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I looked at the couple again shocked. "A house?" I asked and they nodded.

"It's in New York too." Dom said. "It's furnished and everything but if you don't like the style, we can have some people change it for you."

"Wait a minute, you mean you guys bought me a freaking house?" I asked to be sure.

"Yes." Kiara said.

"But that's too much." I said looking at the keys again. "A bottle of wine or flowers would have been okay with me. A whole house? Are you kidding me?"

"Paige you saved not just any kid but Tony and Karen Anders' grandkid, MY kids' cousin, Kiara Anders Holmes' daughter, Dominic Holmes' only daughter. Trust me you deserve it." Hailey said.

"She's right. Allison is not just any kid." I sighed.

"I don't know what to say." I looked at the keys again for the hundredth time.

"We understand you're overwhelmed but since you're already part of our family you will get used to such gifts." Kiara said. I looked at her and shook my head.

"This is insane. A whole house? Are you guys sure about this?" They chuckled.

"Of course we are. What's a house when the whole Anders family can buy the whole city?" My eyes widened in shock. It just came to light that these people actually owned this town. She was right, a freaking house was nothing to them.

"Very true." Hailey said.

"Wow." I whispered. "Honestly I have no words right now but thank you Kiara. Thank you Dom." I said.

"You're welcome." They said together.

"Congratulations on your new house babe." Hailey said before kissing my lips.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"So where is it?" Hailey asked and I realised I was also curious. I was blown away by the gift I forgot to ask.

"Oh it's in Tribeca." Kiara answered. Rich neighbourhood, I thought to myself.

"Perfect location." Hailey said.

"I agree." Dom said. I gazed at the keys yet again still finding it hard to believe that at my age I already owned a house. A mansion if I must say, because the North only contained mansions. I wondered what my parents would say. Would they be proud of how I got the house? I promised them that I would work hard to achieve things like these but life had other plans for me. First Hailey got me a car and now I am getting a house. Maybe mom will be cool about it since she didn't freak out about the car. In fact both my parents didn't, they were just happy I finally got a car. I hope they react the same way even with the house.

"Babe?" I came back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I cleared my throat. "It's just still hard to believe I own a house at twenty-three. Well I'm almost twenty-four but I didn't think I'd have one at this age." I said.

"I owned the house I live in now at the age of twenty one." I giggled.

"She's right. My brother married her when she was twenty one and a month later he died leaving everything with her." Kiara said but I already knew this. I also knew why Hailey made the decision to get married at an early age. She explained to me a month after we started our relationship.


"Babe if your late husband died over five years ago and you are now twenty seven. Th-" she cut me off.

"He's been gone for six years now." She corrected me.

"It's six years now?" She nodded.

"Last week was the sixth anniversary of his death." I looked at her surprised.

"How come I didn't know?" She let out a pained laugh.

"Telling you wouldn't have changed anything Paige." She sighed. "I missed work on Tuesday remember?" I nodded. "That was the day."

"I'm sorry." I said when I didn't know what else to say. She looked at me and smiled.

"It's okay." She planted a kiss on my lips. "So what were you asking?"

"Oh um, I wanted to know why you chose to get married at twenty one." She let out a chuckle.

"Short version, I wanted to fulfil Xavier's wish." I got confused.

"Long version?" I asked.

"After my twenty first birthday his heart failure got worse. So one day I was in his room while he was sleeping with all these machines attached to him. I came across a notebook and when I opened it, it had his wish list at the back." She smiled as if remembering the day.

"Really?" She nodded.

"All wishes were checked except for two." I gave her a puzzled look.

"What were they?"

"Getting married and having kids." She said and I felt bad that he died before he could see his kids. Hailey made sure to help him fulfil all his wishes but he still didn't get to see them.

"That is so sad." I sighed. "He didn't get to see them." She nodded.

"I know but I believe he's happy he fulfilled all his wishes." I nodded. "After I saw what he wanted dearly before he died I just couldn't help but to let him know that if he really wanted to get married I can do that for him and we did. His heart pains lessened the week of our wedding and after we got married he was almost normal so we travelled to his favourite places and I was always hoping I would get pregnant so he could fulfil his last wish but he died before I found out."

End of flashback

"I know." I said to Kiara with a polite smile. I closed the box again to avoid staring at the keys again.

"We need to definitely throw you a house warming party once you move in." Hailey said.

"I don't think that is necessary."

"Oh it is." Kiara said. "Yes it is Paige."

"Why?" I asked. "I mean you have already spent too much on the house, I don't want you to worry yourself about a party." I quickly said.

"Paige you worry too much. Money isn't a problem in our family." Kiara said. "I promise you, it'll be so beautiful everyone will talk about it."

"Everyone?" She nodded and I looked over at Hailey. She chuckled.

"Kiara is the best person to plan an event in the family baby, so you can relax. She'll definitely make it the most fun party." Hailey assured me.

"You're not taking no for an answer are you?" Dom chuckled while his wife shook her head.

"Nope." I sighed.

"Fine then." I finally said and they all celebrated.

"Oh my God, I can't wait." Kiara squeled like a little child making me laugh. "You will love my job, trust me."


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