the twins for a day with her kids and her husband to the park. She had promised to bring them back before dinner.

"Mrs Anders!" I giggled shaking my head even before I looked at who was calling me. I knew who it was.

"Someone is in a good mood." I said and she sat down.

"And I always tease you when I'm happy. Am I not the best bestfriend ever?" She chuckled.

"Not even close." She rolled her eyes making me laugh. "I barely see you these days, are we still living together?" She burst out laughing.

"I was gone for a week come on." She grinned.

"I hate your boyfriend." She laughed again since she understood I was just joking.

"You're so silly. Where are my babies?"

"With Kiara and her family. They all went to the park." She nodded.

"And I assume you've been working all day." I shrugged.

"Not all day but for a few hours." I said closing my laptop. "You missed breakfast with Paige." She smirked.

"Have you two finally made things official?" She asked.

"Yes." She squeled.

"Finally!" I let out giggle rolling my eyes. "Finally she falls in love again!"

"Did you really have to shout?" She nodded smiling.

"Yes. The whole world has to know that my bestfriend is happy again. I am so happy." She said taking my hand to hers.

"You're the most craziest person I know Brooke." I laughed. "But not yet. I don't want the world knowing about my relationship yet. I'm not ready for their opinions for now." She nodded.

"What?! A new relationship?" I turned back to see a shocked Kiara. "Hailey are you in a relationship with someone else already?" She took slow steps coming towards us. So Kiara and Justin were the only ones in the family that didn't know I had decided to be open to relationships again.

"Um...." I cleared my throat thinking of an answer for her question. One might say it was a simple question that required a simple yes or no but seemingly it was hard for me to answer.

"You should probably tell her." Brooke whispered.

"Oh so it's true." Kiara let out a huff. "You have forgotten my brother just like that."

"Excuse me? Kiara how can you say that? I loved your brother so much that I mourned him for five years." I said.

"How do you explain what I heard then? When was even the last time you visited his grave?" I looked at her surprised.

"Hey don't go there. You have no idea how many mornings, afternoons and nights she spent crying on that grave." Brooke yelled. She had quite a temper.

"And who are you again? Last time I checked you were only a visitor." What?

"Kiara that's enough."

"No!" She shouted startling me. "You don't get to tell me what is enough after what you just did." She gave me a disgusted look. "I am so disappointed in you Hailey." I stood up slowly.

"What exactly have I done that made you so disappointed? Is it that I chose to finally move on and be happy after five freaking years? I mourned him for five full years, what more do you want?" She kept quiet.

"You should've waited for a little longer." My eyes widened.

"What? Do you have any idea of what you're saying?" Brooke asked standing up. "You just told her she should've waited a bit longer? Do you even know she was about to lose her fucking mind because of loneliness? Her freaking relationship with her kids was almost non existent. Because of her new relationship she can finally spend time with her kids. She no longer has mood swings as often." A tear dropped from my face. "You are the most insensitive and selfish woman I have ever laid my eyes on." She grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs.


And that's how the family feuds began.

Honestly sometimes I think in laws are annoying.😂😂 Don't mind me that's just my opinion.

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