Bonus Chapter

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Hailey's POV

"Camilla if you don't come down now, I will lose it!!" She finally appeared up the stairs in a short black sleeveless dress and black and white sneakers. She's really growing up to look exactly like me.

"I'm here mother, no need to yell at me like a crazy woman." She said before rolling her eyes.

"Cammy don't talk to you mother like that." My beautiful wife said. These two are usually the best of friends but Paige is a fair person. She doesn't condone bad behavior.

Cammy finally reached the lower level and she sighed before facing me.

"I'm sorry mother." She apologized.

"Don't repeat that." I picked Andrew up and started walking towards the car. Bobby was already waiting for us.

I could hear Paige scolding Camilla on our way to the car, something about not liking it when someone upsets her wife. I smiled to myself. I love this woman.

We all got in the car and I helped the toddler into his car seat. He loved it when we were in a car. No wonder he loves Gray more than the rest of us, they both love traveling.

Paige helped Aliyah with her seatbelt before scooting closer to me and wrapping her arms around me. I smiled looking at her and she kissed me softly.

"No!" Andrew yelled making us laugh.

"I think his favourite word is no." I said to my wife.

"You taught him that word." She said.

"He was trying to eat my phone." I defended.

"I know beautiful." She kissed my forehead. The car started and we were on our way to one of our beach houses. Schools were opening soon so our kids deserved the last getaway before they went back to school.

After the two hour drive, we finally arrived. Andrew was long asleep and so was Aliyah. The two teenagers were mostly on their phones during the ride and my wife and I in each other's arms.

The staff helped us with our bags while I took Andrew to his room. Paige took Aliyah to hers too.

It was around lunchtime so they'd be up soon, I know. After going back downstairs, I made sure someone was responsible for checking on my last born while we ate. To my surprise I found Paige with Aliyah awake in the living room. The twins were probably in their rooms.

"She's already awake?" I giggled before kissing the little princess.

"Yup, Cammy's phone went off and she woke up." Makes sense. I sat next to them.

"Lunch will be ready soon sweetie okay?" Aliyah nodded.

"Yes mommy." I smiled before turning back to Paige.

"What?" I asked.

"Baby I'm sorry about Cammy's attitude earlier. I don't like it when she disrespects you like that, but I already gave her the talk." I smiled.

"It's okay baby, I understand she's a teenager and she's probably dealing with a lot of new emotions and hormones." She shook her head.

"She is but it doesn't justify disrespecting you in front of the other kids." That's true.

"She'll come around." I assured.

"She better, before I lose it." I giggled.

"But you never lose it." I said.

"Are you sure about that? Or do you need to be reminded?" I gasped blush creeping up on me immediately I understood what she meant.

"Paige!" She giggled and winked.

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