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One week later

It was the night of the party and man did Kiara do a wonderful job. All this while I was avoiding going to the house to check it out because I wanted to be surprised when I saw it tonight and I was more than surprised. It looked like a castle. I couldn't believe I owned the huge building. I felt like Dom and Kiara knew me so well because the mansion was everything I ever dreamed of and I didn't want to change anything. Mostly white and black with huge windows. The decorations for the party were also gold and black. I think Hailey had something to do with the black.

And of course like you already know, if you're associated with rich people, you bet their parties will always have journalists. Now I understood why Kiara was like 'everyone will be talking about the party'. At first it was uncomfortable seeing them there but then they weren't bothering me with a lot of questions so I got used to it as the night went on.

"She's really cute." I told Stephen when his girl excused herself to the bathroom.

"I told you you'd like her." I nodded sipping my champagne. "So are you going to tell me why you never mentioned to Kim that you now know why she left you? I thought you said you wanted to help her." I chuckled.

"She doesn't need my help. She's already away probably starting a new life." I said drinking again.

"She quit?" I nodded.

"Seems like he finally let her go since he didn't make a fuss about her leaving." I said to him. After we found out that Kim was forcefully married to Logan I was clearly shocked but then I realised it was none of my business anymore since we weren't together anymore.

"As much as I don't like her, I am relieved she finally left that monster." I nodded.

I looked around and spotted Coralie and the other kids dancing and having a good time. I smiled at the scene. Kids are really a beautiful thing. Like I promised Coralie, I did her face tonight with the permission of her mother while Hailey allowed Cammy to only do a red lip so she wouldn't be sad about not putting on make up.

I looked around again and my parents were laughing with Karen and Tony. Old people. I giggled silently when I said that in my mind. I loved how everyone was just happy and conversing with each other in harmony.

"Paige!" Amy came running with her visibly big baby bump. I opened my arms and we hugged.

"I'll be right back." Stephen said.

"You're late." I said with a giggle.

"I'm so sorry, the dress I bought when you told me about the party wouldn't fit anymore so I had to turn my closet upside down to find something to wear." I giggled looking at her white sweatdress which used to be oversized but now fit her perfectly.

"You still look beautiful." I said.

"I feel underdressed." She pouted. "I mean look around. These people all look elegant."

"Trust me you look perfect." I said kissing her forehead lightly so I don't leave a lipstick mark.

"Thank you." She smiled and I touched her stomach.

"Hey buddy." I said and Amy giggled.

"Austin couldn't stop screaming the other night when the baby kicked for the first time." We both giggled.

"Really?" She nodded. "I wonder how it feels." I said.

"You'll find out soon." She said and I smiled. She looked around nervously.

"What's wrong?"

"I still feel underdressed." I rolled my eyes.

"Sis relax you look hot with your baby bump." She giggled and hit my arm.

"You're lying to me."

"If you weren't pregnant I'd say have a drink and maybe you'll feel better." She burst out laughing.

"You are so funny." She said making me laugh. The sound of a microphone was heard and we both looked at the podium. Kiara smiled bringing the mic to her lips.

"Ladies and gentlemen can I please have your attention." She said. A waitress walked by and I pulled her aside.

"Please get my sister some juice." She nodded and left with my empty glass of champagne.

"So I know we all know why we are here but I just want to take this wonderful opportunity again to say thank you to the most humble and kind hearted woman I know. Paige Carson." She pointed my direction and everyone turned their heads. Damn. Did she really have to make them look at me like this? "If it wasn't for her my little Allison wouldn't be alive and for that we'll forever grateful. If anybody knows Kiara Anders-Holmes, they know I love my kids dearly. That's why my darling husband and I had to thank Paige with this beautiful house." Everybody awed. "I know it's not my party but I just needed to get a few words out there and let each and every one of you how wonderful she is before she comes up and make her speech." My eyes widened in shock as everyone applauded.

What?! A freaking speech? I looked at Kiara with wide eyes and she smiled calling me up. "Come on, you can do this." Amy said.

"No I can't." I whispered to her and she shook her head.

"Yes you can, now get your butt up there." She pushed me lightly I almost lost balance but thankfully I didn't. I smiled sheepishly at the people who were staring at me as I walked to where Kiara was slowly thinking of what the fuck I'd say and why wasn't I informed I'd have to make a fucking speech? I stopped a waiter with full glasses of champagne and quickly gulped the liquor to calm my nerves. The flashlights of the cameras taking pictures kept disturbing my vision but I made it to the podium with my heart pumping so fast.

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you to prepare a speech." Kiara whispered with a smirk.

"It's not funny you know." I said and she giggled almost silently giving me the mic. I took it and cleared my throat turning to the people staring at me. I took a deep breath and then started. "Okay first of all I just want to thank you all for taking your precious time to come here and celebrate with me, my family and friends on the new house Dom and Kiara decided to give to me for saving their daughter. Honestly I wasn't expecting such a thank you gift, especially a really beautiful house like this so thank to you guys again." I looked around and my eyes landed on Hailey next to her brother smiling and looking breathtaking. "I also want to thank my beautiful girlfriend Hailey." Everybody cheered. "Without you I wouldn't be here. You always tell me I'm the best thing that has happened to you in a long time and I want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me too." Tears filled her eyes immediately and I giggled. "You know I hate it when you cry." She laughed and the tears fell. "I want you to know I'll always love you. You're stuck with me Finley. Thank you." I heard chuckles before I gave back the mic to Kiara. I made my way yo Hailey and she opened her arms and I hugged her tightly. "I meant every fucking word I said." I whispered to her hoping she hears even with the cheers and applause of everybody.

"I love you too." She said.


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