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Hailey's POV

"You are so funny Paige, you know you don't have to thank me. You should get back to your family. Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight Hailey." She said before hanging up. I found myself smiling to myself. I giggled like a teenage girl when I remembered what transpired in the office earlier.


"Hailey" she whispered softly in between our kisses. "Wait." I looked at her scared she might say she can't do this. "Your office is covered in glass, anyone can figure out what is going on in here even without seeing our faces."

"Oh." I looked at the frosted glass walls and door. "Come with me." I grabbed her hand and went to the door that used to lead to a mini library. Xavier loved to read. I scanned my palm and the doors opened revealing a secret chamber. After Xavier died I had all his books moved to our home and made this a bedroom for when I had late nights.

"You have a bedroom in your office?" Paige looked around admiring the place. "Wow."

"I had it made specifically for late nights." She looked at me.

"I thought you had a driver." She said and I smiled getting closer to her. I kissed her lips.

"It would be very cruel of me to make him wait till one in the morning." I whispered my breath hitting her beautiful face.

Clears throat

She captured my lips immediately and pushed me to the bed gently. I laid and she got on top of me immediately. The kiss was so passionate it turned me on immediately.

Parts of my body that I thought were dead resurrected to life. I moaned when her lips made contact with my bare neck. She sucked on it making the sensitive area between my legs throb.

Her hands travelled to my skirt lifting it up and revealing my red panties that matched my bra.

"We don't have much time so we'll have to be quick." She said before going down on me. "Damn you're already dripping." She took my panties off and the next thing I felt were her lips sucking me out.

"Paige" I moaned.

She sucked on my core harder making me gasp for air immediately before an intense orgasm came over me. She licked all my juices before coming to my face again.

"You haven't had sex in a long time haven't you?" She smiled while her hand travelled down my stomach.

"It's been five years." I whispered releasing a shaky breath. She kissed me again before rubbing my clit slowly in circular motions. I broke the kiss to gasp for air. Her lips went for my ear giving it soft bites while her hands rubbed me.

"I want you to ride my fingers." She whispered just before she inserted a finger.

"Ah!" I moaned louder at the sudden increase in pleasure. I rode slowly while she also rubbed the clit. The rhythm continued. "Oh Paige!" She increased the pace.

"Cum for me again beautiful." I released immediately she pressed in harder. I was out of breath and my legs couldn't stop shaking. That was the best orgasm I've had in a long time. "We're not done yet." She whispered again and I felt another finger going in.



I was curled up in Paige's arms naked after four intense orgasms. My body was still sensitive from mere touches and kisses.

"Paige where did you learn how to do all that?" She giggled and kissed my temple.

"I just love hearing a woman moan my name so that's how I get the motivation to please you even better." I smiled. "I should get back to my desk."

"Can I see you tonight?" I asked raising my head to look at her.

"I can't see you tonight Hailey. After work I'm going home to see my parents with my siblings." A little disappointment hit me making my smile drop. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I rose to sit on the bed. "I'll still see you when you come back." She smiled and gave me a kiss before getting off the bed.

"Of course you will beautiful." She fixed her clothes and hair. As I was looking at Paige put herself together in front of the mirror I remembered that her home was a three hour drive and if she were to wait till closing office hours then they'd arrive in the middle of the night. I looked at my wrist watch. 3:25 pm. That's better.

"You know what, you can knock off early today just so you reach home early." She turned immediately.

"Are you serious?" I nodded. "It's not because we just....." I giggled.

"No. I just thought you'd be delighted to reach home early and have more time with your family." She smiled her grey eyes softening.

"Thank you Hailey."

"Tell Bobby to take you to your apartment as well. I'm sure you'll  want to change." I said. She came to bed again with a smirk.

"I think someone has earned herself another round." I giggled.

End of flashback

"Okay Mrs Anders who has got you smiling like that?" Brooke said dropping herself next to me on the couch.

"Mrs Anders?" I giggled. "Since when have you started calling me that?" She chuckled.

"Okay Hailey, who is he?" I laughed.

"There is no he in my life relax." She gave me a wary look.

"That's not true." I giggled and looked into her eyes.

"Your question should have been, who is she?" Her eyes widened as she gasped.

"Hailey freaking Finley!" I giggled. "A she?"

"Yes a she."

"When did you even discover that you're into women?" She asked.

"Not women Brooke but just one lady." I smiled. "One freaking amazing woman who made me feel alive again."

"Wait a minute, don't tell me you guys have already had sex."

"And what if we did?"

"Oh my goodness, who are you and what have you done to my friend?" I burst out giggling.

"You are so funny Brooke." She let out a chuckle shaking her head.

"So do I know her? What is she a model? An actress maybe?" I laughed again.

"No. She's not any of that but you do know her I'm just not going to tell you for now who she is but I promise you'll meet her soon." I grabbed my phone. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to rest I'm tired." I laughed and got up.

"You did it today? Oh my God!" I giggled and walked to the stairs.


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